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  • I think I broke my friend. He mentioned a Piece of Eden that could deflect metal and I asked which types: all metals or just one group like transitionals, actinides, or lanthanides?
  • I think it's muscle pain, actually. Yay for running better!
  • I think it's muscle pain, actually. Yay for running better!
    Good stuff!!

    Damn it. You imaginary internet people are going to shame me into exercising. Fucking damn it.
  • I think it's muscle pain, actually. Yay for running better!
    Glad to hear. Eat more bananas!
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Does Cubone's mom count?
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Does Cubone's mom count?
    It does but I'm already aware of that one.
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    I know that there are some that die in the shows and/or movies. I think it's about eight, counting them all, and not counting things that die and then come back to life, otherwise the addition of ash would add about another four or five.

    There's also two cities that get destroyed, but we can only assume the deaths there, they don't die on screen.

  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Pokemon Special's pretty hardcore. I remember there being some deaths in there, but I can't remember exactly when.
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Pokemon Special's pretty hardcore. I remember there being some deaths in there, but I can't remember exactly when.
    Yeah, I have the first two boxed sets. I have to read them again to remember specifics. The only thing I really remember is when someone's arm gets chopped off by a Pokemon.
  • Damnit, they want me to run for Captain of our local airsoft team. Now I gotta think about that.
  • I think a Scyther cut a pokemon in half at one point in the comics.
  • If I had free time, I'd do a remake of SimTower.
  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Pokemon Special's pretty hardcore. I remember there being some deaths in there, but I can't remember exactly when.
    Yeah, I have the first two boxed sets. I have to read them again to remember specifics. The only thing I really remember is when someone's arm gets chopped off by a Pokemon.
    Blue's Charmeleon cuts Koga's Arbok on half in Pokemon Adventures.
  • edited November 2012
    An accurate depiction of what day to day life was like in Ravenhome.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Here's a salute to you Cortana.
  • edited November 2012
    There is a country where tech people can campaign for president. No points for guessing which one; it's too obvious.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Their antivirus company founders get to run for president? Ours just go to Belize and kill people :(
  • Today is open season for health insurance and the only day that the insurance fair will be here on location. I've been researching like crazy about the AHA and birth control.

  • Aside from the occasional Pokemon mausuleum does anyone know of any time the death of a pokemon has been covered in the game or show/books?
    Pokemon Special's pretty hardcore. I remember there being some deaths in there, but I can't remember exactly when.
    Yeah, I have the first two boxed sets. I have to read them again to remember specifics. The only thing I really remember is when someone's arm gets chopped off by a Pokemon.
    There's a point where Blue appears to get her arm cut off by Lorelei in the Yellow arc, but there aren't as many instances of characters "dying" as being given fates worth then death: Red getting frozen, Red and the gang (and Giovanni) getting turned to stone by Deoxys, Pryce getting trapped in time by Celebi, Paka, Uji, and Charon being trapped in the Distortion World during D/P/P...

    Oh, and there was that time Lance was trying to wipe out humanity. Yeah, Pokemon Special's a bit dark.
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • All the Planetside 2 servers are down, ma vie c'est de la merde!
  • New patch to servers every two hours or so.
  • edited November 2012
    Today I learned (again) not to assume a shared cultural knowledge. One of my coworkers from Saudi went on a trip to Tennessee. He posted this asking what it was. I said "a Scandiwegian troll", assuming that'd be that, but he asked me today what a troll was. I shouldn't be surprised considering they're not a thing in Arabic culture, but I'd assumed he'd seen Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter or something.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I'm just gonna go live on top of Mt. McKinley and let people come up and ask me for wisdom.
  • I'm just gonna go live on top of Mt. McKinley and let people come up and ask me for wisdom.
    Should live on top of Mt Gravatt, they have a nice cafe up there.
  • A Dog's Purpose

    It's $10 on Kindle, which is a little steep, but McMillan are assholes, what can I say?

    This book is worth $10, though. It's utterly excellent. It's a little cliche but told entirely by the dog, like The Art of Racing in the Rain but less Lifetime movie and more Call of the Wild.

    Excellent, excellent book.
  • Fuck shit, I don't want to go back to work. Today has been fucktastic.
  • For the first time in eight years, my hair is too short for a ponytail.
  • Fuck shit, I don't want to go back to work. Today has been fucktastic.
    Thanks, Obama.
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