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PAX Prime 2010



  • Apparently at the same time as our late show the American Carnage Tour will be in Seattle. Slayer, Megadeth and Testament. That's some stiff competition.
    That's fine. We have our own musical act. She can take them.

    I should ask her if she can do a Slayer cover.
    Been thinking about this mystery female solo artist. The only obvious holy-shit inducing name that pops into my mind would be Felicia Day singing one of her songs. Do You Want to Date My Avatar, Game On, etc., or something from Dr. Horrible.
  • edited August 2010
    Tori Amos?

    EDIT: Or Yoko Kanno in a box.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited August 2010
    We will let you know very soon. Keeping it a secret for too long prevents her from promoting her own appearance to her own fans.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I plan to announce it tonight on Twitter and Geeknights.
  • Geeknights live streaming?
  • Tori Amos?

    EDIT: Or Yoko Kanno in a box.
    Naturally, my mind read this as Yoko Ono
  • Also on the PAX Prime front: master tabletop schedule>

  • So apparently the dice I ordered for PAX was made in the wrong color. So that means I will have extra dice but in opaque blue. If you are nice to me, I might have extra to give out. :P

    Oh mans, this is coming up way too fast for me now. I have a lot to do. The Bag Stuffing party is this weekend!
  • The Bag Stuffing party is this weekend!
    I want to ask about that. At PAX East they didn't really stuff bags did they? They just had huge boxes full of lanyards, programs, etc. and you loaded up yourself. It didn't seem to be much of a problem. I'm sure bag stuffing weekend is a ton of fun, but why bother?
  • PAX East had boxes full of bags that were stuffed. There was a PAX East SAX, but there was also a box of just programs, iirc.

    Plus it's a good time to meet up with Department heads and other Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Food is free, company is great, so that's why I bother. ^____~
  • edited August 2010
    Plus it's a good time to meet up with Department heads and other Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Food is free, company is great, so that's why I bother. ^____~
    Yeah, I know those reasons. But if you just let people stuff their own bags, it could be an enforcer party weekend without any manual labors!

    Also, I just got a copy of the PAX World Map.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Yeah, I know those reasons. But if you just let people stuff their own bags, it could be an enforcer party weekend without any manual labors!
    Enforcers actually do that anyways on their own time and moneys.

    Yes, the PAX World Map is awesome.
  • Plus it's a good time to meet up with Department heads and other Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Food is free, company is great, so that's why I bother. ^____~
    Yeah, I know those reasons. But if you just let people stuff their own bags, it could be an enforcer party weekend without any manual labors!
    People definitely form bonds easier when forced to share some common burden, such as "damn, we have so stuff all of these bags?"
  • Looking at the room #s used on the tabletop master schedule, it seems that Tabletop will own the entire second floor of the WSTCC, at least half of the 3rd floor, and the whole 3rd floor of the new conference center.

    Has tabletop had this big of a presence in the past? My only prior PAX experience was East, and it seems as though Prime will put that to shame this year.
  • Looking at the room #s used on the tabletop master schedule, it seems that Tabletop will own the entire second floor of the WSTCC, at least half of the 3rd floor, and the whole 3rd floor of the new conference center.

    Has tabletop had this big of a presence in the past? My only prior PAX experience was East, and it seems as though Prime will put that to shame this year.
    From what I remember of last year, and if your source is correct, tabletop will be expanded again this year. But that still isn't saying all that much when you compare it to the 4th and 6th floors. I dunno, having not gone to PAX East yet, I can't compare.
  • I'm pretty sure the big chunk of tabletop space in the annex is actually WotC tabletop space. Yes/no?
  • Looks like WotC has most of the annex third floor, but there are booths from The Dreaming, Games and Gizmos, Ancient Wonders, and Z-Man Games up there as well
  • Looks like WotC has most of the annex third floor, but there are booths from The Dreaming, Games and Gizmos, Ancient Wonders, and Z-Man Games up there as well
    Yeah, those booths are technically expo hall space. I really only consider space to be true tabletop space if it contains tables and people playing games on them, and not WotC.
  • edited August 2010
    Would PAX get upset if I brought a medium sized set of speakers with me to the con and just started DJ-ing for a bit? They're pretty much desktop speakers, but with a dedicated subwoofer.

    Also, Nerf?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • The speakers would be a no-no. My guess about the nerf would be a no-no as well. Shooting an unwilling combatant could bring unwanted drama.

    I wanted to flash mob Thriller but I couldn't get a crew up for it. =/
  • Darn. Well, I'll still be bringing my RC Drift Car.
  • Seconded on the speakers. Inside the con, they'd probably be banned quickly. Outside the con though, fair game. And when I say outside the con, that means the street level of the center. Still not advisable, but there's no real security or enforcer presence there.
  • edited August 2010
    Just follow the 7 rules of PAX.

    Rule 5 is "Don't harass anyone!"
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Then again there were a good amount of people with boom boxes or music coming from their cosplay at PAXeast... (unless I am remembering Connecticon)
  • Then again there were a good amount of people with boom boxes or music coming from their cosplay at PAXeast... (unless I am remembering Connecticon)
    I think as long as you don't actually harass anyone, it won't be a problem. If you've got a song quietly playing with your cosplay, it will be cool and nobody will be bothered. If you've got loud music that is distracting people playing tabletop games, or hurting people's ears, then you'll almost definitely be asked to turn it down. The rules of PAX are on the back of every badge, but here they are again for reference.

    1. Drugs are bad!
    2. Don't steal!
    3. Don't punch or kick people!
    4. No cheating!
    5. Don't harass anyone!
    6. Don't spray paint or put stickers on stuff!
    7. Don't mess with things that aren't yours!

    Actually, I'm thinking about rule #4. I play a lot of FPS on the Internet, and it's at the point where you really can't tell sometimes if people are cheating. I definitely want to play some Counter-Strike or something at some point during the weekend to measure my true skill in a guaranteed no cheating environment.
  • Then again there were a good amount of people with boom boxes or music coming from their cosplay at PAXeast... (unless I am remembering Connecticon)
    There were a few guys who had boomboxes playing 8bit tunes and other old school songs while in the queue room. It didn't seem like he was annoying anyone.
  • Then again there were a good amount of people with boom boxes or music coming from their cosplay at PAXeast... (unless I am remembering Connecticon)
    The guy I remember with a boombox at PAX East had a Metapod costume that covered his torso and head. He walked around blasting tunes, and yelling to noone in particular about how Ash Ketchum was a horrible person for trying to evolve him too early, leaving him to grow arms and legs and forever be a deformed pokemon.

    My group was divided over whether he was annoying or hilarious. I kinda thought it was funny.

    I wouldn't advise bringing nerf guns or an RC car unless you intend to only use them outside. The boombox is probably OK but as always don't be a dick. Try to be aware of your surroundings and read the situation. If people seem to be bothered by your actions, cut it out or move along.
  • I'm bummed that the timing of the second Geeknights panel is back to back with the final round of the Omegathon :( Might have to miss that one.

    Who did the surprise special guest musician turn out to be?

    Re: Dragon Quest Ix - you can play multiplayer and it's pretty fun to run around together, but the big draw is that you can bring people into your inn to trade maps (called "canvassing"). There have been several exclusive maps, so people are excited to be able to trade for them!
  • I'm bummed that the timing of the second Geeknights panel is back to back with the final round of the Omegathon :( Might have to miss that one.
    It is incredibly likely that it will be simulcast in the queue room. Also, it never starts on time. I plan to just go to the queue room to watch it rather than try to run down to the Benaroya hall.
  • As a member of the PipBoy Dance Troupe, the queue room probably isn't going to cut it for that event. But I will definitely make it to both your other events! (lines willing)
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