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The Mouse/Keyboard vs. Gamepad Debate



  • You know, I'm not too happy about this little song people have now. They think that now anytime someone criticizes something they like, no matter how accurate the criticism, that they can play this little song and win any argument.
    I wrote another song, since apparently songs win everything.
    The song is not a first salvo, Scott. The song is because you basically take any opportunity to gloat about something that confirms your opinion. You're the guy going WHOOO, LOOK HOW BIG MY ARGUMENT PENIS IS! WHOOOOOOOOO! I'M RIGHT BITCHES, despite the evidence not being anything new, or even particularly serious. Thus, it's not a counter to the "not liking TF2" part. It's a counter to the "being a giant phallus" part.
  • So you admit it, and you still like it and want to play it? I love how when I point out that board games like Candy Land or Monopoly are stupid baby games and that people should play serious board games like Puerto Rico there is much agreement. Yet, when I point out TF2 is a baby game you get mad!
    Have I missed a post somewhere or something because I don't remember seeing any arguments proving that TF2 is a baby game. It's proven that TF2 doesn't rely on the aiming skill as much as some other FPS;es, but that does not equal with it being baby game. Is Dominion baby game because it doesn't have little wooden pieces, or is Settlers of Catan baby game because it has dice in it? Maybe Mega Man in baby game because in it bullets don't bounce like in Mario Bros thus making the shooting enemies too easy.

    Here's something that should be know by anyone who plays video games. Games in the same genre doesn't have to be 100% like each other. That's how it is and how it should be, because variation is always good thing.

    So Scott, please prove that aiming skill should be the one and only measurement stick to goodness of FPS games. If you can't, you were wrong and if you can I will make you a perfect fps game.
  • edited August 2011
    Goddamnit, Apsup, you had to say it, didn't you? At least when he thought he had, at least he'd leave a little more time between repeating himself again. Note: Taking the piss.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Suppression or cover fire is pointless/ineffectual in TF2. People either don't care, or just try anyways and just respawn.
    I found when we were all playing on our server that if I used the heavy to throw some suppression fire at an area, I could effectively control where the other team was headed. I.E. I fired into the doorway causing people to take the other entrance where the rest of my team lies in wait. It worked pretty well.
  • Demomen can suppress like crazy.
  • For sure. I've only logged 20 hours but Demomen can spam the fook out of grenades. I've seen some medic and heavy combos that have dominated matches. I would argue that suppression fire is kind of a big thing.
  • Demomen can spam the fook out of grenades
    Shit now I hear everything in a West Country accent, what have you done.

    That said, Demoman is indeed famous for two things - Demopan, and constant, unceasing grenade spam. Oh christ, the grenade spam.
  • Haha and so it spreads! I'm telling you, swing by the shire. I have a friend from the west who lives in London and speaks in rhymes. It is the best thing to hear.

    I've seen some Demomen be really strong players. Having said that I have seen a couple that just stand still, then wonder why they die all the time.
  • edited August 2011
    Haha and so it spreads! I'm telling you, swing by the shire. I have a friend from the west who lives in London and speaks in rhymes. It is the best thing to hear.
    And I'll match him, nonsense for nonsense. I have not yet begun to talk impenetrable slang!
    I've seen some Demomen be really strong players. Having said that I have seen a couple that just stand still, then wonder why they die all the time.
    True business - you don't want to be chilling just in one place, as a demoman - if you're not moving, you're an easy target for everybody. You're an indirect fire class, going against direct fire classes - you don't want to give them an even easier target. Also, something I hardly ever see now is Demomen using their indirect fire ability - sentry around the corner, what do they do? They run around the corner, and try to get enough grenades off to kill the sentry before they die. What should they do? Bounce your goddamn grenades!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • And I'll match him, nonsense for nonsense. I have not yet begun to talk impenetrable slang!
    Haha its a plan for sure!
    Also, something I hardly ever see now is Demomen using their indirect fire ability - sentry around the corner, what do they do? They run around the corner, and try to get enough grenades off to kill the sentry before they die. What should they do? Bounce your goddamn grenades!
    Its painful! I was playing an engineer in one game and had set up a kill zone. It wasn't the best but man the amount of people who just ran at the dam thing was painful.
  • I wrote another song, since apparently songs win everything.

    There are things that suck and things that are high quality.
    But if someone asks what you like, that's different entirely.
    You like some things that suck, and I hate some stuff that's great.
    Don't get them confused, or there'll be an Internets debate.
    You have to sing it. And post it somewhere it's easily accessible, like, say, YouTube.
  • Just want to add. While the people be down on the heavy for being a simple to play class. It's not about careful aiming at one target, it's about being able to switch off targets as fast as possible to suppress a crowd at range. A good heavy can hold his own against a force several times larger and faster moving, especially with your main enemies being the pyro, spy and scout, quick, if not accurate, aiming is essential.
  • edited August 2011
    This is fucking supression (har har military geek nerd fanboi video).

    I was on a hill 600 meters away from this group of men (approximately 40 players) and suppressed them with a single automatic rifle. They either died or hid behind rocks. That is fucking suppression (also their platoon commander was a fucking retard :/)

    This is how you respond to suppression.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited August 2011
    So you admit it, and you still like it and want to play it? I love how when I point out that board games like Candy Land or Monopoly are stupid baby games and that people should play serious board games like Puerto Rico there is much agreement. Yet, when I point out TF2 is a baby game you get mad!

    You're playing Candy Land so seriously and often. I figured you must not realize you are playing a baby game, so I point out to you that you are playing a baby game. You deny it, so I try to convince you, which has been very difficult. If you realize and agree it's a baby game, that's a zillion times worse! Imagine if there were a serious competitive Candy Land league. There would be no option but to laugh at all the people who took it seriously. Now I have nothing else to convince you of, I can only laugh at you.
    But Puerto Rico is a fucking baby game! Who wants to sit around a stupid table and pretend to grow shit on a colony? I've got an island that I can grow my own coffee and shit on! That's what real men do. They start an island, capture their own goddamn slaves, and build an economy! Anything less than that is a waste of time. Tournaments!?! How stupid! I compete on the free market!

    All hyperbolic analogies aside, games tend to focus on and abstract different things. By allowing players to auto-aim and making that less realistic/challenging, the developers are telling people to focus on things like teamwork and strategy. A better example where you benefited, Scott, may be Yomi. It's a game that allows players to enjoy the RPS-bluffing-strategy aspect of a fighting game without requiring the reflexes/dedication of a fighting game.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • It's okay to share your opinion, as long as you realize//That quality is subjective.//It's okay to ignore this ode//as long as you know that it'll make you a chode.
  • This is fucking supression (har har military geek nerd fanboi video).
    I watched the whole thing, though not because I needed to be informed what suppressing fire is. I like these videos quite a bit. But yes, that is indeed an example of suppression. An Excellent example, in fact, fine work in game there, dude, I am quite impressed.
  • Next up in the obvious answer debate series, we explore which is worth more money: gold versus dirt.
  • Why the fuck would you bump this thread. Would you kick down a baby that had just learned to walk? Because that's what you're doing. You're kicking Internet Babies.
  • edited August 2011
    Why the fuck would you bump this thread. Would you kick down a baby that had just learned to walk? Because that's what you're doing. You're kicking Internet Babies.
    Also not terribly well considered - it would not be out of the general character of this forum to argue that Gold is worth more in US Dollars(the actual value of which may also be subject to debate, you never know around here), but in terms of pure utility independent of monetary value, Dirt is far, far more useful. Especially if you consider the fact that it is possible, depending on the location you get it from, to extract gold from dirt.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2011
    Why the fuck would you bump this thread. Would you kick down a baby that had just learned to walk? Because that's what you're doing. You're kicking Internet Babies.
    First of all, it was on the first page, dude. Secondly, I'm really delighted that someone was made even a little upset by me "bumping" it, at least enough so to try and call me out. I really couldn't happier, unless, of course, someone decided to also try and seriously debate the merits of dirt and gold in a contrarian, "you cant say anything without me saying you're wrong because all things are debatable and subjective, etc" manner. Which Churba has done, rapscallion that he is. Basically I'd like to know why I shouldn't have bumped it.
    Post edited by Special A on
  • I don't see how this is even a debate. Mouse and keyboard is better for shooters. As long as its not a competition between one guy with a controller and the other with a mouse and keyboard IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Just play with whatever you want.
  • edited August 2011
    Throughout all this, I... I actually AGREE with Scott. He's made several good points.
    If someone makes fun of something, and their critique is true.
    Don't worry your head, they're not making fun of you.
    Everybody likes some things that just happen to suck.
    Don't try to argue that it's good, or you'll look like a shmuck.
    There are things that suck and things that are high quality.
    But if someone asks what you like, that's different entirely.
    You like some things that suck, and I hate some stuff that's great.
    Don't get them confused, or there'll be an Internets debate.
    I am going to record both of these tonight before I pack for Palm Springs.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Why the fuck would you bump this thread. Would you kick down a baby that had just learned to walk? Because that's what you're doing. You're kicking Internet Babies.
    First of all, it was on the first page, dude. Secondly, I'm really delighted that someone was made even a little upset by me "bumping" it, at least enough so to try and call me out. I really couldn't happier, unless, of course, someone decided to also try and seriously debate the merits of dirt and gold in a contrarian, "you cant say anything without me saying you're wrong because all things are debatable and subjective, etc" manner. Which Churba has done, rapscallion that he is. Basically I'd like to know why I shouldn't have bumped it.
  • Which Churba has done, rapscallion that he is.
    Not really, just the first arguments that popped into my head, I'm not making any serious attempt to argue about it. If I was, for a start, I would have noted which input system I was relating to which option in the gold or dirt argument.
  • edited August 2011
    These are the recorded mouse movements of someone playing L4D2. I'm curious to see what other games would look like under similar conditions.

    /yes I continue trolling everyone
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Here is an hour of DoTA
    All of portal
    18 minutes of Quake
  • edited August 2011
    Weren't those actually LFD2 movements? (The first set, I mean)
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited August 2011
    Weren't those actually LFD2 movements?
    Yes, sorry. I fixed it.
    EDIT: Here is some TF2
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited August 2011
    These are the recorded mouse movements of someone playing TF2. I'm curious to see what other games would look like under similar conditions.
    Actually, I saw that on Reddit. It's L4D2, not TF2.
    Removed for duplication.
    EDIT: Reload before edit, reload before edit.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • What were the mouse sensitivities set at for all of these? That makes a big difference.
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