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What movie have you seen recently?



  • edited April 2013
    Gotta say, I'm pretty surprised to see that costume coming from Zack Snyder.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I know. When I heard it was him at the helm, I had little expectation in this movie.
  • Yay, yet another superhero origin story film.

    Though, the trailer looked nice and maybe it is better to have a good origin story film than a bad non-origin story.
  • Also, dat fucking Hans Zimmer score *fap fap fap*
  • Oh hey, armor with a bust that doesn't have that stupid build-in cleavage that would smash your sternum to powder if anyone hit you too hard. Good work.
  • That trailer was about %75 dissappoint. All those shots of ocean at the beginning, the fisherman's boat... I thought Nolan was making an Aquaman film and I was all the excited :(
  • While that armor is definitely a step up from the usual chainmail bikini that women get put into, I still don't understand why there is plate armor over her boobs but no plate armor over her belly.
  • edited April 2013
    While that armor is definitely a step up from the usual chainmail bikini that women get put into, I still don't understand why there is plate armor over her boobs but no plate armor over her belly.
    Because while she's a Kryptonian, like Superman. You could fire a tank round into her belly, and it wouldn't even wind her.

    And or blah blah blah Applied Phlebotinum space metal.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Tatsumi is a beautiful movie about a beautiful man who made ugly stories beautifully.
    I need to watch this, I've read everything of his that has been put out in the US.
    You can find it with relative ease on the World Wide Web. *WINK*
    I've had it downloaded onto my computer for maybe a year now. Doesn't mean I've gotten around to watching it :P
  • edited April 2013
    While that armor is definitely a step up from the usual chainmail bikini that women get put into, I still don't understand why there is plate armor over her boobs but no plate armor over her belly.
    Because while she's a Kryptonian, like Superman. You could fire a tank round into her belly, and it wouldn't even wind her.
    So is that armor that is worn on Krypton? Because Kryptonians are still vulnerable on Krypton and it would make sense to have armor there (and it should cover one of the larger and more vulnerable target areas: the stomach). And if its armor that originates for use outside of Krypton where invulnerability is the status quo, why have armor at all?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • So is that armor that is worn on Krypton? Because Kryptonians are still vulnerable on Krypton and it would make sense to have armor there (and it should cover one of the larger and more vulnerable target areas: the stomach). And if its armor that originates for use outside of Krypton where invulnerability is the status quo, why have armor at all?
    Hard to look intimidating when you're naked.

    Still, like I said, probably some sort of silly space metal thing going on.
  • Not wearing armor != not wearing anything at all.

    All I am saying is that while it's great it isn't some exploitative pseudo-armor, it doesn't really make much functional sense to me.
  • edited April 2013
    Okay, I'll give you a pass for missing the joke.

    Y'know, there are details that we're not aware of yet, and it doesn't necessarily function like regular plate armor. And let's not forget, Chain shirts and partial plate were perfectly valid types of armor back when people wore that sort of armor. Or maybe the chainmail is the armor part, and the plates are purely decorative. Or maybe the metal plates have some other function - we've already seen in other stills that the collar she's wearing casts some sort of holographic helmet thing, it's not a wild guess to assume that she's not wearing full plate for some other reason than exploitation.

    We also know that the two version of Kal-el's armor we see are crazy shoulder pads, with a chest guard, but no body protection, and then the same stomach-baring chain-and-plate sort of arrangement that we're seeing here.

    Dude, it's a comic book movie which we know little about. We're casting stones in the dark, here. Maybe the reason it doesn't make functional sense is because you're trying to apply the rules of medieval armor to something that's happening, in the fiction, on an alien planet, with alien materials that we already know have all sorts of crazy properties(because they're kryptonian, they always do), being used by an extremely technologically advanced fictional society.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Because plate armor is heavy and it looks like her belly is protected by chain mail. She's wearing a full suit of chainmail!
  • Because plate armor is heavy and it looks like her belly is protected by chain mail. She's wearing a full suit of chainmail!
    I don't know if they all wear it like that, though. Zod's Armor still has weird random gaps(like huge open sides and big gaps around the tops of his thighs, but Kal-El's armor looks basically like hers in a different colour, and without the boobs. They do all have the chainmail-looking stuff though.
  • Hard to look intimidating when you're naked.
    This is patently untrue.
  • Hard to look intimidating when you're naked.
    This is patently untrue.
    I feel it depends on the situation, and one's physical state, so to speak.

  • Well both of those are true in general. I spent a fair bit of time with professional wrestlers.
  • I've had it downloaded onto my computer for maybe a year now. Doesn't mean I've gotten around to watching it :P

    Grave of the Fireflies made me sad in the way that I wanted it to. Good movie good movie.
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2013
    I made the mistake of watching Mamoru Oshii's first live action film, which also happens to be the first proper entry in his convoluted, multimedia series known as The Kerberos Saga (of which Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade is part of): The Red Spectacles.

    This is a pretty bad movie. My expectations of seeing people in protect gear armor shoot some fools up (as indicated in the intro) was dashed and replaced instead by this pseudo-noir/pseudo-experimental/pretentious film that really isn't well put-together from a narrative standpoint and thinks is much more brilliant than it really is.

    For the first time ever, I watched this movie at 2x speed, mostly because it is pointlessly slow-paced (this isn't a good slow-paced Oshii film). Also, some weird, batshit insane shit happens in it. A short list of some choice scenes if you will...

    •The main character beating the shit out of somebody in a men's restroom for information which ends with him stripping the guy buck-ass naked.
    •The main character being ambushed by 30 people (who meow like cats by the way) while he is in the shower and they wait for him. He instantaneously beats them all up in the span of one minute with no indication as to how he did so...just because.
    •The main character being tortured by the antagonists by being strapped into a dentist's chair and forced to down Sochu.
    •One of the former woman comrades of the main character saving him by giving the villains bad Soba noodles that causes them to have diarrhea. After which, she proceeds to smack the shit out of them with a frying pan.

    This sounds like a hilarious carnival of bad. No! It's played totally straight and takes itself completely seriously, which makes it all the more worse. Yeah seriously, don't waste your time.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I hate you.
  • I was wondering about that movie on Netflix. Now I have to watch :-p
  • Wut
    That movie is so good.
  • Saw Oblivion tonight. It was surprisingly decent and not what I was expecting. Gorgeous aesthetic.
  • If only 4 minutes of the movie Pitch Perfect had been half as charming or clever as this, I might have rated it higher.

  • Anna Kendrick!
    She is all kinds of awesome!
  • She sleepwalked through that movie though. I have a feeling it wasn't just her character who was utterly unimpressed by everyone around her.
  • Saw Silver Linings Playbook over the weekend and I wow was it good. If you have or know anyone with a mental illness it really hits close to home. I went in seeing it pretty blind but I almost feel like if I had told myself the overall plot-line I would have thought it was just another cheeseball romcom but it really isn't. Also, Chris Tucker makes a very good crazy person.
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