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What movie have you seen recently?



  • The Oogieloves in The Great Balloon Adventure was a beautiful piece of absurdism masquerading as "children's entertainment".
    I'm so jealous.
  • The Oogieloves in The Great Balloon Adventure was a beautiful piece of absurdism masquerading as "children's entertainment".
    I'm so jealous.
    You can find it relatively easy streaming on some shady websites. Try out the first 15 minutes some day. It's insane.
  • A League of Their Own is such a funny, inspiring, and overall great movie. Probably one of the best baseball movies ever made in my book. Tom Hanks said it once, but I'll say it again: "There's no crying in baseball!"
  • edited April 2013
    Evil Dead is a pretty good remake of the original Evil Dead, though the characters do a lot of needlessly stupid things and no one had the presence of a young Bruce Campbell on one hand, on the other the story made a bit more sense, the characters had sorta better reasons for staying in the cabin after finding a satanic basement, as well as actual back-stories and the movie plays out differently than the original while still hitting all the major scenes and themes you'd want to see in it.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited April 2013
    Only 3 things were good about G.I. Joe: Retaliation:

    1. Channing Tatum dying.
    2. The martial arts scene on the mountain.
    3. Some parkour
    (4. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson topless.)

    Other than that, I think I was more entertained by Battleship than that movie. Good god.

    Edit: The worst thing was this trailer.

    I sighed very loud. It's very relevant to discussion I had with Paul Chapman when talking about Roland Emmerich and his choice of movies. Channing Tatum as the lead role was icing on the fucking shit cake.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The Oogieloves in The Great Balloon Adventure was a beautiful piece of absurdism masquerading as "children's entertainment".
    Oh my god, I want to see it just for Chazz Palmenteri and Cary Elwes.

  • edited April 2013
    The Oogieloves in The Great Balloon Adventure was a beautiful piece of absurdism masquerading as "children's entertainment".
    Oh my god, I want to see it just for Chazz Palmenteri and Cary Elwes.
    That whole milkshake part was fantastic, but Cary Elwes definitely steals the movie as a cowboy who likes to wobble and also blow bubbles.

    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • I watched A Good Year just now. It's okay, perfectly entertaining, looks pretty. But, holy shit, Russell Crowe can't do an English accent for shit!
  • edited April 2013
    Cary Elwes needs his facial hair back. He looks creepy without it.

    And what is with all these recent "America is destroyed" movies? Olympus Has Fallen, this thing with Channing Tatum, and... There's another one that eludes me. There just seems to be a run on them lately, without even aliens/magic stuff as an excuse.
    Post edited by Aiyakiu on
  • edited April 2013
    The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 was pretty good. While it's a fairly faithful adaptation of the comic, they left out Batman's internal monologue, and that takes away a lot. They also don't have the B:TAS voice actors, but I'm not going to hold that against them. I do like what they did with the comic racks though.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Saw the new Evil Dead last night. The first thing I googled after getting home was "evil dead 2013 drug parable"

    Evil Dead: ridiculous levels of gore + "Drugs are bad, mmkay?" = pretty fun
  • Evil Dead was just beautiful.
  • I have a new Blu-ray drive for my laptop. Last night I watched my first ever Blu-ray movie. It looked just awesome! Now I want a bigger TV to see all the detail on screen. The movie was Megamind, something I've seen before and knew my girlfriend would enjoy in a mindless way.
  • Evil Dead was just beautiful.
    Damn strait.
  • The Place Beyond the Pines is a towering achievement. I loved this movie so goddamn much. It is a massive, epic film that is unbelievably well-crafted. The film is very difficult to describe, but I'll try to do so without spoiling too much. Overall, it is a multi-generational film and show how the actions of one generation can inform the actions of another; regardless of whether blood or victory is involved.

    There are so many moving parts and intricate touches to it, it is hard to not to be completely floored by it. Beautifully photographed, amazingly directed, and brilliantly written. The acting is so natural and realistic, that I'm surprised it isn't a documentary.

    Everyone needs to see this. It is seriously one of the best films of the year. You are doing yourself a major disservice by ignoring or not seeing it. I might even see it again, which is almost unheard of because I seldom, if ever, see a movie in a theater more than once. This one, however, is worth paying for more than once.
  • I spent all Saturday watching movies. Saw Pulp Fiction for the 5th or 6th time on VH1. It was kind of amusing to see Samuel L. Jackson say "screw," "babe be cool," and "shoot, negro that's all you hate to say!" Weird little bits are edited out, but still loved it.

    Watched Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky. Oh boy...all kinds of crazy and silly. Did love all the horror when Ricky was cutting people with his kung-fu. Violence was great.

    Then I capped off the night with Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon. Terrible in so many ways but soooo much fun. That white girl grates my ears, but I love the Greene family. And Sho'Nuff steals that movie every time he walks on screen and he is so deliciously evil.
  • Extract from an email to my girlfriend:

    I started watching a movie called Perfect Pitch. It's about acapella (how do you spell that?) singing groups in American colleges. Like Glee the movie. I'd heard good things about it, but it was just terrible! It offended me on almost every level. The script was mildly amusing at points, but the story was pathetic, the movie making itself was bad, the characters did nothing but brought attention to how stereotypical and boring they were, the attitude of the movie towards race and body image and gender equality were actually offensive to me, the main character looked like she didn't want to be in the movie and was sleepwalking through it, the love interest was obviously far too talented to not be on broadway already (and I found out he is, in fact, a broadway performer).

    Apart from all those (and many more) reasons, the thing that offended me most was the music and how it was presented in the movie. It was awful. It has all the bad things I hate about the music in Glee, but then layers on top whole new layers of shit on top. It's not that I don't like pop music or auto-tune, I really do, but I hate how it in the movie the people singing without microphones are somehow auto-tuned to hell. And then, when the singer is holding a microphone, they are so obviously miming it's painful to watch. It's made worse by them performing pop songs I have no emotional connection to, and those that I do recognize are stripped of the pop production I actually appreciate, and replaced with the most insipid beat boxing and harmonies ever.

    So I stopped watching as I'd only laughed once in the first hour of the movie. Before they served breakfast the next morning I realized I had time to finish it off. In the last half hour I laughed once more. Two laughs in the entire running time of a comedy? Not good enough!

    Once I'd finished the movie I worked more on my own pop album, making sure I had all my auto-tune settings correct and ready for recording vocals.
  • Had movie night over the weekend. My friend picked musicals as his theme.

    We first watched Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical. Just hearing about the premise of the the original propaganda film of the 30s.

    The movie was great. The songs were pretty catchy, and the movie had a good all around cast.

    Then we watched Repo: The Genetic Opera. It was good as many others have said on the forums. Probably wasn't a good idea to try to eat during this movie.

  • Then we watched Repo: The Genetic Opera. It was good as many others have said on the forums. Probably wasn't a good idea to try to eat during this movie.
    Its pretty good, one of Jude Laws better works. That and the sound track is pretty awesome. But still poor Jude Law.
  • Well go and watch that, its great! Its got Jude Law topless, dancing, guns, Jude Law. What more could you want?

  • Vanilla Sky was pretty good, but suffers hard from a really uninteresting middle section.
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2013
    Vanilla Sky was pretty good, but suffers hard from a really uninteresting middle section.
    Did you see the original film that was the basis for Vanilla Sky (Abre los Ojos)?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Vanilla Sky was pretty good, but suffers hard from a really uninteresting middle section.
    Did you see the original film that was the basis for Vanilla Sky (Abre los Ojos)?
    No, but I want to. I think it's super weird that Vanilla Sky came out 4 years after it, and that Penelope Cruz plays the exact same character.
  • Tatsumi is a beautiful movie about a beautiful man who made ugly stories beautifully.
  • Tatsumi is a beautiful movie about a beautiful man who made ugly stories beautifully.
    I need to watch this, I've read everything of his that has been put out in the US.
  • Tatsumi is a beautiful movie about a beautiful man who made ugly stories beautifully.
    I need to watch this, I've read everything of his that has been put out in the US.
    You can find it with relative ease on the World Wide Web. *WINK*
  • I watched Dark Shadows, though I missed bits here and there as I was doing things on my laptop at the time. It's a crazy movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I was never sure if it was meant to be a comedy or a horror or what. The unbalanced-ness of it appealed to me.
  • I have to admit, the new Superman actually looks decent.
  • edited April 2013
    Indeed. I wasn't interested when I first heard about it. Then after hearing Noan is a part of it and this trailer, it's gotten my attention.

    Also this image if the female villain is pretty cool in all that armor.


    Lyddi should do that cosplay.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
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