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  • My father bought a piano today for my sister. Our plan to keep it a secret has escalated to Ocean's Eleven levels of complexity and now involve her boyfriend showing up "unexpectedly" to get her out of the house when it is delivered.
  • Greg said:

    Y'know, it bugs me that there's no distinction in the American lexicon between the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, and this odd mish mash of largely pagan rituals that is celebrated by secular America. I can't quite get behind the "put the Christ back in Christmas" types, because it's a culture war that has been lost for several decades now, and I see it as a lost cause. Rather, the devout Christians of the country should join together and find a new term for the holiday once known as Christmas, establishing a new fresh religious brand for such celebrations.

    It is all the same.
    Christmas = retail pumping time and buying presents for friends and family .
    Easter = overdosing on bad chocolate

    Let religious people live with their delusion but win every argument about it being about the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • edited December 2014
    I just sent an email to the editor of my local paper. They printed an unsigned editorial about gun control and used the debunked claim from anytown USA about the number of school shootings since Sandy Hook.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • So, I dunno... I would be all for a campaign to call christmas Grand Claus Day. That'd be kinda funny.

    In other news, Metro Last Light is ridiculously good. I already thought 2033 was awesome. Last Light I had concerns that they would not be able to keep the feel of the original. But they did, and more. They diddn't change all that much, just polished it up, improved a few interface things, and added more levels.

    Seriously I think I put it on the same level of enjoyment as any of Valve's SP games (though perhaps not as groundbreaking as Valve's been) and the setting is great.
  • I don't think Jay Bonansinga has ever seen a gun. He is coauthor on one of the Walking Dead novels and so far he has had one character use a silencer on a revolver and another toss empty magazines on the ground rather than keep them to reload later.
  • edited December 2014
    HMTKSteve said:

    I don't think Jay Bonansinga has ever seen a gun. He is coauthor on one of the Walking Dead novels and so far he has had one character use a silencer on a revolver and another toss empty magazines on the ground rather than keep them to reload later.

    I pretty much think he's the author, Robert Kirkman isn't going to waste time writing novels about the comic universe that he is currently writing while also writing a bunch of other comics and running Image.
    SWATrous said:

    In other news, Metro Last Light is ridiculously good. I already thought 2033 was awesome. Last Light I had concerns that they would not be able to keep the feel of the original. But they did, and more. They diddn't change all that much, just polished it up, improved a few interface things, and added more levels.

    Seriously I think I put it on the same level of enjoyment as any of Valve's SP games (though perhaps not as groundbreaking as Valve's been) and the setting is great.

    I bought both games recently (before redux versions were available), I just got bored or felt like I wanted to play something else however I don't feel this way when playing the Valve games. Maybe I'll give it another shot. The gameplay isn't all there for me and the guns feel really weird.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • edited December 2014
    I thought the Metro games would be right up my alley. They are pretty much all the things if you put in a game I will somehow like it. But I thought they were sorta boring. I watched some gameplay of people playing farther into the game and it certainly looks like it picks up but I just couldn't get past the start of it before losing interest.
    sK0pe said:

    I bought both games recently (before redux versions were available), I just got bored or felt like I wanted to play something else however I don't feel this way when playing the Valve games. Maybe I'll give it another shot. The gameplay isn't all there for me and the guns feel really weird.

    I sorta remember the guns handling weird in that game too. It's been a bit since I played it though. I tried playing 2033 around the time it came out since I just got a brand new PC. Last Light was free on PS+ but I didn't really bother with that one at all considering my experience with the first game.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • My main problems with the metro games is their length (too short) and their extremely linear nature.
  • My grandmother wrote an article for BuzzFeed.
  • edited December 2014
    It was a mistake. She wrote a BuzzFeed Community article. My mom gave me bad information.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • So Crunchyroll is advertising. Either they're raking money in or they desperately need it.
  • Oh snap that guys avatar is the best.
  • Greg said:

    Oh snap that guys avatar is the best.

    Spoilers: That's me. Here's the whole thing.

  • Whenever someone deletes a comment I leave on Facebook thread without telling me why I stress over wondering what I wrote that was offensive.
  • Does that happen to you frequently?
  • No, maybe once every three months or so.
  • Before this morning, I had never seen anyone attempt to eat bacon with a fork.
  • Ruffas said:

    Before this morning, I had never seen anyone attempt to eat bacon with a fork.

    Who eats bacon without a fork? Unless it's in a sandwich, fork is the default means by which to eat bacon.

  • I would argue that sandwich is the default means by which to eat bacon.
  • Outside of a sandwich, bacon is finger food.
  • I would argue that sandwich is the default means by which to eat bacon.

    Bacon is traditionally a breakfast side.
    Ruffas said:

    Outside of a sandwich, bacon is finger food.

    Why? That just gets your fingers greasy and prevents you from eating it while it's still sizzling. Who eats it that way? You have to use a fork for the eggs anyway, so why get your fingers all over your bacon and bacon grease all over your fingers?

  • Because then you can lick your fingers. Your tasty, tasty fingers.
  • Ruffas said:

    Because then you can lick your fingers. Your tasty, tasty fingers.

  • Apreche said:

    Still waiting for retina desktop computer monitors. How come the new iPad mini is 2048x1536 and my 24" monitor is 1920x1200. How come the new Mac Pro they bragged about supporting 4K displays, but where is the 4K studio display?

    Today when shopping for a new SD card I swung by the Apple section in the store, and looked at the iMac 27inch Retina. Holy shit, that's an amazing piece of kit. Even though my next computer will be a MacBook Pro 15inch Retina, that extra screen area is super appealing. I've no doubt this is the future of computing, arriving a few years earlier than I'd have imagined. Two monitors used to make sense to me, but one big screen with seeming resolution whateverness seems to be the way to go.
  • I still have specific use cases for two monitors.

    1. Gaming while monitoring a live streaming/recording dashboard on the other monitor
    2. Premiere Pro

    Not many use cases, though.
  • Yeah, I get that. But I tried an experiment. I put browser as big as my current laptop in the middle of the screen... and then stuck a calendar in the top right corner, and mail in the bottom right, messages over the side, maps on top, etc, etc, etc. Something like 12 windows in all.

    On the iMac 27inch non-Retina next to it, I tried the same thing. It was horrible! The most comfortable I could make it was three windows.

    So I think, with a 5k or 6k 32inch monitor, you'll be able to run games and pro-level apps in the center of the screen and have as many other widgets and windows and stuff around the edges. Already on the iMac you can edit 4k in native resolution with enough space around it for the timeline and tools. That's in Final Cut Pro though, not Premiere.

    Once these screens come to non-Apple PCs (or any other than this single machine) I think there tools will catch up. There's probably not a big market as yet for gaming tools on the Mac just yet!
  • Yeah, I get that. But I tried an experiment. I put browser as big as my current laptop in the middle of the screen... and then stuck a calendar in the top right corner, and mail in the bottom right, messages over the side, maps on top, etc, etc, etc. Something like 12 windows in all.

    On the iMac 27inch non-Retina next to it, I tried the same thing. It was horrible! The most comfortable I could make it was three windows.

    So I think, with a 5k or 6k 32inch monitor, you'll be able to run games and pro-level apps in the center of the screen and have as many other widgets and windows and stuff around the edges. Already on the iMac you can edit 4k in native resolution with enough space around it for the timeline and tools. That's in Final Cut Pro though, not Premiere.

    Once these screens come to non-Apple PCs (or any other than this single machine) I think there tools will catch up. There's probably not a big market as yet for gaming tools on the Mac just yet!

    Even if a game "fits" in the middle of the screen, you can't actually play it if it's not full screen. Otherwise you have issues with mouse cursor capture.

    Games, movies, and all sorts of other applications really only work well full-screen regardless of the size of the screen. Only having more screens allows you to comfortably see multiple applications simultaneously when one or more of them are full-screen necessary.

    Virtual Desktops (i.e: spaces for you OSX folk) can cover most of these situations. They still don't handle things like having your Steam messages on screen 2 while the game is happening on screen 1. Yes, most people just shift+tab to get the Steam overlay. Of course that works, but you're still leaving your game. With two monitors you can see the messages with no breaks in the action.
  • Scott, did you completely miss the crux of my argument? I said that the tools will catch up to the hardware. Mouse capture is a super easy keyboard shortcut away.

    My whole point is that once the tools catch up, you'll be able to see the messages at any point around the game you want, without leaving your game, AND without having to look away at another monitor.
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