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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Anna Kendrick is my holy wood crush. Her twitter feed is made of awesome!
  • "Armageddon" and "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" - the strangest movie double bill I've seen so far this week.
  • Are we talking about Anna Kendrick? I'll be honest, I couldn't disagree more. That girl can act, and I think we'll be seeing a lot more of her as the years go by. Have you seen Up in the Air?
    Did we watch the same film? She was flat and dull. The singing was meh at best. The movie could have been infinitely better if she was not in it. Rebel Willson on the other hand was amazing, hell the rest of the cast was steller. Kendrick just stood out as being the "Im super pretty but push everyone away gawd my life is sooo hard". If you want someone to play that role then yeah she seems good for that. She was pretty forgettable in Scott Pilgrim and I haven't seen her in Up in the Air. Going on what I've seen however she is mediocre at best.
  • Men in Black 3 was surprisingly good.
  • Watched The Hunt For Red October last night. It's a pretty good thriller, and gets much of its naval stuff pretty right as far as I know (aside from the inside of the submarines being necessarily a bit too big).
  • Red October and K-19 are two of my favorite submarine movies.
  • Bitches get out of here unless you've seen the complete Das Boot
  • Das Boot is my third choice, but the campiness of Red October and the nuclear badassery of K-19 just barely edge it out.
  • I wouldn't describe Red October as campy in any way...
  • Even with Sean Connery not even trying?
  • Even with Sean Connery not even trying?
  • Silver Linings Playbook was excellent. Top notch performances by everyone involved.
  • Saw Warm Bodies today and it was a bunch of fun.
  • Saw Warm Bodies today and it was a bunch of fun.
    We thought it was entertaining. I went in with low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. It's not ground shaking, but light and funny. I kept expecting big twists and turns at certain points, but the writing didn't get too adventurous.
  • At this point, for me at least, the zombie thing is pretty well fucked out. So anything good that comes out of beating that undead horse some more is a pleasant surprise.
  • Just watched Space Battleship Yamato. Man, that movie made me feel all the feels. It's really good. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it.
  • Just watched Space Battleship Yamato. Man, that movie made me feel all the feels. It's really good. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it.
    I have it sitting on my hard drive, but haven't seen it yet. I think I'll upload it to my iPad so I'll have something to watch when I'm in the hospital in the next couple of weeks.

  • Saw Goon on Netflix. Pretty hilarious hockey movie and Liev Schreiber was great with a handlebar mustache.
  • What is this... 'Netflix' you speak off?
  • Finally, I got around to seeing Spirited Away after years of hype.

    I'm not sure what makes this one of the greatest anime movies ever made, even let alone Miyazaki. Visuals and Score? Yes, simply incredible down to every last detail. But I was fairly bored during so much of the film with the plot and even most of the characters. Everything in the movie just feels random/weird without explanation. Because of that, it's hard for me to get behind this movie plot wise and I find that the drama doesn't work because you are expected to just give in to the strangeness of the spirits.

    And the ending doesn't work for me either, just because of the contrivance of remembering how to solve the issues and that "love" is what makes a big difference either. I've been told this is like the Japanese Alice in Wonderland, and that makes perfect sense. ...and I don't like Alice in Wonderland. ^^;
  • Finally, I got around to seeing Spirited Away after years of hype.

    I'm not sure what makes this one of the greatest anime movies ever made, even let alone Miyazaki. Visuals and Score? Yes, simply incredible down to every last detail. But I was fairly bored during so much of the film with the plot and even most of the characters. Everything in the movie just feels random/weird without explanation. Because of that, it's hard for me to get behind this movie plot wise and I find that the drama doesn't work because you are expected to just give in to the strangeness of the spirits.

    And the ending doesn't work for me either, just because of the contrivance of remembering how to solve the issues and that "love" is what makes a big difference either. I've been told this is like the Japanese Alice in Wonderland, and that makes perfect sense. ...and I don't like Alice in Wonderland. ^^;
    Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Spirited Away is easily my least favorite Miyazaki film, and I've seen them all. I'm still going to hang on to the DVD though for potential kids.
  • Spirited Away is beautiful. I did not like it until several viewings, however. It's kind of a grower.
  • edited February 2013
    Sero Hiki no Goshu is fantastic! I played in an orchestra for a few years, and this movie hit me with the hardest case of nostalgia I've ever experienced. I actually stopped it 5-minutes in so I could put on headphones and crank the volume up and be inside of the movie. I want to watch this a million more times.

    I hope I don't get some weird case of "Post-Avatar"-like depression.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Jeremy has never seen The Pelican Brief. It was on Amazon Prime. I still enjoy that movie just as much as I had before. Probably one of my favorite John Grisham movies.
  • Jeremy has never seen The Pelican Brief. It was on Amazon Prime. I still enjoy that movie just as much as I had before. Probably one of my favorite John Grisham movies.
    Haven't seen it.
  • Jeremy has never seen The Pelican Brief. It was on Amazon Prime. I still enjoy that movie just as much as I had before. Probably one of my favorite John Grisham movies.
    Haven't seen it.
    Really? What about The Client?

  • Jeremy has never seen The Pelican Brief. It was on Amazon Prime. I still enjoy that movie just as much as I had before. Probably one of my favorite John Grisham movies.
    Haven't seen it.
    Really? What about The Client?

    Never heard of it.
  • What about Witness?

    Have you ever seen a movie in this particular subgenre of Thriller?
  • What about Witness?

    Have you ever seen a movie in this particular subgenre of Thriller?
    I have seen many Thrillers. I have not seen or heard of any of the movies you mentioned.
  • Those are some famous movies.
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