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PAX Prime 2010



  • edited July 2010
    Scott, words don't always "mean" their exact definitions. Modern vernacular is a big part of how words are used. Even though "gay" means "bright and pleasant", that is NOT how most people use the word. If he say's he's giddy, it's obvious that he means that he is happy and excited. So what if he didn't use the EXACT PROPER WORD? We all knew what he meant. In short, loosen up.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Scott, words don't always "mean" their exact definitions. Modern vernacular is a big part of how words are used. Even though "gay" means "bright and pleasant", that is NOT how most people use the word. If he say's he's giddy, it's obvious that he means that he is happy and excited. So what if he didn't use the EXACT PROPER WORD? We all knew what he meant. In short, loosen up.
    That's probably why you people often misinterpret what Rym and I type in this forum. We always use specific words in a very precise manner. You learn this by playing tabletop games where you have to precisely interpret the rulebook. If you read my post and just sort of decide your own meanings for the word, you're guaranteed to end up putting words in my mouth. Likewise if I read your post, and you do not write it properly.
  • I said giddiness and I meant it. Scott didn't misconstrue anything I said. He just assumed I was incapable of losing the giddiness in the time before PAX and being capable of performing my assigned duties. =D
  • edited July 2010
    Likewise if I read your post, and you do not write it properly.
    I didn't realize modern usage was improper. Unless I'm putting words in your mouth.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • So there are some awesome ideas going out there about getting more PAX attendees to go to all the various areas of PAX with an awesome incentive award.

    If this pans out, I SUGGEST you participate.
  • So there are some awesome ideas going out there about getting more PAX attendees to go to all the various areas of PAX with an awesome incentive award.

    If this pans out, I SUGGEST you participate.
    Awesome idea. Doing something at PAX gets a pokemon. Gotta catch em all.
  • Gotta catch all six Geodudes.
  • "Joyfully elated" is an accepted definition of the word "giddy"; indeed, even though it's not the classical definition, it's the most common usage of the word today. It also, as a state, conflicts with professionalism and composure not at all. If you're going to be pedantic, you ought to at least be right. For that matter, failing to understand the vernacular - even if the failure is deliberate and intended to make some sort of point - is not righteousness, but a limitation.

    In other matters, I'm a blithering idiot who didn't get a 3-day pass for no good reason, so I doubt I'll be able to attend everything you'd need to attend to catch 'em all - PAXemon! This is my just reward for procrastination. Do not listen to anything I say.
  • In other matters, I'm a blithering idiot who didn't get a 3-day pass for no good reason, so I doubt I'll be able to attend everything you'd need to attend to catch 'em all - PAXemon! This is my just reward for procrastination. Do not listen to anything I say.
    From what I've read, you don't have to attend a panel or really do anything other than show up and maybe a tiny bit of participation of some sort. I would guess it would take maybe a few hours to fully complete.

    The prize is in limited numbers so for those who do get it, it's almost an equivalent to having those Fallout Dolls or having a PAX East scarf.
  • That sounds like the MTG event from last year where there were 5-7 (I forget) different areas you had to find and complete a puzzle and if you got all seven done and were the first 500 or so, you got to go to a MTG party (I went, it was silly fun).

    Can you like to the forum post where this is being discussed? Thanks!
  • Can you like to the forum post where this is being discussed? Thanks!
    I don't know if it's being discussed in the PA forums. I found it in the Enforcer forums.
  • Oooh.. are those for enforcers only then? I guess we will just have to wait and see! :)
  • Oooh.. are those for enforcers only then? I guess we will just have to wait and see! :)
    Yes, which is why I wasn't giving out a lot of information. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but I was giving you guys a nice teaser.
  • I'm teased! ;)
  • I am having horrible visions of sitting in a 6-hour sales pitch for Seattle time share vacation homes just to get something awesome.

    I know PAX would never do this, but the thought gives me an uncomfortable laughter b/c I have been known to endure them for their glorious free crap in the past, but have vowed to never do it again since I value my time more. If it involved PAX swag though....
  • If for some reason you crazy people have not booked your flights to Seattle yet.... there are some ridiculous deals today through Virgin America. Big 24-hour sale going on:

    $129 one-way flights from JFK to SEA (connecting through SFO or LAX), but only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. If you feel like flying out on Wednesday, Sept 1st and going home on Tuesday the 7th, well, you're probably paying for 2 extra hotel nights than a normal PAX trip would require, but you've got yourself round trip for under $300, and have some time to explore Seattle. Go to a Mariners game or something.
  • Go to a Mariners game or something.

    But going to Safeco is fun. However, there are plenty o' places to go in Seattle and its surrounding areas.
  • Go to a Mariners game or something.
    Hah, don't worry I'm not suggesting that anyone actually be a Mariners fan (although I would probably rather watch them than the Mets right now...). As someone who travels a lot for work, all the other guys in my department who get sent to Seattle often suggested I check out the stadium. I of course, will be flying out Thursday morning, and doing PAX-related activities until I fly back Monday morning, so no time for such baseball foolishness.
  • Hah, don't worry I'm not suggesting that anyone actually be a Mariners fan (although I would probably rather watch them than the Mets right now...). As someone who travels a lot for work, all the other guys in my department who get sent to Seattle often suggested I check out the stadium. I of course, will be flying out Thursday morning, and doing PAX-related activities until I fly back Monday morning, so no time for such baseball foolishness.
    Yeah, I'm not trying to put down Safeco, cause it is a really nice field, and Qwest next door is also a great stadium for sports. I'm just making the obvious joke. Like Ro said, there's plenty more places to go if you have some free time in Seattle that won't cost you as much overall either.
  • I just tried to check the prices on Virgin America, but their web site is so bad.
  • Talk about last minute decisions, my wife decided she wants to come to PAX. While I wasn't sure if this would be a good thing at first, I couldn't be happier. My concern was that she had more interest in the city of Seattle and PAX proper, but she took some initiative by looking up last years schedule and watching to PATV videos of the con prior to talking to me, in order to make sure it was something she would like. Tabletop gaming (Small World, Dominion, Pandemic) and DS gaming are right up her alley so I'm sure she won't be bored.

    I think the only reason she has never asked to come to a con before was she simply didn't know what to expect, wanted to let the guys have their time, and I never put any pressure on her to do so. She is currently stitching a Ramona Flowers bag to wear around the con, which sorta surprised me but gives me even more confidence she will fit in just fine. Sure I might spend just a little less time off doing my own thing, and might miss a panel or two b/c of it, but we're not attached-at-the-hip people and have other mutual friends going as well, so I'm just glad to get to share something like PAX with her.

    Lucky for her I had not sold away my 3-day pass after getting a media one. Unlucky for me was that her flight cost $200 more than mine!
  • Castle Crashers coming to PAX this year with 4 player arcade cabinet.

    That's pretty cool, but it should be able to let you pick ANY character and you don't have to unlock them along with weapons.

    It would be nice to see something new from Behemoth that is similar to Castle Crashers, although there could be and I'm just not paying attention.
  • That's neat, but why don't they just bring in some actual X-Men arcade machines? I bet they would be shakin' from the moment the con opened until the very end.
  • edited August 2010
    Here it is boys and girls:

    Friday, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM, Serpent Theatre
    PAX Late Show Recording Session

    The PAX Late Show is the brand new talk show featuring your favorite geek celebrities. Also includes the premiere of new video content from hot web video creators, and a very special musical performance. Don't miss your chance to be a part of the live studio audience for this first ever recording of the PAX late show with your hosts Rym and Scott of GeekNights.

    Damn that's some crazy shit right there! Congrats to you guys, you earned it.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited August 2010
    I noticed a while ago, even though I should have realized it from the Meta Minute, that both GN panels are on Sunday. You guys got it pretty nice, both Friday and Saturday to do whatever, although your last panel is right before the Omegathon finals, but you should be able to make it.

    Edit: Oh shit, the mock schedule just had it as nothing in that time slot. That's cool. Hopefully, I can catch it after Of Dice and Men.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Friday, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM, Serpent Theatre
    PAX Late Show Recording Session

    The PAX Late Show is the brand new talk show featuring your favorite geek celebrities. Also includes the premiere of new video content from hot web video creators, and a very special musical performance. Don't miss your chance to be a part of the live studio audience for this first ever recording of the PAX late show with your hosts Rym and Scott of GeekNights.

    Damn that's some crazy shit right there! Congrats to you guys, you earned it.
    Yeah, too bad it's right during the keynote. Doesn't that kind of go against the point of the panel, being a late show and all? In any case, unless it gets moved, gonna be skipping it.
  • Like those other late shows, I imagine this one is not taped at night
  • Yeah, too bad it's right during the keynote.
    That time may have been posted in error. Stay tuned. ^_~
  • It is my understanding that the Late Show is Unicorn 10PM Friday.
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