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What movie have you seen recently?



  • John Carter was exceptional. The story was a gripping power struggle on multiple fronts and was also a believable love story. The CG looked pretty awesome an Michael Giacchino's score was great. Definitely go see this movie.
  • Did you see it in 3D or normal? We're about to go watch it in a few and haven't decided which to watch.
  • 3D was okay. It wasn't needed, but it wasn't bad, IMAX on the other hand, was well worth it.
  • I like the "Lorax", didn't love it. I think if it would have being made by Dreamworks instead of Fox it would have being better.
    I was disappointment by "The Secret World of Ariety". The story just fell flat in my opinion.
    I just watched "The Artist". I loved many things about it. It is not my favorite silent movie. It doesn't even fall within my top five silent movies. But it does many things right. I think, what I loved about it is that is a love letter to the era of silent movies and in a way it proves that silent movies done right can be a success (The Artist production budged was of 15 million and it has already made 103 million worldwide).
    I was going to watch "John Carter" instead of "The Artist" but then I saw this review and I decided to skip it.

    This guy almost never leads me astray.
  • Ahahaha, The Lorax was made by FOX, not Dreamworks? That makes the fact that FOX news attacks it extra hilarious. Hey Murdoch, didn't anyone ever tell you not to let your children fight each other?
  • It's a brilliant corporate strategy, really. He never has to worry about News running out of shit to get angry at, because he can always make more of it.
  • edited March 2012
    I am sorry guys, I do not know why I wrote Fox, it was made by Universal Pictures. I apologize for the misinformation. I really do feel like a jerk now :(
    Now, "Horton Hears a How" was made by Fox for sure.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • video about John Carter of Mars
    This made me want to see John Carter of Mars

  • video about John Carter of Mars
    This made me want to see John Carter of Mars
    That guy is wrong on many levels in his review (in my opinion), but the most glaring instance of wrong-ness is his statement that you'll forget about the movie after 2 days. I left the theatre saying the same thing I said after seeing Tintin: I want more.

  • I'm sorry, but "Stargate meets Krull" only makes me want to see that movie 4000 times harder. I think that guy is broken.
  • video about John Carter of Mars
    This made me want to see John Carter of Mars
    That guy is wrong on many levels in his review (in my opinion), but the most glaring instance of wrong-ness is his statement that you'll forget about the movie after 2 days. I left the theatre saying the same thing I said after seeing Tintin: I want more.

    I watched Tintin on a plane while doing on Vacation to Peru. Curiously enough his review made me want to watch it.
  • Really? I just wanted to watch it because it's Tintin. Also, having a Peter Jackson/Steven Spielberg collaboration didn't hurt.

    Also, the fact that people are comparing John Carter to other sci-fi movies is hilarious. Everyone should be comparing those other movies to it, considering that the source material is around a hundred years old and essentially created the sci-fi genre.
  • edited March 2012
    Finally got around to watching Senna. I expected it to be astonishing. It's even better.

    PS: It is for movies like this that I am extremely glad that we have the ability to watch movies in our homes. This kind of movie would be next to impossible to watch in a theater full of people. Can you imagine what it would be like watching it in a theater in Brazil?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2012 parents and I went into NYC this afternoon to go to a student held film festival at a place called The New School. It didn't happen for reasons I still cannot decipher. We decided to see a movie since a lotta theaters were in the area.

    We were walking and I saw the the title of one called "Sound of Noise" and subsequently went to see it. It is this really bizarre, Indie Swedish film that i can sum up as such...

    "A tone-deaf cop born into a family of musicians is assigned onto a case to track down an active, anarchist group of percussionists who appear to be committing crimes, but are only doing them in order to do things that make a percussion-like sound and have a rhythm...while causing wanton destruction in the process. It all turns out to be a part of a grand, social engineering, musical composition." I really liked it, but my parents were appropriately weirded out (they mostly go for mainstream). This movie defies comparison and you only need to see the trailer to know what I mean. I recommend it.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • That looks AWESOME.
  • That looks AWESOME.
    You're in luck...IT IS!!!

  • John Carter was enjoyable. I really wanted to know more about the world of Mars that Burroughs created. I wasn't really big on the typical romance part of the story, but I know it was there because the general people like that sort of thing.

    I think it would have been better as a TV series than just the stand alone movie, unless there are plans to make more.

    I also watched Puss in Boots yesterday. That movie was a lot better than the Shrek 3 & 4 and it's more than likely because of all the cat jokes they had in there.
  • edited March 2012
    John Carter was better than I was expecting it to be. Reminded me a lot of Flash Gordon but less cheesy (though still plenty cheesy itself). The CG was fantastic. Avatar quality. I wonder where they did their filming because there were some really impressive locales and it can't all have been greenscreen.

    The story felt heavily compressed, like they were trying very hard to squeeze as much as they could into 2 hours. It seemed like they jumped from one location to another pretty much every 2 or 3 minutes. Nothing wrong with quick pacing but I would have liked to get a better look at some things. I'm betting there will be some nice deleted scenes.

    Also WTF the kid from Spy Kids as Edgar Rice Burroughs.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • If you want to see a review of the film compared to the book here is a vlog about the comparison .

    TLDR version, it is REALLY accurate to the books.
  • This movie is going to be fantastic
    When I first saw Ed Harris in this trailer, I thought he actually was McCain.

  • Saw Limitless over the weekend. It was surprisingly better than I expected.

    A friend of mine sent me a link to the trailer for: Jiro Dreams of Sushi and now I REALLY want to see that:
  • John Carter was enjoyable. I really wanted to know more about the world of Mars that Burroughs created. I wasn't really big on the typical romance part of the story, but I know it was there because the general people like that sort of thing.
    That was in the book and I actually thought the romance subplot was handled pretty well.
    I think it would have been better as a TV series than just the stand alone movie, unless there are plans to make more
    Andrew Stanton wants to make another one and has actually started writing a screenplay, but it's ultimately going to rely on how much the movie ends up making. It cost 250 million to make an only took in 100 million worldwide in it's opening weekend. I actively want to see more, but we have to rely on everyone else to get it.
  • I didn't doubt it wasn't in the books. Perhaps I mean to say I wish that wasn't as emphasized. It was forced.
  • I didn't doubt it wasn't in the books. Perhaps I mean to say I wish that wasn't as emphasized. It was forced.
    I feel the same about just about every movie with a romantic subplot, which is to say most movies. It's almost never handled well, is clearly just there to satisfy the formula general audiences expect, and just sucks up time better spent on other things.

  • I just saw the Island of Dr. Monure-or-something-like-that. All I can say is catgirl and fail at symbolism.
  • I've read A Princess of Mars, and I've seen the trailer for the movie based on the novel. If anything, the book is waaaaaay less believable and waaaaay more stupid than anything in the movie. The romantic subplot in the novel is about as shallow as it is possible to be. Also the manic pace, of going from location to location and fight to fight, is what the book is all about!
  • I agree with Luke. Burroughs didn't really think of women (or anyone other than white landed men) as people.
  • Well it's not that I didn't like the princess as a character. She was a strong and was able to fight with a sword to kill some enemies. She was also smart and all about the science of Mars. I just wasn't in the mood for romance. I wanted all kinds of sci-fi/fantasy, which I did mostly get.
  • edited March 2012
    Space Is The Place is a movie about Sun Ra playing a cosmic card game for the fate of all African Americans, eventually winning and leaving with them on an exodus to Saturn while the rest of the Earth burns.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Space Is The Place is a movie about Sun Ra playing a cosmic card game for the fate of all African Americans, eventually winning and leaving with them on an exodus to Saturn while the rest of the Earth burns.
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