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WTF of Your Day



  • So, apparently, if you buy a $130 wagglemouse for your computer, you get some free DLC for Portal 2. Which makes me wonder how many people are going to buy it just for the DLC.
  • ...which mouse?
  • I cant fathom using that mouse.
  • I cant fathom using that mouse.
    It does seem a little tricky, yes.
  • Mike: I like pretending.
    Me: Let's pretend that you are a space monster and I am a laser beam. Zap. You are dead. Good times.
    Mike: Good times. Was that a Heron Spear?
    Me: I dunno. Are you the No-god?
    Mike: I dunno. WHAT DO YOU SEE? zing
    Me: A computer screen, a puppy, and a purple pillow. Also, my tummy.
    Mike: Oh, and thousands of sranc, clutching themeselves and howling in lust and painful agony.
    Me: Publisher: R. Scott, you were contracted to write a romance novel. R. Scott: Yeah, isn't it romantic? Publisher: ...
  • Don't do cocaine, because it may start CONSUMING YOUR FLESH.
  • Don't do cocaine, because it may start CONSUMING YOUR FLESH.
    This is why you never do illegal drugs, that shit can be majorly fucked up.
  • This is why you never do illegal drugs, that shit can be majorly fucked up.
    With proper legalization and government regulation of the manufacturing process, this would be a marginalized concern.

    Hm. I never thought about it, but this is a great example of why true libertarian economic policies will never succeed. What's that, the free market will fix the problem without government intervention? I'll believe it when I see it.
  • Hm. I never thought about it, but this is a great example of why true libertarian economic policies will never succeed. What's that, the free market will fix the problem without government intervention? I'll believe it when I see it.
    All we need to do is look back to the days before the FDA, Dept. of Agriculture, etc., to see what happened without government intervention. We had a libertarian free market back then... and you see all the problems with tainted meat, sketchy drugs, etc.
  • image

    I have received google's black mark.
  • I have received google's black mark.
    Not to sound ignorant, but what does that mean?
  • I have received google's black mark.
    I'm confused...
  • New feature. Mine's still white.
  • Oh. I think I've seen that before, but my home computer's is white. I never thought much of it.
  • Ad
    Um, I think you might have the wrong game there.

    /Inb4 Scott starts his usual shtick
  • I have received google's black mark.
    You've received one of our awesome new redesign experiments. There's more cool stuff coming! Except in gmail. Fuck the gmail redesign.
  • You've received one of our awesome new redesign experiments. There's more cool stuff coming!
    Is this the part where Google introduces a Man-Machine Interface beta testing program?
  • You've received one of our awesome new redesign experiments. There's more cool stuff coming!
    Is this the part where Google introduces a Man-Machine Interface beta testing program?
    I cannot comment on any upcoming product announcements.

  • You've received one of our awesome new redesign experiments. There's more cool stuff coming!
    Is this the part where Google introduces a Man-Machine Interface beta testing program?
    I would quit my job and drive to Mountain View to test that shit.

  • edited June 2011
    That was fucking depressing. Most of the girls I want to punch in the face.

    Also California & Washington said it best. (WEST COAST!)
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • And not a single fuck was given that day.

    Well evolution is just a theory after all. We should also teach intelligent falling.
  • That was fucking depressing. Most of the girls I want to punch in the face.

    Also California & Washington said it best. (WEST COAST!)
    Massachusetts and Rhode Island said it well too.

    But yeah, some of them gals...
  • But yeah, most of them gals...
    Most of them pussyfooted around the issue. They said they think other/all beliefs should be taught. Where they mainly referring to just creationism from just Christianity? I'm pretty sure they were. If they really meant what they said it would then be creationism from Mulism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hindu, and any other faith. Then they would taking a theology class.
  • edited June 2011
    They are talking about pokemans right?

    Oh and Miss Texas... Sigh....
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • edited June 2011
    From a conversation on Chemtrails where I presented evidence against claims made, gets a response of....

    "I didn't read that, simply because I go by my own intuition instead of allowing somebody (skeptic or not) to form an opinion for me... That being said, if the gist of your link revolves around "incorrect" testing, I find it hard to believe that every single test ever done on the subject is incorrect...

    In the times we're in, you can simply google "skeptics chemtrail" and find the bogus skeptical stuff like that OR you can type "chemtrail proof" and find the exact same thing... . It's all about what resonates best you with your own paradigm of reality, i suppose....

    My point, much like the american propagandist news media, we're trained to "be taught" and have an opinion of what "truth" is by other people.... If I find a link of a guy with a PhD saying that everything your link says is wrong, does that make me right? Or vice versa?... nah, because nobody really knows.."

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Cremlian. Your friend is infected with a possibly irreversible meme. I suggest pummelepethy, and, failing that, quarantine.
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