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WTF of Your Day



  • Real tree smells nicer.
  • Real tree smells nicer.
    Exactly. I already stated my opinions on Real Versus Fake in another thread. They both have pros and cons.

  • Don't get a spruce. Spruces are assholes.
  • Don't get a spruce. Spruces are assholes.
    They're sprickly. Get a fir. Firs are friendly.

  • Don't get a spruce. Spruces are assholes.
    They're sprickly. Get a fir. Firs are friendly.
    You could call it Douglas.
  • edited December 2011
    Gef the Mongoose Ghost!
    This is almost more TotD than WTF, even though it is weird. Like most ghosts there was probably a hoax behind it of some sort, but I think it has the seeds of a fun story idea.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Don't get a spruce. Spruces are assholes.
    They're sprickly. Get a fir. Firs are friendly.
    You could call it Douglas.
    Meanwhile, in Australia -

  • I saw this in a closed storefront today.

  • I'm tired of being told my generation is the most vulgar ever. Check this out:
  • How do they measure that?
  • How do they measure that?
    I'd assume from indexed written sources.
  • I'm tired of being told my generation is the most vulgar ever.
    I recall when I was a younger lad, I'm sitting out on the back deck reading and old book, and my old man inquired as to what I was reading, and not wanting to go into detail, I just said "Oh, just one of the classics of literature" and he went on a bit of a speech about how good it was to appreciate older books, rather than the vulgar nonsense of today, yadda yadda. So, I flipped the book up off my lap and held it up to him - Lady Chatterly's Lover emblazoned across the cover.

  • edited December 2011
    I'm tired of being told my generation is the most vulgar ever. Check this out:
    Wikipedia says that those are "Usage statistics from English books, 1500-2000 CE, according to Google Ngram Viewer. The spike in the 1700s can be explained by modern optical character recognition technology reading the Latin long s as an f in the word 'suck'."
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Okay, this may be the most awkward what the fuck I have had in a while but I guess when you need to get rid of drugs you will do anything.
  • Alone at home, watching Buffy and making a ballgown at nearly 2am... upstairs toilet randomly starts running, and no one has touched it in a few weeks.

    Please someone tell me plumbing can just do that sometimes. @_@
  • Yes; it's often caused by a worn flapper (the plug at the bottom of the tank).
  • That's what I figured, and what google tells me, but there's something inanely reassuring about "hearing" that from someone you "know".
  • ...I also got this information from google...
  • As someone who has, on one occasion, fiddled with the aforementioned "flapper," I can vouch for this information.
  • Yeah, I've fiddled with/fixed toilets before (flappers specifically included), I'm just not used to... random and sudden.
  • Ghost finished pooping. You'd better hope to the gods you have spectral (or at least +1/ghosttouch) )toilet paper.
  • Ghosts? That's ludicrous.

    Obviously, it was the poop gnomes.
  • Ghosts? That's ludicrous.

    Obviously, it was the poop gnomes.
    Christ, I hope they're not like the underpants gnomes.

  • edited December 2011
    Not "poop gnomes". PORN gnomes. Stepped on the flusher in order to combat those fucking sewer trolls. Fuck those assholes. Too many good gnomes have died because of their barbaric behavior. Hope you like the artwork though, Anrild.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Ghosts? That's ludicrous.

    Obviously, it was the poop gnomes.
    Christ, I hope they're not like the underpants gnomes.
    Step 1: Steal Poop
    Step 2: ...
    Step 3: PROFIT!

    In short, a pair of brothers are arrested on drug charges, and one of them convinces the other to eat the cocaine that he has hidden up his rectum.

    Three guesses as to what happens, and the first two don't count.
  • That is disgusting. WTF indeed.
  • Ghost finished pooping. You'd better hope to the gods you have spectral (or at least +1/ghosttouch) )toilet paper.
    But there was no flush. It just started running, indicating the water level in the tank had dropped. OBVIOUSLY we are dealing with some sort of water-stealing entity here.

  • It's from the real Santa! :P
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