A solid sequel to one of the most monumental movies of geek culture.
Quorra was very hot and Tron's second of two lines in the movie was perfectly timed and executed.
Also, the level of CG used for CLU was scary. I didn't realize it was CG until I started noticing some of his facial movements. It was soundly within the uncanny valley.
More opinion after sleep...
Now, I enjoy my sleep and going to sleep at a decent time because I have work in the morning.
Of course I will still go see it and I am sure I will love it. I'm just wondering where to set my expectations.
I really fucking hate when Disney pulls this sort of "limited edition for a limited time" bullshit. Fucking keep a movie available for purchase.
I found the movie from other methods.
I will probably watch it again before I go see the sequel. It's been so long since I've seen the movie.
Of course, I don't have this problem because I own it.
*ETA: not Disney. I know they didn't do SW.
Michael Sheen as Zeus was great. I loved his mannerisms.
Daft Punk cameo gave a big smile on my face.
I also really liked that fact that (the movie didn't really emphasize on a romantic relationship between Sam and Quorra and they didn't kiss at the end. I really liked the ending with the bike ride and sunset.)
I really didn't need the 3D of the movie. It was fine on it's own. I'm really getting tired of seeing previews for movies coming out in 3D: Green Hornet, Mars Needs Moms, Cars 2, and Thor. The Thor trailer looked "meh". They really should have used Alexander Skarsgard as Thor, then I would be more interested.
I walked out of the theatre thinking that, other than some of the particulars, it was basically the same movie as the original. Doesn't change that it was a fun ride though.
The part that annoys me most is that all of the points that annoyed me would have required no more than two lines of duologue by one Jeff Bridges or the other to completely solve the issue. I hate it when there is that one thing that would be so easy to fix and they don't.
And on that note, did anyone else figure immediately that (Rinzler was Tron? None of my friends who saw it with me realized it until later, but I knew it the moment I saw him because of the T on his chest. I was actually kind of hoping he'd take his mask off at the end, but I suppose we only needed one digitally deaged actor).