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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited August 2011
    Gee. I usually don't knock anyone because of their grades, but DAMN! Did he ever even show up at class?

    Also, this is the guy kilarney thinks is smarter than Obama?
    Don't worry, at least he got a D in Principles of Economics. JOB CREATION BITCH!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Man if they keep lowering the bar, even I will be able to run for President some day :-p
  • Beck with Bachmann eyes.

    I made this as a url instead of posting the image because it's a bit freaky and didn't want to expose people unless they were willing.
  • Man if they keep lowering the bar, even I will be able to run for President some day :-p
    To be more precise, you'll be the only one here qualified, because anyone with more than a B.A. is obviously an ivory-tower academic elitist who doesn't understand the real America.
  • Man if they keep lowering the bar, even I will be able to run for President some day :-p
    To be more precise, you'll be the only one here qualified, because anyone with more than a B.A. is obviously an ivory-tower academic elitist who doesn't understand the real America.
  • Oh I guess I'm not qualified anymore since I have a B.S. but my GPA was pretty similar in college :-p
  • edited August 2011
    Wait, why are we mocking B.A.s? I had to learn fucking French to get mine and you wouldn't believe the number of lit courses I aced for that puppy. Also, I had enough history and economics credits to get minors in both, but I just couldn't afford to pay for those extra titles because I footed my entire college bill solo.

    I am not an ignorant person, yo.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Man if they keep lowering the bar, even I will be able to run for President some day :-p
    Glenn Beck would say that you are a gay devil worshipper who went to an elitist norteastern school where you were taught to hate America.
  • edited August 2011
    Man if they keep lowering the bar, even I will be able to run for President some day :-p
    Glenn Beck would say that you are a gay devil worshipper who went to an elitist norteastern school where you were taught to hate America.
    Well, that at least describes me fairly accurately.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Glenn Beck would say that you are a gay devil worshipper who went to an elitist norteastern school where you were taught to hate America.
    Nah, my undoing would be if they connected this forum with me in anyway :-p
    anni-anni-anni-anni-anni-anni-anni-anti intellectualism
  • So much truthin the first bit of this eps.
  • Those food chilling motherfuckers. I had no idea they were living in a life of luxury.
  • edited August 2011
    In reference to ColbyBlogger's comments about global warming, I have question I've never heard an environmental scientist address:

    The CO2 levels are higher than have ever been seen in the records. The records are stored in ice caps. If the CO2 levels ever reached a height that melted the global ice caps, would that not erase those exact records? How can we say the planet has never seen CO2 levels this high, when the records we look at probably would be destroyed by such levels? Do we have measures of planetary CO2 levels as measured by anything besides ice cores that go back far enough?

    I am not saying humans don't affect global warming, I'm not arguing any of the political bullshit that seemed to be a response to ColbyBlogger's skepticism. I think it is valid to question scientific method with a whole and entire understanding. This is one part I don't understand. I have heard climatologists say "we've seen no record of CO2 levels this high in the ice core records," which is not the same as "the planet has never seen this much CO2."
    Post edited by Byron on
  • How can we say the planet has never seen CO2 levels this high, when the records we look at probably would be destroyed by such levels?
    Extremely cold water also dissolves very high levels of CO2, so I suppose it's possible that trapped CO2 could simply dissolve into very cold water as the ice melts, and then get trapped again during a freeze. Polar water is exceedingly cold, especially as you get deeper into the ocean.

    I am not a climatologist; this is pure speculation on my part. However, I do know a thing or two about forcing carbon dioxide into liquids; beer brewing revolves around it.
  • edited August 2011
    It's not so much the absolute level of CO2 that is the most worrisome thing. It's the rate at which the levels are changing. Honestly, who cares if the change is caused by man or not? It's going too fast. We have two options: Do nothing or try to arrest the increase. If we do nothing, we absolutely will not slow it down. If we try to arrest the increase, we might slow it down.

    If I'm gonna get eaten by a Yeti, I might as well go down fighting. At least if I fight, there's a change I can escape.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • If I'm gonna get eaten by a Yeti, I might as well go down fighting. At least if I fight, there's a change I can escape.
    Freaking insatiable snow honkies....
  • To add to the hypocrisy, our dear GOP is now attempting to end a payroll tax cut, which is notable because of how they want to continue most other tax cuts and because payroll tax only counts on about the first $100,000 one earns, meaning that this tax cut had only really affected people making about $102,000 or less.
  • Rick Perry says abstinence works...and says the reason Texas has the highest teen pregnancy rate is because it's not being taught properly...
  • Well abstinence does have a really high success rate. I mean the bible only has one immaculate conception that I know of.
  • It's just being applied incorrectly.
  • The best part of that conversation went sort of like this:
    Perry: "Abstinence works"
    Interviewer: "But the numbers show it doesn't."
    Perry: " works."
    Interviewer: "No seriously, we're the worst for teen pregnancy.
    Perry: *brain breaks*
  • Abstinence does work. If you practice it.

    It's the expectation that people will practice it that is flawed. Abstinence works, but abstinence-only education does not work.
  • edited August 2011
    Abstinence does work. If you practice it.
    This assumes that the human experience works like:


    when in reality it's more like:


    The conscious mind is given periodic updates as a courtesy and requests from conscious mind are taken under advisement (and that's how it is for adults, never mind teenagers).
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Abstinence works. Abstinence Only Education does not.
  • This assumes that the human experience works like:
    You absolutely have a point, but not the right one right now. Sure, there are drives, and hormones, and Social pressures, and all that other stuff, but if you're not fuckin', you're not fuckin'.
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