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PAX Prime 2010



  • Apparently at the same time as our late show the American Carnage Tour will be in Seattle. Slayer, Megadeth and Testament. That's some stiff competition.
    That's fine. We have our own musical act. She can take them.

    I should ask her if she can do a Slayer cover.
  • edited August 2010
    American Carnage Tour will be in Seattle
    You should go see it. Fuck the late show.

    Hard Mode: Get them to play for PAX.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Hard Mode: Get them to play for PAX.
    You'd shit if you knew who I'm going after for PAX East. ^_~
    You should go see it. Fuck the late show.
    The Bumbershoot is also that weekend. Seattle will be rife with music and mayhem.

    PAX East will be larger in scale, but PAX Prime benefits from being at an odd cultural crossroads in an odd, mall-like city far away from the power, commerce, and grime of the Best Coast.
  • American Carnage Tour will be in Seattle
    You should go see it. Fuck the late show.

    Hard Mode: Get them to play for PAX.
    If I had known earlier, I would have made a move.
  • You'd shit if you knew who I'm going after for PAX East. ^_~
    Amon Amarth would invoke the horns. Tom Waits would result in shitting.
  • Since I have no idea who you are, or who your ex is, it impossible for me to be against you. Not that anything said would cause me to not be nice anyway!
  • I have heard through the grapevine that the main events in Benaroya hall will be simulcast on a screen in the queue room. Depending on the event, your level of caring, and your possession of a wrist-band, it may be a good strategy to simply watch from the queue room. You won't have to wait in a line or walk all the way down the street to the main events. If this holds true, a portable chair might not be the worst idea.

    Also, it was said on Twitter, there will be a number of wrist-bands equal to the number of seats in main events, and that's the end of it. So if you don't have a wrist-band, just go to the queue room so you don't miss anything.
  • What DS games should I bring to PAX with me?
  • What DS games should I bring to PAX with me?
    current or awesome multiplayer games.
  • far away from the power, commerce, and grime of the Best Coast.
    You do realize that "Best Coast" is a pun on "West Coast", right? You can't just use it for whatever coast you think is superior. Are you East Coasters not clever enough to come up with your own name instead of stealing ours?
  • Youdorealize that "Best Coast" is a pun on "West Coast", right?
    In my mind, it's "West Coast" and "Best Coast."
  • The east coast has long been known as the "First Coast".
  • Are you East Coasters not clever enough to come up with your own name instead of stealing ours?
  • In years past not everyone who has gotten a wristband has gone to the concerts. There should be plenty of room for people who didn't show up at the crack of opening to still get into the main theater. (if you don't though, don't find me an hit me with a herring or anything)
  • edited August 2010
    Youdorealize that "Best Coast" is a pun on "West Coast", right?
    In my mind, it's "West Coast" and "Best Coast."
    The east coast has long been known as the "First Coast".
    Are you East Coasters not clever enough to come up with your own name instead of stealing ours?
    Woah, guys, What's wrong with "East Coast" and "West Coast"? As a person who has lived on both coasts, I can say with a certain authority that each has its pros and cons.

    East coast:
    Pros: Immense historical significance to the birth and early years of this country, birthplace of many of the earliest technological breakthroughs that brought forth the modern age.
    Cons: Weather can be very FUCK at times, the age of the major cities make for confusing road systems, cars rust quickly.

    West coast (or at least SoCal):
    Pros: Weather favorable to the maintenance of classic cars, major center for cultural and political change, Modern center of technological development and innovation, big racing scene.
    Cons: Traffic is FUCK (think rush hour on the 95 x 100), crime rate is enormous, Not enough weather
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Please don't lump us Pacific North-westerners in with your high crime crappy weather overly priced SoCal. (we do have crappy traffic to)
  • yea the North west kinda has the same weather problems of the east... but it's more predictable.... I.E. Rain.
  • yea the North west kinda has the same weather problems of the east... but it's more predictable.... I.E. Rain.
    I plan on moving north after college. I need some god damned rain!
  • Got my pass in the mail today. It is ON!
  • Got my pass in the mail today. It is ON!
  • While I have not received my badge yet (I pre-reg'd long before I considered becoming an enforcer) I did get my assignments for enforcing. It looks like I'll be working handheld on the 9PM shifts. Come and mellow out with me for a while before your late night party commitments! =D
  • This is what I get for being away from my computer for a whole day. So much chatter.

    Yes, Bumbershoot is the same weekend as PAX and has been for a while. Seattle will be full of awesome that weekend it seems now with the added Metal concerts.

    If your ex is an Enforcer, more than likely she doesn't care and is awesome to not worry about the past. Unless you're my ex, then I might have to ignore you. However, I think that's highly unlikely due to the fact that you can write coherent sentences and you found out about Geek Nights.

    Jeremy and I will be in Tabletop each morning shift. Afterwards, we are up for whatever. So let me know if you want to hang out.
    Are you East Coasters not clever enough to come up with your own name instead of stealing ours?
  • Felt I needed to share this. At my job, one of our frequent travel destinations is the Patuxent River area of Maryland, fondly known as PAX. There is nothing worse than having your boss tell you that you have to go to PAX and instead being sent to the middle-of-nowhere in southeast MD.

    In other news, at PAX today, I was told I need to go to Seattle for 1-day of work to perform some training with new users, and that I could schedule this any time in the next two months. I choose September 2nd. PAX is sending me to PAX. Looks like I'll have to pay Continental $150 to get my flight cost credited back to me, but I'll use it elsewhere, and work will cover the new ticket in full.

    @AaronC Very true about the wristband thing. I plan on lining up ass-early on Friday to game in line with friends and strangers, and will undoubtedly get a wristband, only to wind up not using it. The theater has slightly less capacity than in the past, but being it's repeat acts and there is a short walk involve, I think that will weed out a certain percentage of people for varying reasons.
  • What DS games should I bring to PAX with me?
    current or awesome multiplayer games.
    Like what? I've got Mario kart for sure, Animal Crossing, Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, but what else?
  • Like what? I've got Mario kart for sure, Animal Crossing, Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, but what else?
    Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Pokemon/Pokewalker. Dragon Quest IX. Tetris. I could go on.
  • Pokewalker
    So friggin' fun to have at AX. Sure it'll be awesome at PAX.
  • Advance Wars(s)
  • edited August 2010
    Like what? I've got Mario kart for sure, Animal Crossing, Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, but what else?
    Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Pokemon/Pokewalker. Dragon Quest IX. Tetris. I could go on.
    Might and Magic: Ehhh... I'm not sure if it's my kind of game, but, sure, I'll try it. EDIT: Does not work on R4.
    Pokemon: okay.
    Pokewalker?: R4 doesnt support infared... (yes, I am looking for games to put on an R4. I will not pay $40 for a videogame...)
    Dragon Quest: Never played it, but okay.
    Tetris: FUCK YES. I do love me some tetris.

    Do go on.

    Also, what are the standard PC games played at PAX? Is it mostly FPS's or are there racing games as well? Are there Initial D arcade cabinets?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Tetris and Mario Kart man. Everything else is optional. The only one that stands out as having not been mentioned is The World Ends With You, an RPG with some multiplayer features.

    There's actually a thread on the PAX forums to share twitter handles of those bringing DQIX. I've never played it so don't know what the multi is like but figured I'd pass it along.

    As for PC gaming, the tournament list may provide some hints. There are Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, League of Legends, and Call of Duty 4 tournaments. Expect all to be popular.
  • edited August 2010
    I am sorry if it seemed like I was implying that Enforcers are generally anything other than awesome folks. I was not! Nor am I vain enough to think that the entire group would bother to hate me.

    There was just some very small, very personal drama last year and I was making a bit of a joke about it. For my own sake, mostly.
    Post edited by balderdash on
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