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  • How do I quote someone's post on a previous page? <_<</p>
    I don't believe you can.
  • What kind of ass backwards forum design is that.
  • edited February 2011
    How do I quote someone's post on a previous page?
    You can't, really. I usually just click the quote button to get the HTML, and then change the username and quoted text in the brackets.

    EDIT: Ninja'd.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • blockquote, cite, /cite, copy+paste, /blockquote
  • edited February 2011
    How do I quote someone's post on a previous page? <_<</p>
    Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V + learn HTML.

    Double ninja'd (all the way across the sky)
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • You mean do it the hard way? CERTAINLY NOT.
  • Learn HTML.
  • Isn't salvia completely awful anyway? From what I've heard, the only advantage is that it's legal.
    Fucking oath. It gets you high as fuck, but it's a Nasty high.

    As for things to chew which are nice(but not necessarily get you high), Betel nuts are always a favorite.
  • As for things to chew which are nice(but not necessarily get you high),Betel nuts are always a favorite.
    Betel Nut girls, oh yeah.
  • I'm not chewing anything that contains calcium hydroxide. That shit is dangerous.
  • Betel Nut girls, oh yeah.
    Scott, we don't agree often, but on this rare occasion, we are in complete accord.
    I'm not chewing anything that contains calcium hydroxide. That shit is dangerous.
    Oh shit yeah, Betel nut consumption is about as much of a risk as smoking. It's not something you want to do regularly, if at all.
  • Scott, we don't agree often, but on this rare occasion, we are in complete accord.
    Well, they may be hot, but they are probably mostly just an easy way to get VD.
  • edited February 2011
    Oh shit yeah, Betel nut consumption is about as much of a risk as smoking. It's not something you want to do regularly, if at all.
    The other night I was drinking absinthe and copious amounts of other alcohol, and smoked my pipe straight through. I went through two or three bowls of Sillem's Commodore Flake tobacco, smoking it hot because it had dried a bit and wouldn't stay lit.

    Morning breath does not even begin to describe the horror I lived through the next morning.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2011
    1 gram of water is a cubic centimeter.
    So .01 grams of water is a cubic micrometer of water. So maybe the size of a grain of sand. You could get it with a pointy tweezer.
    Wow, you failed ridiculously hard here.
    1cm^3 = (0.01m)^3 = (10^-2m)^3 = 10^-6m^3
    1µm^3 = (10^-6m)^3 = 10^-18m^3
    So there are 10^12 cubic micrometers of water in a cubic centimeter of water.
    Hence a cubic micrometer of water weighs 0.000000000001g

    You're off by 10 orders of magnitude. (See here for confirmation).

    If you're that bad at making calculations like this, just try putting this stuff into wolfram alpha, like so:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Well, they may be hot, but they are probably mostly just an easy way to get VD.
    Surprisingly not - it's apparently quite hard to pick up a betel nut girl, because people try it on with them all the time, but they're mostly just normal lasses. And considering that many bars have a regular population of Thai Bargirls - Essentially, prostitutes - and that the government often turns a blind eye to this, the betel nut girls are generally the sorts of lasses who are looking to make a good living without turning to casual prostitution.
    The other night I was drinking absinthe and copious amounts of other alcohol, and smoked my pipe straight through. I went through two or three bowls of Sillem's Commodore Flake tobacco, smoking it hot because it had dried a bit and wouldn't stay lit.

    Morning breath does not even begin to describe the horror I lived through the next morning.
    I know the pain, brother - my 21st part, I made my way through two forty packs of smokes, plus whatever I ended up cadging from people, and three cigars. I sounded like Barry fucking White in the morning.
  • You're off by10 orders of magnitude.
    That's a lot, FYI.
  • edited February 2011
    You're off by10 orders of magnitude.
    That's a lot, FYI.
    I think he meant cubic millimeter, not cubic micrometer. Still off by 1 order of magnitude.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited February 2011
    Also, the grain of sand assumption is still 5 orders of magnitude off. Looking here, a small grain of sand has a volume of ~10^-13m^3, which is one hundred thousand times larger than a cubic micrometer. From here, the edge length of a cube of that size would be roughly 50µm, or 0.05mm.

    If we assume he meant a cubic millimeter (i.e. 10^-9m^3), then he's talking about a pretty damn big grain of sand.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You're off by10 orders of magnitude.
    That's a lot, FYI.
    I think he meant cubic millimeter, not cubic micrometer.
    Well, no.

    Ten millimeters per centimeter. So a cubic millimeter is 0.1 grams of water. I'm talking about one hundredth of a centimeter, or one tenth of a millimeter. I incorrectly thought that one tenth of a millimeter is a micrometer. Since that is wrong, what is the correct word 1 x 10^-4 meters?
  • edited February 2011
    Ten millimeters per centimeter.
    So a cubic millimeter is 0.1 grams of water.
    Since that is wrong, what is the correct word 1 x 10^-4 meters?
    There isn't one.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Ten millimeters per centimeter.
    So a cubic millimeter is 0.1 grams of water.
    Since that is wrong, what is the correct word 1 x 10^-4 meters?
    There isn't one.
    1 gram = 1 cm^3
    .1 gram = 0.1cm^3
    .01 gram = 0.01cm^3

    OH FUCK it's a cube.

    .1 grams is 100 mm^3
    .01 grams is 10 mm^3
    .001 rams is 1mm^3
  • edited February 2011
    Hey guys, how this idea:
    A graphical calculator with a built in Pokemon/Tamagochi style game where you do battle by solving sums and level up to gain new abilities (It teaches you how to use new functions.) and can enter into more difficult maths areas/tournaments (New areas of mathematics.) and compete with your friend's monsters.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Hey guys, how this idea:
    A graphical calculator with a built in Pokemon/Tamagochi style game where you do battle by solving sums and level up to gain new abilities (It teaches you how to use new functions.) and can enter into more difficult maths areas/tournaments (New areas of mathematics.) and compete with your friend's monsters.
    Very yes.
  • Hey guys, how this idea:
    A graphical calculator with a built in Pokemon/Tamagochi style game where you do battle by solving sums and level up to gain new abilities (It teaches you how to use new functions.) and can enter into more difficult maths areas/tournaments (New areas of mathematics.) and compete with your friend's monsters.
    Genius idea.
  • Graphing Calculator Wars? Learn to program the Ti-8Xs
  • I know the pain, brother - my 21st part, I made my way through two forty packs of smokes, plus whatever I ended up cadging from people, and three cigars. I sounded like Barry fucking White in the morning.
    I rarely smoke, since I'm allergic to tobacco smoke and weed is expensive, but I smoke like one bowl or even like a oney bat and I sound like the goddamn kool-aid man.
  • edited February 2011
    The other night I was drinking absinthe and copious amounts of other alcohol, and smoked my pipe straight through. I went through two or three bowls of Sillem's Commodore Flake tobacco, smoking it hot because it had dried a bit and wouldn't stay lit.

    Morning breath does not even begin to describe the horror I lived through the next morning.
    I know the pain, brother - my 21st part, I made my way through two forty packs of smokes, plus whatever I ended up cadging from people, and three cigars. I sounded like Barry fucking White in the morning.
    Half the problem is the strength of that flake. I went out today and bought a custom blend of looseleaf from the local tobacconist. Much, much easier on the draw and in flavor than the flake. Still made my way through two bowls of the stuff, but I didn't even get a slight nicotine buzz, something even one bowl of flake does for me.

    However, you have to initially smoke the flake a bit hotter than looseleaf, and that habit led to me accidentally burning the roof of my mouth when I made the switch back. Still, nothing quite as relaxing as sitting with friends during a blizzard and enjoying some discussion, a good beer, and a pipe.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Graphing Calculator Wars?Learn to program the Ti-8Xs
    This shit is useful.
  • Hello World!
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