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  • Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
  • What Makes Me Nuts Are The People Who Capitalize Every Single Word In Every Single Sentence In Every Single Post Or Comment They Make On The Entire Internet. How Long Must It Take Them To Type This Way All Of The Time, And Why The Fuck Do They Do It?
  • Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
    I won't deny the accuracy of this statement.

  • Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
    Does this also apply to comic books? That would get very messy very quickly.
  • Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
    That makes sense; Churba is definitely slightly crazy.
  • edited October 2012
    Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
    That makes sense; Churba is definitely slightly crazy.
    Naturally. The only people who think they're completely sane are those who are either absolutely, completely sane, or those who are absolutely, completely Insane. In either situation, you think you're completely sane, and everyone around you is crazy.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm not the person on the FRCF who starts arguments anymore.
    We could yell at you for old times sake, if you want.
  • edited October 2012
    Jason's Rule: The craziness of the writer is directly correlated to the number of inappropriately capitalized words he or she uses.
    I'd replace "words" with "letters" in that statement.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • The ebook Humble Bundle now has SMBC, xkcd, and PA books. I'm now interested even though I own a few of them, but wouldn't mind the digital copy.
  • What Makes Me Nuts Are The People Who Capitalize Every Single Word In Every Single Sentence In Every Single Post Or Comment They Make On The Entire Internet. How Long Must It Take Them To Type This Way All Of The Time, And Why The Fuck Do They Do It?
    Just as a baseline how long did it take you Muppet?
  • What Makes Me Nuts Are The People Who Capitalize Every Single Word In Every Single Sentence In Every Single Post Or Comment They Make On The Entire Internet. How Long Must It Take Them To Type This Way All Of The Time, And Why The Fuck Do They Do It?
    Just as a baseline how long did it take you Muppet?
    Way too long and I think I got a cramp.
  • One Of The Homestuck Trolls Types Like That And She Isnt Even The Worst To Read Ive Gotten Pretty Good At Typing Like This Quickly As A Result
  • I didn't pay enough to get the webcomic books. I own 3/5 of them in paper, so not going to raise my payment to get them. Also my eBook reader isn't color, so it would be stupid anyway.
  • One Of The Homestuck Trolls Types Like That And She Isnt Even The Worst To Read Ive Gotten Pretty Good At Typing Like This Quickly As A Result
    Why does that make you good at writing thus way? Reading it I get, but writing? Dark secrets are implied here.

  • edited October 2012
    One Of The Homestuck Trolls Types Like That And She Isnt Even The Worst To Read Ive Gotten Pretty Good At Typing Like This Quickly As A Result
    Why does that make you good at writing thus way? Reading it I get, but writing? Dark secrets are implied here.
    I may engage in the production of a small amount of fanfiction under various aliases. Also there is a homestuck roleplaying chat client I use as writing warm up sometimes and she has a very distinct character voice, making for good practice.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Scott Rubin gets no love.

  • edited October 2012
    Scott is a pig-headed bastard straight up. Rym is a pig-headed bastard with charisma and social engineering skills. Scott is my podcasting hero.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • For the record, as of the time of this posting I have 694 followers and Rym has 496. GeekNights itself has 640.

    So I'm more popular than my co-host and my show itself.
  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
    Don't be fooled. It's his boat.
  • One Of The Homestuck Trolls Types Like That And She Isnt Even The Worst To Read Ive Gotten Pretty Good At Typing Like This Quickly As A Result
    Why does that make you good at writing thus way? Reading it I get, but writing? Dark secrets are implied here.
    I may engage in the production of a small amount of fanfiction under various aliases. Also there is a homestuck roleplaying chat client I use as writing warm up sometimes and she has a very distinct character voice, making for good practice.
    You Can Also Get Good At Typing Like This If You Are OCD About Your TV Shows But Pirate Them So You Individually Input Titles In The ID3 Tags For Each Episode.
  • I may have to sign up for twitter now.
  • Kinda wondering if any of my friends knows how to bartend... well... to fit the theme of this murder mystery party game thing...
  • Increasing thinking that if I made $500/wk and lived in a studio apartment with someone I was crazy about, I think that'd be enough for me. Maybe a loft with a studio for my glasswork, photography, and printmaking. Nothing big.
  • I always presumed that Churba's odd capitalizations were down to him typing on on an iphone or ipad or similar mobile keyboard.
  • I remember when I thought I'd be set for life at $200/week.
  • I live pretty frugally. Most of my money goes towards food, books, and equipment for my hobbies. Increasingly, I'm finding opportunities to pay for my hobbies with my hobbies, which takes care of that. I have more games than I could ever play, and I torrent all my media. $2000 a month is huge for me.
  • I am somehow living off of $200/week. If it was $300/week, though, I'd be living the high life.
  • Call up your Representative. Tell him he's a little bitch.
  • edited October 2012
    digestion, Y U NO digest??

    also: my roommate is currently hosting a douchebag guest. i have mentally downvoted him in a surprisingly short amount of time.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
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