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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I might be misremembering, it's been a few days, and frankly by that point, I hardly cared. I thought he started to pull it out, or showed it, and then turned to face the bloke, but I can't remember for the life of me. Ryan Gosling was pretty hot in the movie, but I honestly found myself barely able to give a shit about the character he was playing.

    The chase scene at the start really was very, very well done.
  • The chase scene at the start really was very, very well done.
    Yup! I have nothing but praise for the first half of the movie. Just great.

  • Bernie was pretty good, but needed more McConaughey.

  • Hell yeah
  • Saw Gangster Squad, and it was boring. Flat, uninteresting characters who changed their opinions at the drop of a hat (or dead body).
  • edited January 2013
    Saw Gangster Squad, and it was boring. Flat, uninteresting characters who changed their opinions at the drop of a hat (or dead body).
    In the movie, one of the squad does die, but movie handles it completely differently to the reality - In real life, the bloke was killed because he stumbled in front of a bus when he was walking out of a bar, after getting absolutely blasted earlier in the evening.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Saw Smashed last night. Quite liked it. It was the first Mary Elizabeth Winstead movie I've seen to date where I didn't constantly think of her as either "Mary Elizabeth Winstead" or "Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona". Definitely her best work to date, and very affecting. Despite the whole This-Movie-Will-Probably-Be-Shown-In-High-School-Health-Classes plot, she's still someone you want to root for. So much of that movie you just spend thinking "Nooooo Mary Elizabeth Winstead you have to fight your alcoholism don't sip from that bottle again you don't need the wine you're gonna be okay bb it's all gonna be okay no don't pee on the floor that's a bad Mary Elizabeth Winstead go home you're drunk nooooooo"
  • Saw Gangster Squad, and it was boring. Flat, uninteresting characters who changed their opinions at the drop of a hat (or dead body).
    In the movie, one of the squad does die, but movie handles it completely differently to the reality - In real life, the bloke was killed because he stumbled in front of a bus when he was walking out of a bar, after getting absolutely blasted earlier in the evening.
    I didn't last long enough to see it; I left the theater to go get dinner after Gosling's character finally joined the squad.

  • Django is an awesome movie.

    Seeing Scrym in Going Cardboard is an interesting experience.
  • I'm watching my copy of Finding Nemo on Blu-Ray for the first time and the HD transfer/restoration makes the movie easily one of the prettiest movies I have ever seen. Seriously, the colors were vibrant before, but the colors in HD is kind of like someone injecting liquified beauty directly into your eyes.
  • Rewatched Snatch already. Good movie, good movie.
  • I watched 2 Days in Paris for the second time last night, to get my girlfriend up to speed as I wanted to watch 2 Days in New York. 2 Days in Paris is a really fun anti-romantic comedy, and has an extra level of enjoyment if you've ever dated someone from another country and gone to meet their parents. I've heard 2 Days in New York isn't as good, but it should still be worth watching.

    Also I was surprised to discover that my girlfriend hadn't seen Before Sunrise or Before Sunset. I thought they were required viewing for all females who were teenage girls in the 90's... but then we worked out my girlfriend was just 9 or 10 when Before Sunrise was released in Germany, so not really the target audience at all.
  • edited January 2013
    Watched Aliens (anthology directors cut blu-ray) and I have to say that the beginning of the movie felt very different than I remember. I don't recall the colony scenes or the expedition to the crashed ship.

    More importantly I always thought that the company put the colonists on the planet while knowing about the aliens yet from what I saw the company was oblivious to their presence. In fact it was Reiser's character that set the events of the movie in motion after the meetting between Ripley and the company over the fate of the ship from the first movie.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Those are the main two differences between the theatrical release and the director's cut.
  • Don't forget the auto turrets. Not the most important part of the film, but still pretty damn cool.
  • Safety Not Guaranteed was a really interesting, low-budget comedy that shines through its great writing. Aubrey Plaza was adorable in it and I loved her presence every time she was onscreen. Mark Duplass (director of such awesome films like Cyrus and Jeff Who Lives At Home) plays the tinfoil hat wearing nutjob and he does a great job of winning you over with his passion when you would normally write him off as a crazy person.

    I really don't have much more to say other than that. If you want to watch a different kind of comedy than the mainstream stuff, this is an excellent choice.
  • Observe and Report was a bad ride. Some good comes out of Ray Liotta and Seth Rogen, but I just can't stand Anna Faris. I want to know if there's anybody in the world that thinks Anna Faris is funny. The movie itself was pretty not-that-funny, too.

    But somehow I really, really liked the ending??????
  • edited January 2013
    Hooooly shit, just saw Věra Chytilová's Daisies for class tonight. That was so up my alley it was crazy. Bright colours, non-standard storytelling, a sense of free-wheeling fun, food porn, likeable female leads, lots of symbolism, and indulgences in just about every kind of special filmmaking technique one could think of. It throws in almost literally everything including the kitchen sink, and it’s clearly just having so much damn fun while still having some kind of a point.

    Actually, you know what the movie felt like? It felt like this is what the Shadow Play Girls from Utena would be doing in their off time. If they were Czech. It’s Shadow Play Girls: The Movie. And who doesn’t want to see that?

    image image

    If you love these sorts of surreal but fun movies and you haven't seen this already, check out the first scene below. If you like what you see, I highly recommend tracking down the whole film.

    EDIT: Oh right, for a different class I saw Goin' Down the Road, a.k.a. the quintessential Canadian feature film. It was about two unskilled labourers from Nova Scotia going to Toronto for jobs. Yeeeep. That sure was Canadian all right.

    Can be summed up pretty accurately by the SCTV sketch that parodied it back in the day:

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Watched Les Miserables tonight, man that is a good film is good. It managed to draw the single man tear from me and I dislike musicals. Also Russell Crow gets slated more than he should he is by no means the worst singer in that film and one of the better actors. That said Hugh Jackman kills it, like utterly slays the role and can sing like a boss. The only downer was the girl that played Corsette was pretty bad at singing and spent half the time being a doll, it was only helped by Eponine being awesome.
  • edited January 2013
    Yesterday I watched The Secret of Nikola Tesla on Netflix instant streaming. It was a very interesting movie and for what the little I know about Tesla himself, I think he and the rest of the historical figures (such as T. A. Edison, and J. P. Morgan) were very well portrayed. It was interesting that even though it was made on 1980 the movie itself felt from a different era and it was rather refreshing.
    I totally recommend it.

    Edit: I just found it on youtube:
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Saw Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters today after a couple drinks. And it wasn't half bad I'm relieved to say. It was a little too fast paced, but the action was solid and some of the coarse language was pretty funny. Then again I was buzzed so take this with a grain of salt.
  • Cabin in the Woods was fun.
  • Cabin in the Woods was fun.
    Just watched that last night too. I really liked the way it ended.
  • I really liked most of it except the ending. It wasn't bad, but the bug name cameo (playing exactly the same role as she did in another recent movie (this one with an alien in an RV)) took me out of the moment. Then the last shot was too cgi, and so much of the rest if the movie had used cool physical effects, that it too took me out of the movie.
  • I will agree that the ending was pretty hokey, but I appreciate that it ended the way it did. Lots of catharsis and then ends in a fairly atypical fashion.
  • Anyone here seen the 1976 Casino Royal?

    I friend had me watch it a wee while ago, and I would love to hear someone opinions on it.

  • edited January 2013

    It was time to watch it again and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen this fantastic movie yet.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Mandatory post:

  • cock me amadeus
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2013
    I saw Lars von Trier's Antichrist.

    I didn't like it.

    I'd rather not go into why I didn't like it, because I don't want to feel violently ill as I describe it (this in reference to the fact that I threw up after watching this film (which almost never happens)). I know its a cop-out, but I just can't do it.

    Unless you are a von Trier devotee or there is nothing that can shock you or make you feel sick when you watch a movie, just don't even bother; there is nothing here for you.
    Post edited by Geo on
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