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What movie have you seen recently?



  • All they need to make a good movie is get Marv Wolfman to direct it. I realize that's no easy feat, but can you imagine the guy who brought us the great '80s Teen Titans and said to the DC cannon "fuck you, I'm making Donna Troy and there's nothing you can do about it" directing a Flash movie?
  • I was in a rush to get a movie from the DVD rental shop last night, and picked up Fishtank. I thought it was the movie Catfish. I didn't get a chance to watch it last night, but put it on this afternoon while hanging out with the new girlfriend. I realized my mistake within the first minute of the movie, and didn't care to watch it.

    Instead we watched Julie and Julia. A fun film, if a bit dull story-wise. It's like porn for women, but using food instead of sex.
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    I was in a rush to get a movie from the DVD rental shop last night
  • Why?

    International copyright and licensing agreements. I would stream or download stuff, but within Germany it is usually on licensed by one company, and they will stream a German dubbed version. Same with audio books and other stuff. The DVD shop is 200m away, and has a large enough selection that I can always watch something if I want. And in all kinds of language choices.

    Also: I had a voucher for a 1 euro overnight rental. 1 euro is perfect for a movie I didn't even bother to watch!
  • Nanjing! Nanjing! (aka: The City of Life and Death) is about the rape of Nanking. While it is a good movie (well shot, evokes a lot of emotion)'s called the rape of Nanking for a reason. This was a horrible movie to watch before I went to sleep.
  • I am watching The Ramen Girl. Im not sure how I feel about it yet.
  • Just found out that Ocean's 11 was originally made in the '60's. Ima watch that when I get home.
  • Just found out that Ocean's 11 was originally made in the '60's. Ima watch that when I get home.
    Sinatra is one smooth motha.
  • I watched A Single Man. Colin Firth should have won the oscar for this movie instead of the King's Speech. It looked amazing too! Not sure if it was a great film or just a film trying to be great, but it was certainly interesting.
  • The Great Race, Simply amazing. I love the pacing and the characters. It harps on all the right tropes and makes them shine. Not the movie for you if you can't sit still for two and a half hours watching The Great Leslie icing Champlain glasses and tasting it before pouring it for his lady guest. One scene to demonstrate his deep gentlemanly nature and chauvinism.

    Also I saw Conversations with Other Women. Very interesting, it caught me a bit off guard with how the story mirrored my own life a bit.
    The split screen was a bit strange and hard to get used to. I loved that they used it to keep us looking at the couple while they were interacting and could show us what they were thinking at the same time, through flashbacks and fantasies. It also let you see all these small facial expressions while they talked to each other. You didn't need to wait for the cut to show someone's reaction, you just saw it in real time.

    What can I say, I'm a fan of slower paced films with extended cuts. I abhor it when the camera flashes back and forth between different events. It is simply amazing when the camera lingers on a scene. It allows you to take so much more in rather than these insane flashes of mental imagery that you get nothing more than a slight impression that something happened there.
  • Saw Bridesmaids tonight. Very funny movie. I might actually have liked it more than the Hangover 2, but I need to let it percolate in my head for a couple days before I pass judgement.
  • Night of the Living Dorks was the best American 80's movie made in 2004 by Germans.
  • Watched the Book of Eli last night....Eh. Denzel Washington movies are just like Kevin Costner movies: Spoiler!! (In case you've never seen one Kevin Costner or Denzel Washington movie)
    All other characters in the movie exists to make you look like you are the coolest, most righteous butt kicking guy! Which means there's no substance or thought to it. And since there aren't too many action scenes or
  • Watched the Book of Eli last night....Eh.
    Aka, a biblical look at the apocalypse atheists are going to cause.
  • Watched the Book of Eli last night....Eh.
    Aka, a biblical look at the apocalypse atheists are going to cause.
    aka, man has magical King James Bible powers that lets him shoot/chop people real good, but don't worry, your religion is still here too. See, there's a Quran and shit right there.
  • Super 8 didn't really bring anything new to the table but it was still thoroughly enjoyable.
  • Cars 2 is not as bad as the reviews say it is. Of course, I didn't think that Cars was as bad as people said it was either.
  • Tangled was definitely not as bad as the trailers made it out to be.
  • Tangled was definitely not as bad as the trailers made it out to be.
    That first teaser trailer told you practically nothing about the movie.
  • Just watched Home on the Range to review it.

    Fuck that movie. It exists purely to make me rage. Fuck it.

    You can read the full review on Sunday.
  • I watch "Horrible Bosses" today, it was actually pretty awesome :D
  • The Marine is a terrible movie in which Robert Patrick tries to be Michael Madsen and there are two hot chicks who can't act.
  • Dear goodness, Beastly is a terrible movie. It has "The Room" level acting, without the narm and painfully stupid dialogue. (Imagine Aaron Sorkin, but a thousand times worse) The plot is so inherently cliched, however it's played through in the dumbest and most unfocused manners. It doesn't help when the actor who is supposedly turned ugly, still looks rather decent and people are not recoiling in horror from his reaction. (Alex Pettyfer is soooooo bad)

    It does border on unintentionally hilarious just because of how bad the actors are, but it does have an aura of smugness about it that takes some of that away.
  • Chicken Little is probably the worst animated movie I have ever seen, and I sat through Shark Tale.
  • Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2 back-to-back. If you love the things that Tarantino loves those movies are awesome. The thought process for the whole thing seems to have been "Wouldn't it be fuckin' sweet to put THIS in a movie?"
  • Chicken Little is probably the worst animated movie I have ever seen, and I sat through Shark Tale.
    That's really got to be an accomplishment, because Shark Tale is not only bad, but really offensive to...everyone.
  • According to a Google search for Shark Tale (because I don't keep up with this), Google says of "This site may harm your computer."

  • I watch "Horrible Bosses" today, it was actually pretty awesome :D
    Isn't is pretty much Strangers on a Train with 3 people?
  • Transformers 3 was bad, as expected, but my friends and I derived a lot of entertainment from it. Also, the new girl they got to be Sam's girlfriend is a lot less annoying than Megan Fox.
  • Transformers 3 was bad, as expected, but my friends and I derived a lot of entertainment from it. Also, the new girl they got to be Sam's girlfriend is a lot less annoying than Megan Fox.
    Also I bet her thumbs are thumbs and not toes sewed onto hands.
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