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  • I always presumed that Churba's odd capitalizations were down to him typing on on an iphone or ipad or similar mobile keyboard.
    Only about 30% of the time. The rest of the time, it's mostly because I've gone back and re-written a sentence before I've posted for whatever reason, usually because it reads a bit better.

  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
    I guess we need to all start following Apreche now. We can only hope to save ourselves from the horror.

  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
    If Rym tells exactly when the count is going to happen I could temporarily unfollow Scott.

  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
    If Rym tells exactly when the count is going to happen I could temporarily unfollow Scott.

    You like my tweets that much that you have to refollow me? <3
  • The ante has been upped.

    I about peed my pants from laughter.
    If Rym tells exactly when the count is going to happen I could temporarily unfollow Scott.

    You like my tweets that much that you have to refollow me? <3</p>
    Dunno about that, but at least you have good potential to tweet stuff that I find interesting. Despite our differentiated opinions in many things you have interests that I also share.

  • Rym, you need to use the word "penis" in a way that cannot misrepresent your intent. You'll win if you do that.
  • I need a blank Scott Is Unimpressed pic.
  • edited October 2012
    I need a blank Scott Is Unimpressed pic.
    Take your pick.imageimageimageimage
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Feel like this isn't enough to get me to unfollow Scott, but if Rym was willing to do something like recreate the "Would you fuck me?" scene from Silence of the Lambs with full nudity, then I'd unfollow Scott. That's too good a joke to miss for me to care about Scott's tweets.
  • My God it's like he's staring into my soul. Thanks.
  • I really want to read the Year of the Black Rainbow novel but I know it's going to be like those sub-par Halo books.
  • edited October 2012
    I really want to read the Year of the Black Rainbow novel but I know it's going to be like those sub-par Halo books.
    I don't know about that, Claudio Sanchez co-wrote it and The Armory Wars comics aren't bad. I'd imagine it's at least pretty decent.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I made some proper chai, and now my house smells like a fuckin' Christmas cake.
  • I made some proper chai, and now my house smells like a fuckin' Christmas cake.
    That sounds like something for the booh yah thread.
  • Churbs. Can you leave Steam on so I can message you something later today when I get home? I fear you will be asleep or dead by the time I get home.
  • I really want to read the Year of the Black Rainbow novel but I know it's going to be like those sub-par Halo books.
    I don't know about that, Claudio Sanchez co-wrote it and The Armory Wars comics aren't bad. I'd imagine it's at least pretty decent.
    I wanna get my mits on those and check them out.
  • edited October 2012
    Nike drops Armstrong endorsement. His doping allegations are putting their third world child labor sweatshops in a bad light.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Nike drops Armstrong endorsement. His doping allegations are putting their third world child labor sweatshops in a bad light.
    People have to believe the shoes made him better at biking, and not drugs.
  • Churbs. Can you leave Steam on so I can message you something later today when I get home? I fear you will be asleep or dead by the time I get home.
    I was going to knock off in about 45 minutes or so, it's two AM, I've been finishing some work off, and catching up with people a bit. I can shoot you over my email - I check it all the time, so I'll get it pretty quick - or I can catch you after I've had a kip, about eight hours or so from when I type this, so you should be home then, if you feel it needs to be direct chat.
  • Works for me. You'll have an e-mail to wake up to.
  • Decided to follow suit on my Twitter account to be Halloween themed and made the crossover to here for silliness until November 1st.
  • At my recommendation, my brother is looking into, of all things, underwater welding as a career option.

    Thank you, Geeknights.
  • edited October 2012
    Shit is dangerous and wears on the body, from what I understand. If he's getting into welding in general, it's a good start. Make sure he gets into all kinds of welding. Not just basic MIG, but TIG, pipe, stick, aluminum, and all that jazz. More qualifications the better.

    This is all based off of watching my boyfriend apply to many welding jobs this past year.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Dude is a hardcore welder and extreme sports guy. I just told him to bring those hands together.
  • Does underwater welding have a significant chance of death?
  • Does underwater welding have a significant chance of death?
    Yeah, and an almost a 100% chance of serious brain and nerve damage. The hypothesis right now is that welding fumes dissolve into the water and can then enter the body through the skin.

  • Wouldn't you wear a pressure suit or something? Also this reminds me of this accident:

    His body popped apart. What a metal way to go.
  • Usually it's wetsuit and spun-copper helmet.
  • Shadowrun get.
  • Seriously starting to debate the merits of asking my doctor for some Ritalin to combat my writer's block and wandering attention whenever I sit down at my laptop to get anything done. Stupid internet.
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