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Random Comments



  • Why are none of you reading Double-K?
    Because the jerk hasn't turned out any new pages since April, and that sucks.
  • All those women in panel three ended up pregnant.
  • Why are none of you reading Double-K?
    Because this is the first time I have heard of it. I am reading it now though.
  • edited August 2012
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That's not fair. It's taken out of context. She's referring to Dick Greyson, her boyfriend.
  • Wasn't Dick Greyson the name of Robin from the Batman franchise?
  • One of them, yes.
  • edited August 2012
    That's not fair. It's taken out of context. She's referring to Dick Greyson, her boyfriend.
    I was precisely as fair to that issue of Teen Titans as I was to the Manga I took the two panels from. And frankly, even if you know it's her boyfriend Dick Grayson, that doesn't really make her shouting about dick any less amusing.
    Wasn't Dick Greyson the name of Robin from the Batman franchise?
    Like Ruffas said, One of them. The original teen titans Robin was Dick Grayson, and he has also been on the team as Nightwing from time to time. Later, It was Tim Drake as the team's Robin, under the Red Robin Moniker, and he's also the one you see in most of the cartoons, supposedly, but that's only really revealed when he appears with Night-wing in a few episodes.

    There is also Titans, as opposed to Teen titans, which has Dick Grayson almost exclusively, under the Nightwing name.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Predictably, it took less than a day for Greenlight to be clogged up with utter shit.
  • That's not fair. It's taken out of context. She's referring to Dick Greyson, her boyfriend.
    I was precisely as fair to that issue of Teen Titans as I was to the Manga I took the two panels from. And frankly, even if you know it's her boyfriend Dick Grayson, that doesn't really make her shouting about dick any less amusing.
    Wasn't Dick Greyson the name of Robin from the Batman franchise?
    Like Ruffas said, One of them. The original teen titans Robin was Dick Grayson, and he has also been on the team as Nightwing from time to time. Later, It was Tim Drake as the team's Robin, under the Red Robin Moniker, and he's also the one you see in most of the cartoons, supposedly, but that's only really revealed when he appears with Night-wing in a few episodes.

    There is also Titans, as opposed to Teen titans, which has Dick Grayson almost exclusively, under the Nightwing name.
    Isn't the Robin in BTAS Dick?
  • whoa hey
  • I did not mean it as a joke. But, hey, I guess it works.
  • edited August 2012
    Isn't the Robin in BTAS Dick?
    Dick is that Robin, but in The New Batman Adventures Tim is Robin and Dick is Nightwing.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited August 2012
    I did not mean it as a joke. But, hey, I guess it works.
    I just like saying "whoa hey".
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Isn't the Robin in BTAS Dick?
    Yes, but Teen Titans the cartoon isn't part of the big DCA verse continuity, to the best of my knowledge.

    HOWEVER - I was incorrect on one point, It is Dick Grayson as the Robin in the Teen Titans Cartoon, the occasion I was recalling with Nightwing was actually a Flash-forward type dealie, rather than a crossover with something else. I mixed up the comics and the cartoon, it happens. There are a bunch of other clues, like Larry (A childish expy of Mister Mxyztplk) giving his name as Nosyarg Kcid, and a few references to other Dick Grayson kinda stuff, like implying Batman is his father figure, and the Flying Graysons origin. Mea Culpa, it happens.

  • That's actually an amazingly good idea.
  • I'm rather curious how much they raised.
  • Autorotartion.
  • edited August 2012
    That's brilliant...
    I wonder if the porn industry around here would be willing to do the same thing. If it can happen anywhere in America, it would be here in LA.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • If it can happen anywhere in America, it would be here in LA.
    Isn't that a given?

  • Predictably, it took less than a day for Greenlight to be clogged up with utter shit.
    Most of the stuff there, yeah. A few good things - I'd love to see a Steam release of Dino Run with some extra content.

  • I'm rather curious how much they raised.
    Probably a few hundred, and a couple of thousand dollars too.
  • Predictably, it took less than a day for Greenlight to be clogged up with utter shit.
    Most of the stuff there, yeah. A few good things - I'd love to see a Steam release of Dino Run with some extra content.

    Project Zomboid is very promising.
  • Google Chrome has been giving some really weird rendering errors and sometimes refuses to render certain sites at all. I think I'm going to go back to Firefox for a while.
  • Google Chrome has been giving some really weird rendering errors and sometimes refuses to render certain sites at all. I think I'm going to go back to Firefox for a while.
    Yeah, I agree, it's not very stable.

    I only switched to Chrome because Firefox started playing badly with the firewall/proxy at work, and then I got used to the interface and switched my other PCs.

    Also thinking about switching back, at least on my personal workstations.

  • I haven't noticed any instability in Chrome (by instability, I mean crashing. Rendering errors and whatnot don't count as instability in my book). However, Firefox does have a couple of pluses in its favor that I like, although I think Chrome has implemented certain other things better, hence why I've mostly used it and will still keep it around when I want to use those features. But the Firefox features I like better than Chrome are:
    1. Proper support for TiddlyWiki, without requiring command-line hacks, Java plugins, and whatnot
    2. MathML support.
    3. A title bar (though you need to turn on the menu bar to enable this) that shows the full title of the current tab, even if you have a bajillion tabs open at the same time such that you only see the first few letters of the title
  • OK by instability I mean rendering sites so poorly that they're unusable.
  • Okay, you have a different definition than I do, but yeah. TVTropes and ABC News have been the most recent ones I've noticed.

    I'm also wondering WTF is taking them so long to get proper MathML support implemented. It's been in WebKit, Chrome's core rendering engine, for at least a year now and yet they don't support it in Chrome itself.
  • Cross posted from my Facebook:

    I'm angry at Congress. I stared paying taxes when the Bush Tax Cuts were in effect. The Bush rate IS MY rate. I don't want to hear anyone complain about the semantics, if the Bush rates expire in January, I GET A TAX HIKE. As I say nowadays: Congress, DO SOMETHING.
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