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WTF of Your Day



  • It's not as good as his previous animation for a music video, Trucker's Delight.
    It's the same guy? Everything makes sense now.
    Mhm. Also, I'm listening to Dye on Spotify right now, and I've got to say I'm enjoying it a lot.
    So good they made my Indie playlist!
  • So, it is 12 AM and the door bell rings. On the other side is a man, who enquires "Do you have a laser pointer?", I quizzically reply "Yeah, I think someone in this house does.." "Well I've called the police about it".

    After a little bit more talking, I discover that he saw the laser (in his words) "Hit my kitchen window and (this bit was with extra shock) go though and hit my wall! I thought it was the laser on a gun!"

    Let us review. A laser went though his window, so he goes knocking on everyone's doors on my road (our gardens face onto the block of flats), telling them he called the police because he thought he was going to be shot at, then goes looking for the shooter?!

    The best bit, 20 minuets later and the police have yet to show up, so either your bluff was called, or they share my opinion that you are a moron!
  • Let us review. A laser went though his window, so he goes knocking on everyone's doors on my road (our gardens face onto the block of flats), telling them he called the police because he thought he was going to be shot at, then goes looking for the shooter?!

    The best bit, 20 minuets later and the police have yet to show up, so either your bluff was called, or they share my opinion that you are a moron!
    Wow, what an arse.
  • So, today I learned that the USSR bioweapons program created a hybrid of ebola and smallpox. And then they weaponized it.

    Apparently, it causes something called blackpox, where you develop smallpox and then develop a hemorrhagic fever, and you bleed to death as you undergo a horrific subcutaneous hemorrhage event wherever you have pox. Mortality upon contraction is an estimated 100%.
  • So, today I learned that the USSR bioweapons program created a hybrid of ebola and smallpox. And then they weaponized it.

    Apparently, it causes something called blackpox, where you develop smallpox and then develop a hemorrhagic fever, and you bleed to death as you undergo a horrific subcutaneous hemorrhage event wherever you have pox. Mortality upon contraction is an estimated 100%.
    That sounds scarier than it really is, depending on how long it takes to present symptoms to death. If it only takes hours to present symptoms and then a few more to die then it is a failure as a pathogen, although still great as a weapon if not more so if this is the case. If it takes a 3 to 6 weeks to present symptoms then a few days to die then it is scary as hell.

    The problem with pathogens that have extremely high mortality rates is that they tend to kill the infected too quickly for it to be transmitted properly. As a weapon however this issue is not there as it would be useful if it killed everyone quickly within the infected area as that would have less collateral damage.
  • edited November 2011
    Ebola itself can take 25 days to incubate. Knowing the limited amount I do about VECTOR and the other Soviet biolabs, they probably took that into account and may have even found a way to stretch the incubation period out a fair bit. Frightening stuff.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    Yay for Soviets making the world a more dangerous place. Those guys could come up with some scary stuff, like a ballistic knife.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I believe I need a link to this ballistic knife.
  • The ballistic knife is a rather practical solution to the difficulties of specialist training and equipment required to field stealthy weaponry.
  • I believe I need a link to this ballistic knife.

  • Man, I want one of those so bad but they're super illegal and I would probably shoot/stab myself in the foot.
  • I think you can own one as long as your state allows it and you do not go onto federal property with it. If my understanding is right it is the same as an automatic knife, as far as laws go, and I have purchased a few of those legally before.
  • Automatic knives are illegal. Federal law says you can't own a switchblade.
  • I'm pretty sure in michigan they are illegal though. I've heard that some places they sold them as kits, or with something else like a grappling hook instead of the knife blade so its legal but I wouldn't know where to get one.
  • edited November 2011
    Automatic knives are illegal. Federal law says you can't own a switchblade.
    The federal law only says they are illegal to be sold, manufactured, etc. in transactions affecting interstate commerce between any state, territory, possession of the US or DC and any place outside one of these. As well it prohibits them on federal lands (or land under federal jurisdiction) or Indian lands. States can however allow them to be sold, manufactured, etc. without issue. An example of this is that they are completely legal in Georgia, where I live, if carried openly.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • An album I got via the Bittorrent is tagged as from 1008. I didn't know Cascada was that old.
  • "Flat" tire on the TMBG gear trailer.

  • edited November 2011
    "Flat" tire on the TMBG gear trailer.
    That looks like some severe tire damage.

    ...but in all seriousness, totally uncool.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    What happened? Did someone do that to it or did it just blow up while driving?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • It's definitely the plucked eyebrows that throw you off.
  • It comes together at the end ;]
  • edited November 2011
    So the proceeds from my school's dress-down day are going to JINSA. That's kind of a weird choice.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wikipedia has some stupid lists. The weirdest part is that I found this while looking for the November 16, 1996 article about Mother Teresa.
  • October 14, that it (stupid edit timer)
  • Woman is hardcore.

  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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