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What movie have you seen recently?



  • edited January 2013
    The only movie I ever walked out of was W. That's only because the advertisements lead me astray into thinking it'd be entertaining, rather than a documentary of George Bush's life. I wouldn't walk out of a bad movie (and I've watched a few) because I enjoy the experience of seeing a bad movie as long as I know what it is about. Like Crank: High Voltage. That was terrible, apparently recycled some vignettes, and used all the tired, worn-out action cliches. Chev flipping me the bird while on fire at the end was a nice touch, cuz it let me know how the director really felt about me. I enjoyed seeing how horrible that movie was though, and it gave me something to talk about with my friends.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Did I stutter?
  • Did I stutter?
    I'm going to throw up.
  • If I don't want to write a review, I just do what Jeremy does and say "[X] was great!" or "[Y] sucked!" because here my opinion carries weight since I have established my critical standards, so to speak.
    I object. [Y] is actually pretty good.
    "[Z] was a movie in which Jason Statham drives a car and kills people."
  • If I don't want to write a review, I just do what Jeremy does and say "[X] was great!" or "[Y] sucked!" because here my opinion carries weight since I have established my critical standards, so to speak.
    I object. [Y] is actually pretty good.
    "[Z] was a movie in which Jason Statham drives a car and kills people."
    And [Z] is the best type of movie out of all movies. I already bought extra pants for when I go see Parker.
  • I mean I'll clarify: I enjoyed Crank: High Voltage. But the sheer ludicrousness of the situations Chev ended up in makes it a stupid action movie, but it KNOWS its a stupid action movie so the actors sped all their time hamming it up. Frankly if they tried to take a plot where a man fucks a woman on a horse track DURING a race seriously I'd say it wouldn't have been as awesome. But let's face it, the plot is horrendous and only the acting really saves it.
  • edited January 2013
    I mean I'll clarify: I enjoyed Crank: High Voltage. But the sheer ludicrousness of the situations Chev ended up in makes it a stupid action movie, but it KNOWS its a stupid action movie so the actors sped all their time hamming it up. Frankly if they tried to take a plot where a man fucks a woman on a horse track DURING a race seriously I'd say it wouldn't have been as awesome. But let's face it, the plot is horrendous and only the acting really saves it.
    No way! Crank: High Voltage is packed full with style and Neveldine/Taylor + the editor deserve a big, sloppy kiss on the mouth.

    [I tried to type more but it always ended up getting really sexual]

    [I'll give it a try anyway]

    The plot is crafted BEAUTIFULLY! It's set up so that the movie can't ever stop and catch it's breath because NOBODY WANTS THAT. Imagine if Chev's life wasn't in danger at every moment. I would love to watch a movie where he goes and grabs an omelette at Denny's for like 20 minutes. NOT! And I don't know how you could think the plot is "horrendous" when it requires Jason Statham to attach jumper-cables to his tongue and nipple. That scene is so freaking good and it makes me so har-oops I did it again.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Jeremy you played with my heart, got lost in the game.
  • Ooh baby, baby.
  • Ooh baby, baby.

  • Let's just say that "Crank: High Voltage" applied a fair amount of High Voltage to my Crank.

    [I pitched a semi to that shit, y'all.]
  • Let's just say that "Crank: High Voltage" applied a fair amount of High Voltage to my Crank.

    [I pitched a semi to that shit, y'all.]
    That, much like Crank, is not my thing but I certainly respect that some people enjoy it.
  • Let's just say that "Crank: High Voltage" applied a fair amount of High Voltage to my Crank.

    [I pitched a semi to that shit, y'all.]
    That, much like Crank, is not my thing but I certainly respect that some people enjoy it.
    I was totally kidding. Getting an erection from the (admittedly glorious) mayhem that is Crank would be a little strange.

  • Snatch is really good!
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2013
    I just finished watching Steve McQueen's (not the actor) 2011 film known as Shame. It is also the first NC-17 film that I have ever seen. This film was so unbelievably frank and excruciating painful to watch (but in that wonderful movie way). The film is about sex addicts and the affliction of sex addiction in general, however it comes at it from a very realistic and psychological way and is in no way sensational at any point.

    The aforementioned pain comes from how bad you feel for Michael Fassbender's character and how much you pity that he has been unfortunate enough to suffer from such a debilitating affliction. He is clearly a freight train that is on the path to derailment and it is clear that his disease will blow up on him in a very awful way. The film's hook comes from wondering what he will do next and how long will he be able to keep his shameful affliction a secret from everyone; its very compelling in that regard.

    Most of the time, the cinematography made use of night scenes to show a dark underbelly of New York City that is generally kept hidden from most people's eyes (and for good reason).

    I will warn you all that it is a hard film to watch, so make sure you brace yourself and come in with a strong amount of fortitude before watching it. For the love of God, do not watch this with your family or you will never forgive yourself.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Great film but it will (if you are a guy) make you hate Fassbender because not only is he a great actor but is also very blessed.
  • Great film but it will (if you are a guy) make you hate Fassbender because not only is he a great actor but is also very blessed.
    I'm surprised it only took one post for someone to mention that...

  • Snatch is really good!
    I've watched Snatch five times in the past three weeks, and regularly watch the character montage while I fall asleep. I'm showing it to a friend right now.

  • Snatch is really good!
    I've watched Snatch five times in the past three weeks, and regularly watch the character montage while I fall asleep. I'm showing it to a friend right now.

    I was definitely very ready to watch it again once it was over. I'll probably watch it again next week!
  • John Carter was surprisingly not terrible and actually pretty good. No, it wasn't a masterpiece of cinema, but it didn't deserve the almost universal panning it got.
  • edited January 2013
    I've watched Snatch five times in the past three weeks, and regularly watch the character montage while I fall asleep. I'm showing it to a friend right now.
    I am now convinced we need to form an organized religion based on the principles by which you live your life.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Savages. Aimee and I liked it.

    Has anyone seen the director's cut?
  • I watched Drive recently, and I've been mulling it over for a few days. It's an excellent movie, well paced, excellent soundtrack, beautifully shot, but I honestly can't say that I liked or enjoyed it. Just not my thing, I guess.
  • I watched Drive recently, and I've been mulling it over for a few days. It's an excellent movie, well paced, excellent soundtrack, beautifully shot, but I honestly can't say that I liked or enjoyed it. Just not my thing, I guess.
    Yeah, I had the same reaction. It's superbly made, and has great characters and acting... and an interesting story up until half way through. And then the story went in the "briefcase full of money, last man alive gets it" direction, and I lost all interest. Half of it is one of the best movies I saw last year, and half of is it my least favorite movies I saw last year.

  • John Carter was surprisingly not terrible and actually pretty good. No, it wasn't a masterpiece of cinema, but it didn't deserve the almost universal panning it got.
    With 51% on Rotten Tomatoes it's definitely not the worst movie ever made. The universal panning is more about its complete and utter failure at the box office (when compared with it's budget). Very much to do with the botched marketing and poor business decisions, not the actual quality of the film.

  • edited January 2013
    Yeah, I had the same reaction. It's superbly made, and has great characters and acting... and an interesting story up until half way through. And then the story went in the "briefcase full of money, last man alive gets it" direction, and I lost all interest. Half of it is one of the best movies I saw last year, and half of is it my least favorite movies I saw last year.
    My thoughts absolutely - I was starting to get a invested, right at the middle, but as soon as he tries to give back the money and they're not into it, I knew how it would go, and just like that, it lost me completely. Even the ending wasn't a surprise. Honestly, if they'd have cut the end of the movie about a minute and a half, maybe two minutes shorter, I think I would like it a little more for doing something interesting with the tried and true "Last man alive gets the money" formula, even if I saw it coming.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2013
    Yeah, I had the same reaction. It's superbly made, and has great characters and acting... and an interesting story up until half way through. And then the story went in the "briefcase full of money, last man alive gets it" direction, and I lost all interest. Half of it is one of the best movies I saw last year, and half of is it my least favorite movies I saw last year.
    My thoughts absolutely - I was starting to get a invested, right at the middle, but as soon as he tries to give back the money and they're not into it, I knew how it would go, and just like that, it lost me completely.
    You two are in my brain, articulating my opinions about Drive. It's scary.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I don't even remember the last two minutes. I guess by then I didn't care enough.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't even remember the last two minutes. I guess by then I didn't care enough.
    Out of the last four minutes, two of them, he's just sitting completely still, clutching his belly, lookin' dead. In the last two, I can't get the spoiler tags to work properly, so whitetext: He miraculously recovers from being stabbed and bleeding into his abdominal cavity for a few minutes, starts his Impala, and drives off with the cash. Long shot of him driving, long shot of girl walking down the corridor from his door(or to, maybe) and black screen to end.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I don't even remember the last two minutes. I guess by then I didn't care enough.
    Out of the last four minutes, two of them, he's just sitting completely still, clutching his belly, lookin' dead. In the last two, I can't get the spoiler tags to work properly, so whitetext:
    I thought he left the cash in the parking lot... right? o_O

    Anyway, I loved that movie. I didn't mind the second part so much. I think its because the awesome music made me not care. And also, well, I'm a gal- Ryan Gosling was super hawt in this movie. That helped. :-P
    If anything, my critique is that I wish there were more awesomely tasteful chase scenes like the one in the beginning.
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