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What movie have you seen recently?



  • On the subject of John Grisham movies, I have always been a fan of this one.
  • On the subject of John Grisham movies, I have always been a fan of this one.
    Ooooh.. Never saw that one.

  • The Rainmaker is good, but it's not really a Thriller.
  • The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift is weirdly great.
  • I work at a movie theater, and lately I've been spending my days admiring the Last Exorcism: Part 2 poster. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The trailer seems kinda lame, but man that poster...
    So I went back and watched The Last Exorcism because I've never seen it before, and it has a pretty good poster, too, and oh man.
    Oh MAN!
    I really liked it. I still think the trailer for Part 2 looks kinda dumb, but I think I'll go see it anyway.
  • Saw "A Good Day To Die Hard" and let me me just say it's a good thing that Mercedes made so many quality vehicles for our heroes to save the day in.
  • All I want from the Die Hard franchise is "A Die Hard Day's Night," in which the Beatles film of a similar name is edited so that Ringo is played by Bruce Willis. Everything else is the same.
  • Silver Linings Playbook was fantastic. Go see it! I like long comedies (2 hours), and since this is a romantic comedy about people with mental illness, there is plenty of great subtle humor throughout the movie (as well as plenty laugh-out-loud moments). Top notch acting as well.
  • Rubber was freaking great.
    Naked Gun was pretty good.
    Teen Wolf was freaking great.
  • You'd never seen the Naked Gun? Wow.
  • I just saw Warm Bodies and it was alright but too short. I liked a lot of the things about it but it was one of those movies where it ends and you're like "That's it?" Also the whole zombie mythos in the film kind of annoyed me. Eating brains gives you your victims memories? How does that work? I guess if they explained it as some sort of supernatural zombie shit but there really isn't much explanation. And the regular zombies are slow, which makes sense but the skeletal zombies are fast as shit so how does that work? And the entire premise of the zombies somehow healing is barely explained too. I guess it was love or something but that doesn't really help. I guess if I had read the book I might understand more but it just feels like they left too much out for it to be a full movie. What was there I enjoyed but it really didn't feel done. An extra half-hour in the middle would have done wonders.
  • I just saw Warm Bodies and it was alright but too short. I liked a lot of the things about it but it was one of those movies where it ends and you're like "That's it?" Also the whole zombie mythos in the film kind of annoyed me. Eating brains gives you your victims memories? How does that work? I guess if they explained it as some sort of supernatural zombie shit but there really isn't much explanation. And the regular zombies are slow, which makes sense but the skeletal zombies are fast as shit so how does that work? And the entire premise of the zombies somehow healing is barely explained too. I guess it was love or something but that doesn't really help. I guess if I had read the book I might understand more but it just feels like they left too much out for it to be a full movie. What was there I enjoyed but it really didn't feel done. An extra half-hour in the middle would have done wonders.
    So the idea of walking corpses that hunger for flesh doesn't bother you, but the fact that some are fast and some are slow brings you out of the film? That didn't bother me at all. The bit that confused me was how a tablespoon of zombie blood was enough to mask the scent of a whole person. Suspension of disbelief is a funny thing.

    I agree that the plot left some questions, but I was glad the film ended when it did. The premise was enough for a fun little movies, but I don't think it was going to stand up to serious scrutiny, no matter how much time they spent fleshing it out.

  • You'd never seen the Naked Gun? Wow.
    I was excited to finally watch it, but it didn't do it for me like I'd hoped it would. Police Squad is a lot funnier.
  • Side By Side was good. It sort of ended up being one-sided in it's discussion of Film vs. Digital, but it chose the side that I'm on and I'm an asshole so I really liked it.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    On a whim, I revisited Terry Gilliam's brilliant movie, Brazil, once more. This time, I noticed things I never even saw before during the first viewing (which was a year or two ago). I still love this movie as much as I did the first time I saw it (maybe even moreso). I think it will be a movie I'll revisit many times in the future, because judging by this viewing, I'll probably see something new and interesting every time I watch it.

    For those who have never seen Brazil, I'm sorry but I don't think I can even describe Brazil in words. Other than being a dystopian science fiction film on the surface, there is so much more to it that makes it a completely unique and original film. Nobody other than Terry Gilliam could have made something like it. I'll post the trailer which will give you taste of what to expect in Brazil.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Brazil basically takes place in a world that is 2 parts 1984, 1 part Cube and 3 parts Yes Minister.
  • I just watched Wreck-it Ralph!
    Suffice to say that laughter was share during the first act, surprise came during the middle act, and manly tears were shed during the final act.
  • I too recently saw Wreck-It Ralph. I was highly sceptical, since it won the Annie for Best Feature, but I was actually very pleased. Design was original, voice acting was above par, plot wasn't completely predictable (i.e. you could see where they were going, but not always how they would get there or what it would entail). Overall, I'd be glad if it got the Oscar for Best Animated. I still think Pirates! should beat it, but it's definitely debatable, unlike many other years.
  • Brazil basically takes place in a world that is 2 parts 1984, 1 part Cube and 3 parts Yes Minister.
    I would generally agree with that, except that also has the fingerprint of Terry Gilliam...which counts for a lot considering how unique it is.

  • Watched Silver Linings Playbook and I really liked it. I cannot say anything new about it so I will avoid rehashing prior points.

    I also watched Beautiful Creatures, because my wife wanted to see it, and I think the best way to sum it up is to say it is the same type of meh as Twilight without at singular dud actor.
  • The Last Exorcism: Part II was very inconsistent, but it figured out how to make me like it. A lot.
  • Dead Man Down was a confused movie. I don't think anybody knew what was happening while they were making it.
  • edited March 2013
    Drive was a perfect car movie, and will probably make you pop a boner/ladyboner from adrenaline and feels.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2013
    Drive was a perfect car movie, and will probably make you pop a boner/ladyboner from adrenaline and feels.
    I discussed it earlier in the thread, but in short - It wasn't really my thing. Brilliant movie, but not my style.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I felt like it was brilliant in the first half, but it became a different movie halfway through. Granted, it is an incredibly well-made movie, but the shift was so jarring I just could not engage afterwards.
  • Just watched Wreck-it Ralph in 3D. While I had seen it in theaters this is the first time I saw it in 3D and it was well done (added depth to scenes with no shit coming at you.)

    Also watched the Warhammer 40K movie. It was about what I expected except: Chaos Space Marines were little more than cannon fodder and the true power of each individual space marine was never explored/shown. The Space Marines were more like large guys in armor with guns than powerful genetically enhanced humans.
  • That movie was obviously a devious piece of anti-emperial propeganda. To the flames with it!
  • Been watching a whole lot of movies lately...

    WarGames is a really good 80s movie. I actually think it covers the fear of the Cold War at the time pretty well and makes both sides very reasonable and understandable. I felt tense and I felt that it was actually really smart all the way through it. I don't know why Matthew Broderick was a better actor as a teenager than as an adult. Also? Dabney Coleman is awesome.

    Been watching a few more Ghibli Movies. Watched The Cat Returns and Howl's Moving Castle recently. I really liked The Cat Returns, but I actually do wish it was longer to establish more about the fantasy world and to fix pacing issues. Great voice cast as well. HMC was really nice because I loved the characters, but I think the big overarching plot with the war fades in and out. Was not a fan of the witch, but was a total fan of both protagonists.

    I need to watch Porco Rosso again too to give it a far review. I watched all of these dubbed, but Porco Rosso's really felt off due to Michael Keaton's raspy voice.

    I do have to ask, do most Ghibli movies have these reoccurring themes? Not just the ones with Miyazaki himself, but messages about "being yourself" and being whisked away to a confusing, new world?

    And I also watched Wreck-It-Ralph again with my girlfriend and...that film is amazing. She fell in love with it. When I watched it, I could really get a feel that the director and animators really love video games which is why they spent a lot of time bringing in many different art-styles and just putting nice little touches for jokes or world-building. And the plot, as much as it takes a dip in the middle, it totally bounces right back and you see how the plot develops from every small action made by the characters.

  • I do have to ask, do most Ghibli movies have these reoccurring themes? Not just the ones with Miyazaki himself, but messages about "being yourself" and being whisked away to a confusing, new world?
    Yes, along with flying, strong young women, and environmentalism.
  • My only problem with Howl's Moving Castle was the scarecrow twist at the end. WTF?
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