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  • Already done, they're just in the backpack she's got on, since I snapped that as she was running out the door.
  • You've got to have piss to make it authentic.
  • Sales tax is a regressive tax because it disproportionately impacts the lowest earners the highest due to their need to spend most of what they earn in order to live. Flat federal sales tax is a billionaire's wet dream.
  • My mom actually believes in flat federal income tax, it drives me batty. The one flat tax I really favor is a high gasoline tax. While this would penalize the poor so to speak, they're the ones burning all the gasoline and causing global warming.
  • My mom actually believes in flat federal income tax, it drives me batty. The one flat tax I really favor is a high gasoline tax. While this would penalize the poor so to speak, they're the ones burning all the gasoline and causing global warming.
    I don't think we can afford a regressive gasoline tax until we have a functioning, national public transit system.

  • You're going to need a regressive gasoline tax to fund that. I would pay $6 a gallon if it got me a bullet train to NYC.
  • You're going to need a regressive gasoline tax to fund that. I would pay $6 a gallon if it got me a bullet train to NYC.
    I think we need $6 a gallon just to show people we drive large, wasteful vehicles entirely too much. My roommate uses his car to go the grocery store across the street.
  • Speaking as someone who lives in a state without even the stub of a functional mass transit system: you'll wreck the economy trying to get this plan going.
  • Part of the regressive gas tax should be spent on Barack Obama hiring scary ex-gang members from Chicago's Taylor Homes with names like "Big Reese" and "Mouthshot Pete" to tune up wasteful assholes like your roommate.
  • It doesn't have to be an overnight change, but frankly it needs to be done. We need to burn less fossil fuels.
  • Yeah, the increase should happen in steps. Something like $1 extra tax by Dec 31, 2013. $2 extra tax by the end of 2015. $5 tax by the end of 2016.

    That would give states time to develop the framework of public transit systems without immediately bankrupting the public.
  • Connecticut will NEVER have competent public transit. Never. Not ever. The gas tax could be $5 a gallon and unemployment could double as a result, and it would STILL not happen. People would be siphoning gas from their neighbors in the dead of night, every night.
  • Connecticut will NEVER have competent public transit. Never. Not ever. The gas tax could be $5 a gallon and unemployment could double as a result, and it would STILL not happen. People would be siphoning gas from their neighbors in the dead of night, every night.
    And that's because suburban sprawl is completely unsustainable.
  • The suburbs aren't actually the problem. It's the heavy commercial and industrial areas that will never be eminent domained to allow competent rail or bus lines. Typical urban nonsense doctrine. :-) NYC is not sustainable. It works ONLY because of a MASSIVE, DAILY expenditure of fossil fuel from just about every other point on the globe. NYC imports necessities and exports waste. It's an ecological blight.
  • I don't know, the NYC subway moves 5 million people around everyday with using electricity.
  • And quite a good deal of the NYC grid is nuclear.
  • Energy waste is probably part of it, but human waste, garbage, plastic, etc, are all much worse.
  • Energy waste is probably part of it, but human waste, garbage, plastic, etc, are all much worse.
    These are problems of modern human living that exist everywhere Americans live.
  • Energy waste is probably part of it, but human waste, garbage, plastic, etc, are all much worse.
    These are problems of modern human living that exist everywhere Americans humans live.
  • Concentrating it in a big pile requiring a massive logistical network is not sustainable.
  • Concentrating it in a big pile requiring a massive logistical network is not sustainable.
    Disagree, I think it's no better or worse than having it all spread out. I mean if you go to the southern states they've never even heard of recycling.
  • Also, logistics allow for efficient waste management and disposal. It's easy to centralize and recycle the entire plastic output of a city, compared to the output of backwater Montana towns hundreds of miles apart.
  • My town could probably grow our own food if we had to. Good luck doing that in NYC.
  • image
    Just the obligatory comment that "silencers" don't really lower the volume of a gunshot so much as to be unnoticeable.
  • If gas jumped to $6 a gallon my mother's home business would fail due to shipping costs and I wouldn't be able to afford my commute to school. There would be no public transportation built where I live by 2016 because I live in a small town/rural area. Fuck that idea.
  • [QR Bikie PSA]
    Just the obligatory comment that "silencers" don't really lower the volume of a gunshot so much as to be unnoticeable.
    Hey guys, he thinks Churba doesn't know something about guns! Cute!

  • [QR Bikie PSA]
    Just the obligatory comment that "silencers" don't really lower the volume of a gunshot so much as to be unnoticeable.
    Hey guys, he thinks Churba doesn't know something about guns! Cute!

    Not Churba, the Queensland Rail company. The tossers.
  • I can't tell if you're being deliberately facetious, or just stupid. Please clarify.
  • If gas jumped to $6 a gallon my mother's home business would fail due to shipping costs and I wouldn't be able to afford my commute to school. There would be no public transportation built where I live by 2016 because I live in a small town/rural area. Fuck that idea.
    Well $6 gallon is coming just because of market forces. You best prepare yourself.
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