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WTF of Your Day



  • Leprechauns holding hands with cherubs in the corner.
  • Green Man, dancing behind the grave.
  • Japan...What. The. Fuck?!
  • So I was waiting for the bus this morning and there's this dude there looking like scumbag steve with a white color palette. I start to think "look at this douchebag" and then I stop myself, I think about how scumbag steve turned out to actually be a pretty decent person, just because he is wearing the plaid jacket with the matching plaid hat doesn't mean he's an ass. So I wait around some more, the bus eventually shows up and we start heading south, past the costco, past the prison, past Thanksgiving point and we finally arrive at this guys stop. The bus driver makes an honest mistake, with our bus so crowded he couldn't see this guy getting off the bus and he calls out to the bus driver, the driver asks if this guy wants to get off and stops the bus. What does this guy starts to do? Curse out the bus driver. "This is my stop, don't be a dick about it." "You better fucking watch your ass man." And he swaggers off the bus. At this point I am just speechless, and fume for the rest of the ride. As I get off I tell the bus driver "That guy was being really rude, you have never been anything less than excellent when I have rode your bus," and I get off. I've been thinking about that guy all day and I just wonder, does he take everything personally? When he gets up in the morning does he walk into the kitchen to discover that his wife has made him pancakes for breakfast and then backhand her to the floor if she forgot the syrup. What kind of person yells at a bus driver?
  • What kind of person yells at a bus driver?
    Not to disagree with your point, but on the other end, I've been bitched out by a bus driver before myself. So, years ago taking an express city bus up to Riverdale from Manhattan, I sit in the back w. my music player as usual. I notice that there aren't many people on this particular bus. Nonetheless, I zone out and enjoy the ~hour ride. I'm not listening to any ridiculously loud music or anything, just a podcast, so I overhear a number of announcements from the driver. They're incredibly garbled and difficult to understand as usual, and I know this route pretty well, so I just drone them out. Finally, we get near my stop (the last stop) so I push the stop request button a block or so from my stop. There's nobody else on the bus, so when we stop, I just head over to the front of the bus where the door is.

    This driver doesn't let me off right away, he makes me sit down at the front of the bus, and proceeds to bitch at me for a full minute, "LOOK HERE YOU LITTLE PUNK I ASKED OVER THE LOUDSPEAKERS A FULL HALF HOUR AGO THAT IF THERE'S NOBODY ON THIS BUS I'M GONNA TURN IT AROUND BUT I BET YOU WERE JUST BLASTING YOUR CRAP MUSIC THROUGH THOSE GIANT HEADPHONES LIKE A PUNK YOU'RE LUCKY I STOPPED 'CAUSE I WAS JUST ABOUT TO TURN THIS BUS AROUND SO YOU'D BEST BE GRATEFUL THAT I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR ASS TO THE BUS YARD BY ACCIDENT BUT I BET YOU WOULDN'T EVEN NOTICE 'CAUSE OF YOUR STUPID-LOOKING HEADPHONES ANYWAY YOU LITTLE PUNK." Eventually, he let me off. I was too speechless and intimidated to tell anyone later, let alone talk back to the guy. I mean, he took the regular route anyway, so it's not like I would have encountered a problem - I pushed the button anyway.

    Bonus: I was 12. That guy was a dick among dicks.
  • I used to have to take a bus where the driver was angry at me because he was late. To this day I cannot fathom why he blamed me for 'Ruining the bus tablerium (yes he said that)'. This is the same service that made a point to be either early (and not wait to be on time) or late and find every excuse for them being so (but still being pissed off when they had to pick people up). Regardless of the situation they always drove like mad people regardless of time or weather.
  • So I was typing up a comment is this forum when my dad told me to "finish up on Facebook". He was standing right over my shoulder, too.
  • My Epistemology professor has not heard of X-men. That just seems odd to me.
  • If anyone needed a benchmark at how absurd their local politics have gotten: Anniston City Mayor and Councilman in fight.
  • I just started riding the city bus to college two weeks ago. No bus driver has been a dick to me yet, but I do make it a point to say "Thanks, have a nice day" to the bus driver as I'm leaving the bus. Then again, the bus only has ten people at most in the morning, and in the afternoon there is only 2-3 people on. It seems like I am the only one who occasionally takes late night rides on the bus. As for the people on the bus, it's either hobos, students, Mexicans, and only one doctor once.
  • As much as I know this is common among drug traffickers, it's still pretty fucking nuts. Cocaine Mule Busted In Sao Paulo.

    Those red capsules are the bags of cocaine.
  • Those red capsules are the bags of cocaine.
    Jesus fucking christ.

    Those cannot all have been swallowed. Your intestines don't go there. This guy was cut open and stuffed with cocaine - there's not other way to get those bags in all those places.

  • Those red capsules are the bags of cocaine.
    Jesus fucking christ.

    Those cannot all have been swallowed. Your intestines don't go there. This guy was cut open and stuffed with cocaine - there's not other way to get those bags in all those places.

    If you're surprised by that, then I probably shouldn't tell you about what they do to white babies. I live in Arizona, so I hear about this stuff all the time. It's becoming hell down there.

  • Best Line: "Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I say."
  • edited September 2011
    Careful with that video, it's an antique ;)
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2011
    Careful with that video, it's an antique ;)
    It's new to me, unlike your mom. ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • "Drinking outta cups, bein a bitch."
  • "Drinking outta cups, bein a bitch."
    Related, every time I'm confronted about drinking out of the bottle "My grandmother had perfect vision, and if she didn't need glasses, neither do I!"
  • I can't help but think this song is at least partially about you Churba.
  • edited September 2011
    I can't help but think this song is at least partially about you Churba.
    I will admit to a certain...familiarity with the situations described. My grandfathers never hid, but both of my grandmothers have told me not to take shit from anybody. My grandmother on my dad's side taught me how to roll cigarettes, and she could do it one-handed - apparently she used to sit, while my old man and his sisters were out playing or having an afternoon nap, with her feet in the warming tray of the oven, a jazz record on the record player, reading her book with one hand, a cuppa at her elbow and her tobacco next to it, rolling and smoking with one hand while she read. My grandfather taught me about knives(and left me very, very picky and particular about my knives) and how to do basic butchery(still can't do poultry, though, something about the spines makes me lose my appetite), and taught me how to do a fair bit of carpentry.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So, I just setup my family's computer after it's been broken for 2 months, fixed everything up(the power supply died) and started to update everything on it. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the administrator password, so I asked my parents what it was, and they wouldn't tell me. Seriously, all it takes is a Linux live cd for me to get it, but really, they told me it before and I fixed it up. My father later told me that he didn't want me accessing his porn. Seriously? Unless it's pedo, I don't care and wouldn't access it in the first place. Oh well, that has put me into a bad mood.
  • So, I just setup my family's computer after it's been broken for 2 months, fixed everything up(the power supply died) and started to update everything on it. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the administrator password, so I asked my parents what it was, and they wouldn't tell me. Seriously, all it takes is a Linux live cd for me to get it, but really, they told me it before and I fixed it up. My father later told me that he didn't want me accessing his porn. Seriously? Unless it's pedo, I don't care and wouldn't access it in the first place. Oh well, that has put me into a bad mood.
    This kind of shit is why I'm glad that I've pretty much always had my own computer. I've never had to clear my history, never had to deal with Mom going through my temp files, never had to get off the computer in the middle of a game because someone needs to do something. Never had to worry about annoying little brother going through my IMs.
  • As I understand it, he probably has his own computer; it's just that he was fixing his family's PC and they wouldn't let him do it properly.
  • As I understand it, he probably has his own computer; it's just that he was fixing his family's PC and they wouldn't let him do it properly.
    Ya, I do. I don't touch that computer at all, except if I'm helping out my little bro or setting something up. I guess they were also scared that my sisters would get the password to, and they are illiterate when I comes to computers and what not to trust on the internet. Oh well, Linux live cd it is.
  • Man, back when I didn't have my own computer hooked up to the internet, I was fucking hardcore about not getting caught looking at the pron's. I wouldn't just delete my history, I'd delete my windows xp profile and make a new one just to be safe. I know I didn't need to, but I just wanted to be safe. Plus I was young and stupid(er).
  • Man, back when I didn't have my own computer hooked up to the internet, I was fucking hardcore about not getting caught looking at the pron's. I wouldn't just delete my history, I'd delete my windows xp profile and make a new one just to be safe. I know I didn't need to, but I just wanted to be safe. Plus I was young and stupid(er).
    Which is why I love incognito mode...Google! Stop reading my mind!
  • Which is why I love incognito mode...Google! Stop reading my mind!
    True dat. Kids these days and their internet prons have it easy. Why back in my day!....
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