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PAX Prime 2010



  • edited August 2010
    Our other panels are:

    Saturday, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Unicorn Theatre
    Game Mechanics and Mechanism Design

    Sunday, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Raven Theatre
    Egregiously Unrealized Potential

    I believe these times are correct. I hope I can run all the way from Raven theater to the Omegathon final in that theater all the way down the street. If history has told me anything, it won't start on time anyway.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I jealous of everyone going to PAX. You should make time for the Giant Bombcast live recording.
  • It is my understanding that the Late Show is Unicorn 10PM Friday.
    The grid has it as a 10:30AM recording with a 10PM screening. The screening is not on the full panel list w/ descriptions, and people are saying on the PAX forums there are several more panels like this (on the grid schedule, not in the big list). Sounds like there are some kinks to work out.
  • Was just checking the schedule page out again. Looks like they fixed it and it's at night. Pretty awesome guests, as well. Alex Albrecht, Rooster Teeth, Jon St John (Duke Nukem). I might just have to go to this.
  • Was just checking the schedule page out again. Looks like they fixed it and it's at night. Pretty awesome guests, as well. Alex Albrecht, Rooster Teeth, Jon St John (Duke Nukem). I might just have to go to this.
    John St John is an awesome guy, apparently. Also, the Rooster teeth guys are pretty funny dudes(and ladies), I absolutely encourage you to listen to their Drunk Tank Podcast.
  • Some people seem to be confused about this, so I want to make a public service announcement.

    If you go to a gaming convention, play games. If you didn't spend close to half of your time at a convention like PAX playing games. If you're staff or otherwise running shit, then obviously that's not going to be the case, but you're mostly attendees. Even Mike+Jerry play a tabletop game or two every PAX. If they have time for one, you have time for ten. Yes, you can play some single player games in the expo hall, but ideally you should be playing multiplayer with other attendees. Tabletop, console freeplay, PC, DS lounge, that's where you belong almost always. If there's not a concert, main event, or panel you really want to see, or you need to eat/sleep, then that's what you do.

    I know most of you are doing it right, but scarily enough, I have confirmed reports of people doing it wrong.
  • edited August 2010
    At PAX East, friends and I decided to wander into console freeplay on Sunday, an area we had not been all weekend. We checked out New Super Mario Bros. because none of us had it and we wanted to try it out, 4-player style. No joke, the person next to use was there chugging through the single-player campagin for Heavy Rain, and was still going strong when we left.

    I think you hit a perfect mark with the 50% figure.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • No joke, the person next to use was there chugging through the single-player campagin for Heavy Rain, and was still going strong when we left.
    Ask me sometime to tell the story of the Pop'N'Music guy at Katsucon.

    Yeah, I would not recommend being that guy, but I could easily see myself being that guy in my youth. Imagine you're a loner who's short on money, and you don't even have a console, or not all three. You hear a lot about this game on web sites that you will never play. Then you get a chance to play for free. It sucks you in. It's a Chinese cyber-cafe situation. Avoid it, but I can see how it happens.
  • Ask me sometime to tell the story of the Pop'N'Music guy at Katsucon.
    We have a Tuesday show idea now.
  • We have a Tuesday show idea now.
    A whole show just about that guy?
  • I guess there are some people who prefer that sort of experience. It could also be a some dude who didn't want to go to Panel A where all his friends went and went to go do his own thing for a short period of time.

    It can be intimidating trying to get in with a group of people playing a game, so I guess it really depends on the personality of the individual and whether or not they truly have balls of steel.

    I really can't relate to many of those loner types because I normally have my own posse/group that I'm already doing things with, so it's normally the loner type that approaches us and we openly accept more people to game with.
  • A whole show just about that guy?
    Why you shouldn't be that guy, and why that guys is that guy. Do X at an X convention with the other attendees: otherwise you're wasting your time and money. We could make it a Thursday: our "how to attend cons" content is very old and a little dated.
  • I really can't relate to many of those loner types because I normally have my own posse/group that I'm already doing things with, so it's normally the loner type that approaches us and we openly accept more people to game with.
    When I'm at a convention, I always try to play

    a) with people I don't know or don't see often
    b) a game that is not easily available at another time
    c) both

    You're at a con. There are opportunities you will not have at any other time. Don't leave the door closed when you hear the knock!
  • You also forget:

    c) A game that I've never played but I know a person who is willing to teach me how to play, so I don't have to read the instructions. :P

    I agree with you, I always try to get games from the library that seem interesting and I've never played. At PAX East, I was pretty much doing A the whole time because I was hanging out with FRCF people.

    As I've said before I'm bringing Dixit. This is the kind of game that's very fun to play with different people because everyone has a different perspective and imagination, which makes it all too perfect for this game.
  • You are correct. That is a good call on c. The thing is, I'm usually the instructions guy. lol

    /remembers simultaneously teaching Agricola to 2-3 groups at last PAX West.
  • The thing is, I'm usually the instructions guy. lol
    No doubt. Jeremy is the Dominion instruction king. He's taught well over 20+ people at the 3 PAXes (Paces) we've been to.

    Oh mans, 10 more days until the bag stuffing party. The Enforcer forums are crazy busy right now. It's hard to keep up with everything that's going on. It's amazing seeing all these extra things that Enforcers are doing to make things just a tiny bit better at PAX. It makes me happy that I'm part of that experience.
  • It can be intimidating trying to get in with a group of people playing a game, so I guess it really depends on the personality of the individual and whether or not they truly have balls of steel.
    True dat. There have been a few times at the last couple PAXes where I have found myself more or less alone, and wanted to play a game, and just not really found an opening or the gumption to break into an existing group and get into a game. I'm not nearly the wallflower I used to be, either. There's just a certain overwhelming weight to a whole crowd of thousands who are all aggregated into groups when you, yourself, aren't.
  • edited August 2010
    True dat. There have been a few times at the last couple PAXes where I have found myself more or less alone, and wanted to play a game, and just not really found an opening or the gumption to break into an existing group and get into a game. I'm not nearly the wallflower I used to be, either. There's just a certain overwhelming weight to a whole crowd of thousands who are all aggregated into groups when you, yourself, aren't.
    This is true, but you are just taking the wrong approach. Instead of trying to break into a group, and be all awkard, form a new group. Go into the tabletop checkout room and you will see people who are in smaller groups of one or two. You can corral them all together to make a game happen. You can also wait and eventually someone will checkout and start a new game with less than the ideal number of players. You can politely ask to join, I guarantee you will never be rejected. And that's only if you aren't invited to begin with.

    Also, I'm sure an Enforcer can help you if you are really really shy.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • When I'm at a convention, I always try to play

    a) with people I don't know or don't see often
    b) a game that is not easily available at another time
    c) both
    I definitely enjoy playing with strangers, but rather than play a game that is not usually available to me, I would love to get a game going where everyone already knows the rules and can play at a high level. I would consider the tabletop tournaments at PAX but feel iffy about booking myself for several hours all for one game. Perhaps that just means I don't actually desire this as much as I think I do?

    As the member of my group of gaming friends most likely to attend cons and local board game nights, I am constantly bringing back new games into the group. We also have a lot of people who are there one month but not next, repeat. Out of 7-8 people, maybe half where there last time. For that reason, it seems like we can never get a game to the table w/o at least 1 person needing it taught to them. Trust me, I also enjoy introducing new people to great games. I just wish it was not every single time we played something. This is a problem that will eventually solve itself as I've put a hold on buying new games until we master the collection I've built up over the past year.
  • There are normally groups looking for one or two more for a game, but it's all about timing. Also, my friend brings a small dry erase board and puts it up has it displayed saying "LFG for X game". He plays on his DS or something as he waits for people to come up to him.

    Yes, ask Enforcers!

    This reminds me, I need to makes sure to take my vitamins and take whatever precautions I can to not get sick or lose my voice. -_-
  • I am envious of you people that will actually get to see Of Dice and Men as a play. If money and time were not obstacles, I would go just for that.
  • I am envious of you people that will actually get to see Of Dice and Men as a play. If money and time were not obstacles, I would go just for that.
    I'm very excited for this. I will be bringing tissues just because I saw you in your state of red eyes and tears after the showing at PAX East.

    I just really hope I don't have any problems getting into Rym & Scott's late night panel afterwards.
  • Don't forget that Jon St John is Dudebro
  • Don't forget that Jon St John is Dudebro
    Knew that already. Don't make me shoot/slice you!
  • Sorry, my shit is fucked up.
  • ...



    I just booked my hotel. At the Hyatt. ONE BLOCK AWAY!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought it wouldnt actually happen! I thought my parents would let me down on this one. That they would back out at the last second and give me a sad face and say, "Sorry, Maybe next time JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GOD DAMNED THING THEY PROMISED ME THAT WAS EVEN REMOTELY AWESOME! But My Dad pulled through! OMG YES!

    September 3rd! Seattle Washington! I'll BE THERE FUCKERS!


    *sigh* Okay. I'm better now.
  • I look forward to meeting you and your kin. =D
  • Yes, ask Enforcers!
    I am kind of afraid of Enforcers because I am worried my ex has poisoned them all against me.

  • Yes, ask Enforcers!
    I am kind of afraid of Enforcers because I am worried my ex has poisoned them all against me.

    That statement is so you're name (balderdash). I assure you that all we want to do as enforcers is make your PAX awesome. =D
  • Apparently at the same time as our late show the American Carnage Tour will be in Seattle. Slayer, Megadeth and Testament. That's some stiff competition.
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