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WTF of Your Day



  • That was just great. I was expecting some totally brutal move that cripples a guy, which is totally illegal. But no! Hypnosis, that the other team either knew about or played along with with intentionally bad acting, and then dancing!
  • That was by far the best thing I've ever seen, especially when the extra wrestlers show up. Bravo for none of them breaking character or cracking a smile.
  • That sort of made me want to watch pro wrestling again.
  • edited February 2011
    Link as Cloud
    LINK to more Zelda art.

    Also this:
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Talk about compensating.
  • image
    Shit, I saw that the other day. Its awesome if you never want to get up ever. Also, note he has all this shit but still hasn't upgraded from XP.
  • Judging by the age of the printer, I'd say this was taken quite a while ago. Though that looks like a Magic Mouse over on the left so I'm not sure.
  • image
    Shit, I saw that the other day. Its awesome if you never want to get up ever. Also, note he has all this shit but still hasn't upgraded from XP.
    That guy is using Yahoo, WTF?
  • image
    Shit, I saw that the other day. Its awesome if you never want to get up ever. Also, note he has all this shit but still hasn't upgraded from XP.
    That guy is using Yahoo, WTF?
    Yafuu is pretty popular in Japan, even to today. Kinda like how Orkut is popular in that other place.
  • image
    Shit, I saw that the other day. Its awesome if you never want to get up ever. Also, note he has all this shit but still hasn't upgraded from XP.
    That guy is using Yahoo, WTF?
    Yafuu is pretty popular in Japan, even to today. Kinda like how Orkut is popular in that other place.
    Oh jeez, I just noticed that its Japanese. Damn, how the fuck did he get all those guns then? Goddamn yakuza?
  • edited February 2011
    how the fuck did he get all those guns then?

    Similar places for guns exist.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh jeez, I just noticed that its Japanese. Damn, how the fuck did he get all those guns then? Goddamn yakuza?
    No way. Totally a combat airsoft otaku.
  • No way. Totally a combat airsoft otaku.
    I started to figure that right about the time I spotted the M79, slightly undersized minigun, the PSG-1, the MG-42, and of course, the AT4 anti-tank weapon in the bottom right corner.
  • No way. Totally a combat airsoft otaku.
    I started to figure that right about the time I spotted the M79, slightly undersized minigun, the PSG-1, the MG-42, and of course, the AT4 anti-tank weapon in the bottom right corner.
    Yeah its probably airsoft since they have some hardcore airsoft people there. Before I noticed it was Japanese I just figured it was just somebody in a southern state where you can get almost anything. I mean even up here in Michigan I could probably go and buy most of those right now if I made a trip down to the sporting goods store. You can get pretty much anything here as long as its semi-auto, and the barrel length isn't super short.
  • Sooooo nothing about the giant penis sticking out of the wall? Right. Moving on.
  • Genericon maybe decent, dare I say good, this year. AWO, Vic Mignogna, Uncle Yo and some late night Jungle Speed. That's a suprisingly solid line up for them.
  • Genericonmaybe decent, dare I say good, this year. AWO, Vic Mignogna, Uncle Yo and some late night Jungle Speed. That's a suprisingly solid line up for them.
    Hm, I see a little RIT/RPI crossover:
    Tora-Con's Anime Game Show Laboratory (Andrew Krawic, Eric Tripp)
  • I really like this "fact":



    "Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer and Giza are all aligned on a single great circle. Additional ancient sites that are located within one tenth of one degree of this great circle include Petra; Perseopolis; Khajuraho; Pyay, Sukothai and Anatom Island.

    Near Ollantaytambo, Machupicchu and Cuzco are within one quarter of a degree. The Oracle at Siwa in the western Egyptian desert is within one quarter of a degree. In the Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro and Ganweriwala are within one quarter of a degree. The ancient Sumerian city of Ur and Angkor temples in Cambodia and Thailand are within one degree of the great circle. The Angkor temple at Preah Vihear is within one quarter of a degree."


    And then he goes on to use this cherry-picked data to try to locate Atlantis.


    Read all about it here.
  • edited February 2011
    Woah! You mean that early civilizations first sprang up in more tropical zones?!

    I think he forgot that the Earth's surface is curved:
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Wow! If you draw a line across the earth, it might intersect populated areas!
  • Straight lines are an illuminati conspiracy.
  • Straight lines are an illuminati conspiracy.
    There are no perfectly straight lines in nature, man. They HAD to come from somewhere else.
  • And then he goes on to use this cherry-picked data to try to locate Atlantis.
    I love how they ALWAYS use a pentagram.

    Fond memory - figuring out how to draw an enormous cock on a map of DC by going from significant place to significant place.
  • edited February 2011
    And then he goes on to use this cherry-picked data to try to locate Atlantis.
    I love how they ALWAYS use a pentagram.

    Fond memory - figuring out how to draw an enormous cock on a map of DC by going from significant place to significant place.
    The penis...a sign of fertility.

    Fertility...relating to birth.

    Birth...The production of a new, unique being from a set of unique parental beings.

    Being...Human being.

    Ergo, DC is the birthplace of Mankind.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2011
    The penis...a sign of fertility.

    Fertility...relating to birth.

    Birth...The production of a new, unique being from a set of unique parental beings.

    Being...Human being.

    Ergo, DC is the birthplace of Mankind.
    Ah, I found where I wrote it down - and yes, I used significant in the conspiracy theorist sense of the word
    Make a smooth curve from the top point of New York Avenue(9/11 9/11), down to K and I streets (first two letters of KILL!), and then down to the government printing office(WHERE THE GOVERNMENT PRINTS OUT THOUSANDS OF SECRET DOCUMENTS A YEAR) and then to the post office(WHERE THEY SPY ON YOUR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION), then still in a smooth curve, up through the department of defense(THAT'S KIND OF AN OBVIOUS ONE, GUYS, GET WITH THE CONSPIRACY THEORY PROGRAM, P.S SPOOKY INSINUATION OR SOMETHING), then up through the Federal Court House(WHERE THEY PASS THEIR ILLEGAL LAWS AND BEND THE RULES TO THEIR WHIMS), and down to the Capitol building(NEED I SAY MORE).

    Now, from the apex of the upper curve, draw a straight line through the Martin luther king library(BECAUSE THEY'RE TOTALLY TRYING TO CREATE A WHITE MASTER RACE), and then at the end of that line, draw a semi-circle around the white house(OOOOH SHIT SON, THE PRESIDENT LIVES THERE), and through Department of commerce, Department of labor, and internal revenue, and the national archives joining with the apex of the other curve.

    Now, ALMOST THERE - Draw a line across the bottom of the Semi-circle over the white house, to enclose it within the semi-circle, and from the apex of the curve of the semi-circle, draw a line inward to the middle of the white house grounds.

    FINAL STEP - Now, with a smooth curve, Draw a line between the Washington monument, the Vietnam veterans memorial, Lincoln, and Jefferson memorials. THEN, Draw a line, again, with smooth curves, between the National gallery of art, National museum of natural history, the smithsonian institution, national air and space museum, Voice of america, NASA, and the department of transportation - WHO WILL BE HANDLING GETTING EVERYONE TO THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WHEN THE ILLUMINATI TAKE OVER.

    FOR THOSE WHO WERE NOT QUITE FOLLOWING ALONG, allow me to do a rough mud-map version for you.


    OH MY GOD!

    C.S - Churba Silvertongue! IT'S SO OBVIOUS, NOW!


    Post edited by Churba on
  • My only question is this: why a Japanese map?
  • My only question is this: why a Japanese map?
    I didn't really think to ask - maybe because that was the map it worked best on originally when they provided the map? Maybe, a more accurate or up to date map wouldn't work so well?
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