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WTF of Your Day



  • The Taiwanese Website for my game, Creavures.
    I think they used all the assets, from concept to render to in game elements. Also, it is fun if you zoom in on the character flash element at the top.
  • She can spread my sheets any day.
    Dear Fred,

    I fuckin' love you.

  • After clicking on each of the characters to see them bounce, I am now convinced there is some secret pattern to click them in order.

    The site does look nice with how they strung all the different designs into a fairly consistent image. The silhouette drawings at the bottom are used well.
  • Er guys, I didn't read the article properly and see she was 15, I retract that pun, good as it was.
  • The site does look nice with how they strung all the different designs into a fairly consistent image.
    Um, no. No they didn't. That is one chaotic website.
  • edited August 2011
    It may be cluttered and crazy, but it certainly has a charm to it. Plus it's quite cool to see the Taiwanese take on a Creavures website.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2011

    Post edited by Rainbow matress on
    You might want to tag ALL OF THOSE as NSFW.

    On another note, I wasn't aware they made a 3.0, but 2.0 is still the best of them.
  • I just had the most fucked up dream.
  • That's the thing about dreams, they don't seem messed up while we are in them, it's only once you wake up that you realise something was wrong.
  • I also had a weird dream.

    It involved the protagonist dude from Air Gear being chased by a gang of African-Americans in a red firetruck, who had decided that the best way to catch the little bastard was to use fishing poles.

    About then is when I realized, "Wait a tic, this is too stupid to not be a dream." And that's when I woke up.
  • dude from Air Gear
    Did your dream have anime graphics?
  • I think so, but I can't be 100% certain.
  • I dreamed that some blind fat man chased me up into some floating water, which was actually a tunnel that lead into someone's house. I then stole all the shampoo.
  • Okay, I was going through some of my stuff from england looking for something, and I found a Claddagh ring. "Oh shit!" I think "Cathrine left her Claddagh ring behind? man, I musta been carrying this around for ages!" - since she's the only person I've known who wore one when I knew them.

    Then I looked at it. It's gold, not silver, and it's got a different design - in other words, it's not her Claddagh ring.

  • edited August 2011
    I dreamed I was inking and colouring the sonichu comic. It was an artist nightmares. I was legitimately terrified.
    Post edited by Rainbow matress on
  • Still better than the original voice acting in that game.
  • edited August 2011
    I watched the video that's from about a week ago. It creeped me out.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I watched the video that's from about a week ago. It creeped me out.
    The music sounds like it's from a porno. Come to think of it, so does some of the dialogue.
  • image

    God damn it, Australia. You're doing it right, once again. If all your women could look like that, I'd expat in a New York second.
  • God damn it, Australia. You're doing it right, once again. If all your women could look like that, I'd expat in a New York second.
    Well, not ALL, but we do okay. Also, I like the idea that instead of champagne, the winners are pouring beer over each other, seems thematically appropriate.
  • My dog died in the emergency room. They said it was nothing too serious but she died of a heart attack. I was pissed.
  • edited August 2011

    At first I was like "Well I can't read this shit."

    But then I was like "OMGWTFBBQ?"

    And finally I was like "SONOVABITCH!!!"

    Also, translated text courtesy of a friend.

    This story is an edited version of the one of many local legends.
    (scene where you see the MC’s back, where she’s walking down the side walk)
    It was around 11:20 in the night.
    After my self-study session at the school, I was leading my exhausted self back home.
    For some reason, not a single soul was to be seen on my way back that day. I live in a large apartment complex, so there’s usually people around even at night.(scene: profile shot of MC)
    Anyways, with a nagging feeling, I was walking while staring at the ground.
    I noticed that there was a shadow pointed towards me, even though I was sure that there wasn’t anyone ahead of me,
    and I looked up wondering whom it might be…

    (scene: lamp post, back of someone is shown)
    There was a lady ahead, but her form seemed a bit odd.
    She was walking as if she had hurt her legs… Stumbling around.

    (scene: portrait shot of MC)
    The distance between us quickly shrank as she was walking slowly.
    As I got closer, I could see her more clearly.
    (scene: back of the stranger in pink PJ)
    She was wearing pink PJ… It seemed as if she had broken joints at a few places.
    Her hair was incredibly messy, stretching in all directions.

    (scene: MC’s feet)
    I got a weird feeling, so I stopped walking.
    Something told me that I shouldn’t move ahead, and I also didn’t have the courage to walk past her.

    (scene: the stranger turns around, oh fffffff)

    (scene: MC)
    “Scared witless that you can’t even scream”: this saying is very true.
    I couldn’t even flinch in shock.

    (Red text) Where… is my baby?

    (scene: MC swallows from nervousness)
    All sorts of thoughts passed through my head…
    Haa… I still don’t know why I said that… It scares me to think about it even today.

    (scene: MC points with her index finger)
    I pointed as far as I could see, and said…
    “o-over there.”

    The woman stumbled towards that direction… and I couldn’t see her anymore.

    (scene: MC turns around)
    Worried that I will meet her again, I quickly turned around to get out of the area.
    I couldn’t think about anything, but to walk towards somewhere more crowded-
    at that moment.

    “WHY IS SHE NOT HERE?!!!!!!” (TL: gender unspecified)
    (scene: MC looks back)
    I could hear her cry of anger.

    (scene: ffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK)
    …I couldn’t remember anything after that. Apparently a neighbour had discovered my fainted self and carried me back to my house.
    Author’s note:
    In 2007 at a certain apartment complex in Seoul’s Bongcheondong, a 33 year old female jumped to her death.
    The reason for her suicide was the delivery of a stillborn baby, a subsequent divorce with her husband and the loss of her 2 year-old daughter to her husband in a law-suit.

    She was rumoured to have been seen walking around in the apartment complex a few times since then.
    Her appearance of dislocated joints, broken limbs, blood-stained pajamas at the time of her death has lead to people present at the scene of her death to suffer from nightmare.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • That's kind of a cheap trick, pretty well executed though.
  • Fuck that noise!
  • edited August 2011;=20&weekday;=tue
    (╯;゚Д゚)╯︵ zʇǝuɹǝʇuı ǝɥʇ

    ┗ (゚Д゚ ┓) =3 =3 =3 =3

    wtf chaser

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • wtf chaser
    The video is indeed weird, but the song makes me feel inexplicably happy for some reason.
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