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  • Churba said:

    My sister's computer will definitely work now. Chucked in more ram, New video card, and the most important step - 90s style blood sacrifice to appease the machine gods and ensure it's proper function.

    But was it the blood of a virgin goat that had been born under a full moon?
  • Churba said:

    My sister's computer will definitely work now. Chucked in more ram, New video card, and the most important step - 90s style blood sacrifice to appease the machine gods and ensure it's proper function.

    This is 100% true and not sarcasm at all.
  • But was it the blood of a virgin goat that had been born under a full moon?

    Well, I don't live in New Zealand, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a virgin Goat.

    This is 100% true and not sarcasm at all.

    Everything inside of a case in the 90s was designed by pinhead and built from razors.

    Also, update - Everything properly installed, drivers on, whole thing tested. So, I booted up the game I've been getting her into, The Secret World - Before, herky-jerky with zero draw distance, and everything looked like crap. Now? Comparatively quite pretty, and running buttery-smooth.

    Also this means my sister is cooler than all Y'all because she plays Secret World.
  • Churba said:

    Also this means my sister is cooler than all Y'all because she plays Secret World.

    I played Secret World. Sadly the mediocrity of everything outside of investigation missions bored me away.
  • Apsup said:

    Churba said:

    Also this means my sister is cooler than all Y'all because she plays Secret World.

    I played Secret World. Sadly the mediocrity of everything outside of investigation missions bored me away.
    It's not for everyone, but Mediocrity? I'm not sure we're playing the same game. The mechanics are very mmo-y, but the world is pretty deep and rich, the quests reasonably varied and story-rich(though there are quests of "Kill x number of y spooky beasties"), and there's a ton of interesting stuff around just about every quest.

    It might not be your thing, and fair enough, but I can't agree that it's mediocre.
  • I think part of it is that, in Command and Conquer, I know the computer isn't playing fair with resources, but it still has to collect them. My harvester of tiberium or ore isn't as valuable as a computer's harvester of tiberium or ore, but the computer doesn't get unlimited funds without collecting. In XCOM I'm the only side that worries about resources: the aliens and EXALT don't need resources because they're just procedurally generated forces on the maps, with probably a script in the game code to indicate when they should ramp up the difficulty.

    In Command and Conquer you're playing against the AI it is fair, not in the single player missions which are all setup to show a few units and how awesome they are.

    I don't know what happens with XCOM but there are times when Exalt are really suppressed in technological advancement or it feels that way. Also shooting down a massive UFO early in the game can give you a massive tech boost which gives you a few easier months. I don't really know it feels like you know what your enemies are capable of, the only thing that changes is your approach in a macro sense. It could just be personal taste.
  • Churba said:

    Also this means my sister is cooler than all Y'all because she plays Secret World.

    Is she for sale because it sounds like you are selling her.
  • Churba said:

    Apsup said:

    Churba said:

    Also this means my sister is cooler than all Y'all because she plays Secret World.

    I played Secret World. Sadly the mediocrity of everything outside of investigation missions bored me away.
    It's not for everyone, but Mediocrity? I'm not sure we're playing the same game. The mechanics are very mmo-y, but the world is pretty deep and rich, the quests reasonably varied and story-rich(though there are quests of "Kill x number of y spooky beasties"), and there's a ton of interesting stuff around just about every quest.

    It might not be your thing, and fair enough, but I can't agree that it's mediocre.
    I will never forget the quest that was just "go to a mass grave, kill zombies, go to another mass grave, kill zombies, go to yet another mass grave and kill zombies and keep like that forever."

    But sure, outside of stuff like that I can't really point out what it was about it that made me drop it and not be bothered to pick it up again.

    But it surely does have it's strong points and is worth trying out. One of the few games and the only mmo, where I've had to take out pen and paper and write down notes. That's always, usually, fun.

  • I don't understand why people are excited about Terminator Genisys. The trailer looked horrid. I don't get it.
  • Apsup said:

    But it surely does have it's strong points and is worth trying out. One of the few games and the only mmo, where I've had to take out pen and paper and write down notes. That's always, usually, fun.

    I can now also chalk up "The only game that asked me, entirely seriously, to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics." Which came immediately after a series of messages in ROT13, a decently difficult logic puzzle, and a tricky geometry puzzle with refracted light.

  • 2bfree said:

    I don't understand why people are excited about Terminator Genisys. The trailer looked horrid. I don't get it.

    Yes, the trailer absolutely looks like some dumb wish-fulfillment fanfiction.

    After the last two movies, I could go for some dumb wish-fulfillment fanfiction.
  • Eh, I'm pretty cool with it. Best Sarah Connor is T2 Ass-kicking Sarah Connor, and Sarah Connor Chronicles Ass-Kicking Sarah Connor. Now we get a big movie of Ass-kicking Sarah Connor? I'm in.
  • Talking to someone on OKC and then finding them on GWC is kind of hot.
  • I'm assuming that's Gone Wild... something?
  • Just want to say that there's this web site I never heard of until today called Lonely Planet. This web site is apparently the smartest best travel web site to ever exist. According to them Queens, NY is the #1 bestest place in the entire country. They are exactly right. Also, I live in this place, and most of you do not.
  • Lonely planet is great. How do you think I find weird cool stuff to do when I travel all over the world?
  • edited December 2014
    Apreche said:

    Just want to say that there's this web site I never heard of until today called Lonely Planet. This web site is apparently the smartest best travel web site to ever exist. According to them Queens, NY is the #1 bestest place in the entire country. They are exactly right. Also, I live in this place, and most of you do not.

    That's a big jump, you didn't even make the top ten cities for 2014. There was a US city on the list, though.

    Seriously, you got beat out by Adelaide. ADELAIDE. And Post Castration to boot. The fucking city equivalent of being gently flogged with slightly limp, warm lettuce.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba said:

    Seriously, you got beat out by Adelaide. ADELAIDE.

  • edited December 2014
    No where on the list of best places in the US looks like a good place to settle down.

    I've been to Greenville. I don't even know why its on the list... there's nothing there you can't find in any other state. Cool shops? Westerly, RI has cool shops. Bike paths? Take a number and sit down because that's real novel. A children's museum? I'm gonna just say that any town without a children's museum is behind in the race for having children's museums... but not much else. It has Carolina style BBQ joints, Strip Malls, and its within reach of NASCAR tracks... that's what makes it unique, like everywhere else in the Carolinas.

    If that's any indication of the entries on the list, that doesn't bode well for the rest of the list.

    Now, I've been up to that area of New Hampshire. It's nice. But again if you wanna live there, it's not like there's something unique about that area that isn't just as valid about all of Vermont, northern Mass, and parts of Maine (and I imagine most of south-eastern Canada tho I havn't been in Canada long enough to say)
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • edited December 2014
    So, not sure what thread to put it in, so it's here - there's a cafe in Sydney currently under siege, right in the middle of Sydney, Martin Place. A black flag with Arabic text has been held up that's resembles an ISIS Shahada flag, but it's unconfirmed if it's really ISIS or not, and it does not appear to be the typical ISIS flag. Some buildings evacuated, some with employees shifted to upper floors. Perpetrator numbers unknown, armament unknown but firearms are assumed. PTGs have responded and are on-site. Public evaced, public transport in partial shutdown. Public are attempting to stay to record it on their phones, I'm told.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Someone I met at PAX just tweeted at me. Apparently they go to that cafe regularly.

    The terrorists are making the hostages hold an Islamic State esque flag up in the window...
  • It's a regular Shahada banner, I've been told. Generic, no group affiliation other than Islam. Can't draw much of a conclusion there.

    Aircraft are rerouted around central sydney, no communication with the perpetrator, we're pretty sure it's just the one guy. Likely to be an unplanned attack, seems our chappy got noticed moving armed nearby, and holed up in response. Single perpetrator as far as we know at this time. No casualties so far. IIRC, NSW parliament and US consulate are within spitting distance, so wouldn't be surprised if they were the intended targets, but who knows, may just be a lone crazy asshole.
  • I went to that cafe. It's right by where I was staying for work in Sydney before PAX.

    I stopped there on the way back from a meeting.
  • I find it an interesting note on world affairs - as it were - that a statement was just issued to reassure people that the police are well-trained, and acting with the utmost professionalism in this unfolding situation.

    I've been there too, it's not a bad little cafe. Though, I'd personally be inclined to head elsewhere today, seems a little busy. Swung by to meet a friend, hungover. Top notch hot chocolate, pretty decent coffee.
  • I was on the way back from a meeting after skipping lunch. Had a hot chocolate while I sponged off of some nearby free wifi.
  • Reports indicate that the gunman wants to speak to Tony Abbot.

    In other news, someone actually wants to speak to Tony Abbot.

    Let's face it, this bloke's day is done. He fucked up real bad, and the only way He will be leaving is in cuffs or a bag. The only question is if he manages to hurt or kill anyone in the minutes beforehand.
  • edited December 2014
    2AM, It's finished. Reports of explosions and gunfire, seems to me like flashbangs and automatic gunfire, PTGs have stormed the cafe. Seems to be confirmed from other sources, two loud explosions followed by entry and gunfire. Bomb disposal robot has entered the building now. Most hostages are out and safe, some unconfirmed reports of injuries.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh, and as a bonus thing that's bubbled up during the day - when the situation broke out, Uber responded quickly by immediately instituting surge pricing for all of their vehicles nearby. They later went back on this, after social media outcry.
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