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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Where do these games fit in?
    These games are really for casual boardgamers looking for a social experience. They specifically fail upon play by anyone with an understanding of game theory or a willingness to analyze the game and make optimal decisions. One can only enjoy them fully so long as one does not understand them.
    Hmm, I've never thought if it that way before, and I'm not sure I agree 100%, but you do make some valid points. When I want to play Pandemic, or games of that ilk (yes! I managed to use ilk in a sentence!), I am looking for more of a social experience than a deep strategic one.

    Also, Matt raises a good point about replay-ability. These types of games tend to get old very fast and playing them with "good" players versus "bad" players is a huge factor, which leads to "bullying" and all that.
  • Where do these games fit in?
    These games are really for casual boardgamers looking for a social experience. They specifically fail upon play by anyone with an understanding of game theory or a willingness to analyze the game and make optimal decisions. One can only enjoy them fully so long as one does not understand them.
    Hmm, I've never thought if it that way before, and I'm not sure I agree 100%, but you do make some valid points. When I want to play Pandemic, or games of that ilk (yes! I managed to use ilk in a sentence!), I am looking for more of a social experience than a deep strategic one.

    Also, Matt raises a good point about replay-ability. These types of games tend to get old very fast and playing them with "good" players versus "bad" players is a huge factor, which leads to "bullying" and all that.
    Has anyone played the expansion modes for Pandemic? I've got On the Brink, but really have only used it for the new roles and the fancy bits. We don't even incorporate the new event cards, as I pointed out to my group that if we lose, it is always because the deck ran out, and adding in even cards would create a fatter deck with a weaker challenge. I haven't read the rules but I'd be interested to see how the bio-terrorist mode changes the game into a 1 vs everyone experience.
  • edited June 2011
    Has anyone played the expansion modes for Pandemic? I've got On the Brink, but really have only used it for the new roles and the fancy bits. We don't even incorporate the new event cards, as I pointed out to my group that if we lose, it is always because the deck ran out, and adding in even cards would create a fatter deck with a weaker challenge. I haven't read the rules but I'd be interested to see how the bio-terrorist mode changes the game into a 1 vs everyone experience.
    I only play with the expansion now. I've played enough Pandemic that without it is "easy mode". Always use mutations, figure out how skilled you are before using the virulent strain with any regularity. I cannot speak to the Bio-Terrorist as I've only seen it played once but those people looked like they were having a good time? =D
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Played a game of Kingsburg with some friends yesterday. While not the deepest game around, there are still enough decisions to make for it to be enjoyable and not completely random. It's light, it's fun, but takes maybe a bit too long for what you're doing. Maybe that was because I was teaching a group of new people how to play, and hopefully, next time, it will play faster.

    If I had to come up with one complaint about the game, it's that it doesn't support 6 players, only 5, but adding a 6th player would definitely extend the game length even more.
  • If I had to come up with one complaint about the game, it's that it doesn't support 6 players, only 5, but adding a 6th player would definitely extend the game length even more.
    It's already a lengthy game with 5 players. 6 players would take even longer during the settling phase.

    The Queen gets around in that game. We always make jokes of how much the Queen is a whore.
  • he Queen gets around in that game.
    Awww yeah...

    I won at PAX because she kept coming back to my castle. Almost every night.
  • If I had to come up with one complaint about the game, it's that it doesn't support 6 players, only 5, but adding a 6th player would definitely extend the game length even more.
    It's already a lengthy game with 5 players. 6 players would take even longer during the settling phase.

    The Queen gets around in that game. We always make jokes of how much the Queen is a whore.
    Maybe it was because everyone was rolling terribly, but the Queen was only picked a couple of times in last night's game.
  • Maybe it was because everyone was rolling terribly, but the Queen was only picked a couple of times in last night's game.
    With the normal set rolling 17 is very difficult. With the expansion, there are ways you can increase your chances of rolling better. I recommend getting it, however I don't like playing with the special events cards.
  • edited June 2011
    For Kingsburg, there is a rule that everyone on BGG loves from the expansion, and it looks like it'd be very easy to incorporate without actually buying anything. For the winter reinforcements at the end of a year, instead of rolling a die to see how much he adds to your soldier's strength, you are given a few number chits to start the game (Edit: six chits numbered 0, 1, 1, 2, 3 and 4 ), but they are all one-time use. So instead of a random die at the end, you're playing with the strategy of using your low chits or your high chits, but your early strategy will dictate the later one based on what chits are left, so don't screw it up.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • (I think numbering 2-5, can't remember the distribution or how many chits), but they are all one-time use.
    0,1,1,2,3,& 4. That 4 can make or break your chance of winning at the game.
  • damn, ninja'd mah edit! lol
  • Maybe it was because everyone was rolling terribly, but the Queen was only picked a couple of times in last night's game.
    With the normal set rolling 17 is very difficult. With the expansion, there are ways you can increase your chances of rolling better. I recommend getting it, however I don't like playing with the special events cards.
    I do have the expansion, and we were playing with the soldier chits, instead of the random reinforcements die, as well as the extended building tracks. Considering that out of the 5 players, I was the only one who had ever played before, I decided not to use any of the other expansion modules, even though the people I was playing with were smart enough that they could have handled them.

    I agree with you that the special event cards are not my favorite. Nothing like having the game end at the beginning of Year Three by pulling two "the king is sick" cards in a row.

    The special advisor powers are fun to use, although some of them are a little unbalanced IMO, and some of the alternate building tracks are fun too.

    I know adding a 6th player would increase the game length, but I'm still half-tempted to try out the 6th player variant on BGG.

    Also, some of the scenarios that FFG released leading up to the expansion are fun to play with as well.
  • Woohoo, board game boo-yah. The next printing of titles from Sirlin Games just came off the boat, and they dropped copies of Puzzle Strike, Flash Duel, and the complete 10-deck Yomi set in the mail!
  • It's light, it's fun, but takes maybe a bit too long for what you're doing. Maybe that was because I was teaching a group of new people how to play, and hopefully, next time, it will play faster.
    I enjoyed it, but yes, it takes too long for a game with such a strong luck component.

    Next time, I build that goddamn Inn first thing.
  • edited June 2011
    Had 6 players for game night last night, and nobody brought any of the larger group games like Robo Rally or Seven Wonders, so I proposed we play the 6-player variant to Small World, called Necromancer Island. It was OK. I've always enjoyed Small World as a light 90 min or less war game, and the 6th player pushed the game to 2 hours.

    The whole necromancer thing is a bit odd though. Player 6 is the necromancer, and for every 4 units that die on the board, a ghost is spawned in the map's center lake. The necromancer's goal is to get all 13 of his ghosts out onto the map. That's a simplification of how it works, but that is the core, and it means that if the necromancer wants to win, they need to lay low and keep their ghosts from ever being attacked. Focusing on defense only takes the fun out of Small World!

    Also, my package from Sirlin Games came in (10 Yomi decks and Puzzle Strike). I read the rules to Puzzle Strike but didn't get it to the table. It looks awesome though!
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I have not had time to play, but Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War showed up and looks fantastic. 2 player abstract strategy heaven.

    Also, Looney Labs gets crapped on for a lot of things, such as not being "hardcore" enough and having card artwork that a 7-year-old could draw. Interestingly, they retired their card game Aquarius and have re-themed/relaunched it as 7 Dragons, complete with artwork by Larry Elmore. Solid move.
  • Interestingly, they retired their card game Aquarius and have re-themed/relaunched it as 7 Dragons, complete with artwork by Larry Elmore. Solid move.
    I have Aquarius. It's basically dominoes.
  • Interestingly, they retired their card game Aquarius and have re-themed/relaunched it as 7 Dragons, complete with artwork by Larry Elmore. Solid move.
    I have Aquarius. It's basically dominoes.
    Eh that doesn't sound very exciting. Never played it myself. I've met the Looney crew, they're good people, so just glad to see a company making smart moves.
  • Interestingly, they retired their card game Aquarius and have re-themed/relaunched it as 7 Dragons, complete with artwork by Larry Elmore. Solid move.
    I have Aquarius. It's basically dominoes.
    Eh that doesn't sound very exciting. Never played it myself. I've met the Looney crew, they're good people, so just glad to see a company making smart moves.
    The only bad moves I ever thought they made were releasing the same game multiple times with different themes as opposed to releasing more completely new games. Nanofictionary is their best.
  • Interestingly, they retired their card game Aquarius and have re-themed/relaunched it as 7 Dragons, complete with artwork by Larry Elmore. Solid move.
    I have Aquarius. It's basically dominoes.
    Eh that doesn't sound very exciting. Never played it myself. I've met the Looney crew, they're good people, so just glad to see a company making smart moves.
    The only bad moves I ever thought they made were releasing the same game multiple times with different themes as opposed to releasing more completely new games. Nanofictionary is their best.
    Do you mean bad moves as in for your enjoyment or for the strength of the company? I assume you mean the 10 or so versions of Fluxx when you mention the same game multiple times, but I don't think that's a bad move. These people who want a luck-heavy and light card game are a big audience. They're the same ones gobbling up Munchkin and Killer Bunnies, but I think Fluxx serves them best. Each of the versions does have some added wrinkle or a completely new card type, but unlike the other examples, Fluxx doesn't encourage you to mix its sets, and doesn't last for a mind-numbing two hours. I say keep cranking them out. They're enjoyable in small doses, and are going to finance gems like Nanofictionary.
  • I have a question regarding space:

    I have a postage stamp sized apartment. I'd like to play a board game without using some awful combination of our storage ottoman as the table and various end tables as places for cards and etc pieces. We're thinking about getting a collapsible beer pong table, as we have enough space for a table, just not for a table 24/7. Does anyone have any experience with this or other collapsible tables? Do they make good spaces for board games? The benefit of the peer bong one (aside from being beer pong, which in my stupid apartment I can actually play because we have an outdoor terrace nearly as big as the apartment itself) is that it collapses into a 2x2 square for easy storage. Being able to stick the table into the corner or under the bed when not in use is a big plus!
  • edited June 2011
    You should just come over and play board games with us.

    Also, you can never go wrong with a classic.

    Meco/Samsonite 84-09S831 Samsonite Square Folding Table
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Does anyone have any experience with this or other collapsible tables?
    Get this table and never look back.

    We keep it half-folded all the time as a two/three person dining table. We unfurl it all the way for big games, and fold the normally open half down when we need more floor space.
  • Does anyone have any experience with this or other collapsible tables?
    Get this table and never look back.

    We keep it half-folded all the time as a two/three person dining table. We unfurl it all the way for big games, and fold the normally open half down when we need more floor space.
    But will you be able to unfold it all the way in a tiny apartment?
  • But will you be able to unfold it all the way in a tiny apartment?
    I'm not exactly sure how tiny. ;^)
  • Is the Alhambra Big Box (core game + all five expansions) worth $45?
  • Is the Alhambra Big Box (core game + all five expansions) worth $45?
    My boyfriend says yes, even though we don't have it. He really likes the core game.
  • My boyfriend says yes, even though we don't have it. He really likes the core game.
    Why isn't he on the forums?

  • (╯‵Д′)╯
    So I get this is like some kind of Kirby like thing, but is he like peeing a rainbow at a swing?
    I feel really out of the loop on this one.
  • So I get this is like some kind of Kirby like thing, but is he like peeing a rainbow at a swing?
    Angry Kirby flipping a table.
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