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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • We just had a Republican here call American Indians "red men." Sigh.
  • (R) Iowa - Steve King: Herpa derpa birth control derpa doooooo!
    But if we help low-wage families get birth control, where will get the cannon fodder for our next profit-mongering war?
  • (R) Iowa - Steve King: Herpa derpa birth control derpa doooooo!
    I don't even know.
  • (R) Iowa - Steve King: Herpa derpa birth control derpa doooooo!
    Steve King is a pretty good stand up comedian. What's the minimum cover to get into the House while he's performing?
  • edited August 2011
    Kelsey Grammar mulling run for Mayor of New York.
    I don't think this is crazy or grrrr-worthy, but he IS republican and it IS politics.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Kelsey Grammar mulling run for Mayor of New York.
    I don't think this is crazy or grrrr-worthy, but he IS republican and it IS politics.
    Hmmmm, not sure. Never heard him speak about politics, but him endorsing Bush Jr., Guillianni and McCain doesn't bode well. However, I doubt he has a chance in the political field due to his long, long history of substance abuse.
  • (R) Iowa - Steve King: Herpa derpa birth control derpa doooooo! has a nice article about him, and some PAC shill named Sandy Rios who says

    "We’re $14 trillion in debt and now we’re going to cover birth control, breast pumps, counseling for abuse? Are we going to do pedicures and manicures as well?”
  • It's nice to know that in conservative America, the same weight is given to pedicures as is given to the scars left by physical abuse.
  • That up there made me rage a bit, yeah. But no surprise, because as we all know, they hate women. Even the women in the conservative movement hate women. It follows.
  • What about old people scooters? How about we stop covering those?
  • LOL. Aren't Repugnatans always complaining about how much is spent on welfare? Providing birth control to those that can't afford it could help reduce unwanted/unplanned pregnancy for the poor and, therefore, have fewer families requiring additional financial assistance. Aren't they supposed to be the fiscally responsible ones.

    Also, most insurance plans provide free or very low co-pays for medications to treat erectile dysfunctions. If we can afford to help get men up, we should be able to afford to birth control to women.
  • edited August 2011
    we should be able to afford to birth control to women.
    But is the women aren't having babies then what good are they?

    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Watch out, George! Kate's gonna find you, then PEE ON YOU! XD
  • And now a message from fictitious Texas Governor Prick Error:
  • Now that Glenn Beck is off TV let's all pretend he fell down a long well and nobody bothered throwing down a rope.
  • More pissed off at Glenn Beck's insistence not to understand multiple universes. And the phrase "stupid comic books".
    He's also insisting the new Spiderman is gay- don't think that's the case.
    Xeno/Homophobic fucktard.
  • Thankfully, sometimes Republicans do show some level of understanding:Chris Christie slams fearmongers
  • edited August 2011
    Thankfully, sometimes Republicans do show some level of understanding:Chris Christie slams fearmongers
    Onya Chris Christie!

    I think that's something that happens a little too often in American politics. You're either Republican, Democrat, Or generally not involved in the process beyond making noise. So, What happened to things like, I don't fuckin' know, Looking at Policies that a candidate espouses, rather than the Little bracketed letter after their name?

    I mean, Look at Ron Paul - He's got a little (R) after his name, but in reality, he should have a (BFC) for "Batfuck crazy". Not to mention, if people stopped and thought for a goddamn second, he wouldn't even be in congress - He's a Hyper-religious, racist(no joke, either - The tie for his biggest supporters goes between clueless libertarians and Stormfront/Stormfront supporters. Yes, that Stormfront - and don't think Ron doesn't know or doesn't want it, because he's no stranger to campaigning to openly racist groups), sexist, abilist, homophobic, xenophobic, and never met a conspiracy theory short of reptoids that he didn't swallow like a desperate corner whore.

    If the Libertarian movement looked at him and his history, rather than just going "HEY HE LIKES AYN RAND AND SHIT YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!", most of them would drop him like a hot rock.

    People, and even politicians, fall all over the political spectrum. Yeah, there are plenty of republicans like Ron Paul who is somewhere to the Right of Saddam Hussein, but you've also got republicans so liberal that they make Kilarney mutter obscenities and cross himself. You've got democrats who range across a very similar spectrum, too.

    So, why not fuck off with this "Oh, but I can't vote for him, he's a Democrat!/Republican!/Reptoid!" business, examine the various policies offered by each, and go with the one that provides the most benefit to the most people.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So, why not fuck off with this "Oh, but I can't vote for him, he's a Democrat!/Republican!/Reptoid!" business, examine the various policies offered by each, and go with the one that provides the most benefit to the most people.
    But that takes time, effort, and understanding.

    I'd rather base my opinions on how attractive the candidate is and a few short sound bytes the media tries to cram down my throat, thank you very much! Besides, it doesn't matter how well or how poorly the candidate I vote for does, because I can just put my fingers in my ears and scream when things start looking a little wrong.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Thankfully, sometimes Republicans do show some level of understanding:Chris Christie slams fearmongers
    Onya Chris Christie!

    I think that's something that happens a little too often in American politics. You're either Republican, Democrat, Or generally not involved in the process beyond making noise. So, What happened to things like, I don't fuckin' know, Looking at Policies that a candidate espouses, rather than the Little bracketed letter after their name?

    I mean, Look at Ron Paul - He's got a little (R) after his name, but in reality, he should have a (BFC) for "Batfuck crazy". Not to mention, if people stopped and thought for a goddamn second, he wouldn't even be in congress - He's a Hyper-religious, racist(no joke, either - The tie for his biggest supporters goes between clueless libertarians and Stormfront/Stormfront supporters. Yes, that Stormfront - and don't think Ron doesn't know or doesn't want it, because he's no stranger to campaigning to openly racist groups), sexist, abilist, homophobic, xenophobic, and never met a conspiracy theory short of reptoids that he didn't swallow like a desperate corner whore.

    If the Libertarian movement looked at him and his history, rather than just going "HEY HE LIKES AYN RAND AND SHIT YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!", most of them would drop him like a hot rock.

    People, and even politicians, fall all over the political spectrum. Yeah, there are plenty of republicans like Ron Paul who is somewhere to the Right of Saddam Hussein, but you've also got republicans so liberal that they make Kilarney mutter obscenities and cross himself. You've got democrats who range across a very similar spectrum, too.

    So, why not fuck off with this "Oh, but I can't vote for him, he's a Democrat!/Republican!/Reptoid!" business, examine the various policies offered by each, and go with the one that provides the most benefit to the most people.

    Libertarians don't care about logic. They only care about being able to rape as many people as they can before they croak.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • edited August 2011
    Libertarians don't care about logic. They only care about being able to rape as many people as they can before they croak.
    I disagree. Every libertarian I've met is actually an anarchist. They claim they want small federal government. Their words, voting habits, and actions show they also want small local government. In truth, they want no government at all. I believe that is the formal definition of anarchist as a political position (desiring zero government).

    Basically the punk kids who rode skateboards and said "adults suck" grew up and became Libertarian.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Rational Anarchy. Its where it is at.
  • edited August 2011
    Anarcho Punk description
    ... this is just so accurate; it even sounds familiar from what people have said about Republicans and Libertarians in certain ways:
    Being an anarcho punk is no easy task. First and foremost, it requires a lot of vocal endurance, as you will spend most of your waking hours bitching and whining about the government and establishment.

    Secondly, it takes physical endurance. You can expect to take a few beatings from riot squad cops. Be sure to bring your camera though, so you can take pictures of yourself posing as a helpless victim of an unfair, oppressive, and corrupt system (which would surely dissapear, should anarchy be in place). Then you can give the pictures to an anarcho punk magazine that nobody reads so you can be a martyr for all punks everywhere.

    Lastly, a lot of mental stamina is required. You will be constantly thinking -- using every bit of brainpower you can -- of new ways to feel oppressed and victimized. This is quite possibly the hardest task of all, as not many people have this kind of mental discipline.
    If you read the link, you'll see Anarcho Punks are anti-corporate as well as anti-government. This is where the politicians split from punk kids.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • See, the funny thing that I notice about libertarians is that they want a system where if you want to be at the top, you have to fight your way there, tooth and nail, and you succeed or fail supposedly on your own merits, real "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?" stuff.

    But, they never seem to assume that they'd be on the bottom of the shitheap. They always somehow assume that they're the cleverest, quickest, best people, and would automatically therfore be the kings of the pile.

    They never seem to mention that someone else might be cleverer - and usually is - better, quicker, and far more evil, and would have them enslaved within about five minutes flat.
  • Truth! That's why they still think they're better then China...
  • edited August 2011
    Gov. (R)ick Perry didn't do very well in college. I would say this would immediately disqualify him for the position of President, but we saw how well a severely retarded frat boy asshole could do a decade ago. Fortunately, Skippy McJackass went full derp, leading a prayer serviceand saying we need to get back to out 'christian values', which will fix the country.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I would say this would immediately disqualify him for the position of President,
    Being in modern US politics should immediately disqualify you from being president.
  • Rick Santorum (R) says Early Childhood Education is a socialist ploy. I wish I was joking.
    This yahoo is so stupid, McCain aide Mark Salter once said the following:
    "For pure, blind stupidity, nobody beats Santorum. In my 20 years in the Senate, I have never met a dumber member."
    Also, Santorum has hinted he might throw in his hat for the presidential race.
    Also, a funny link about the potential Republican entertainment/candidates in 2012.
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