Well we finally had our brony meetup yesterday, and last night I recorded the pilot or first episode and lemme just say it's pretty bad. I knew to but an explicit tag on it but I never suspected a pony related discussion to get as foul mouthed as it did, our only excuse is that we were tired and drinking. Other than that it's a poorly recorded podcast, it's hard to hear some people, and we make and drink drinks and eat food on air, at one point I crack my glass and have to chug my Spitfire on air, and we rarely stay on topic, but hopefully it goes somewhere and we can improve.
Here is the podcast link, and honestly if you stop listening part way in then I don't blame you.'
SOMEPONY FIND HER VOICE ACTOR! There was the Comicon only episode of Dexter's where Dexter and Dee Dee created foul mouthed clones that called their mother "a skull fucking moron," so how hard could it be to get a clip of Rainbow Dash saying "dance fucker dance"?
Read this after you watch: Somebody at ED says, "To clear things up the text in Russian at the end means: backup restored successfully."
Perhaps this will win Jason over:
Here is the podcast link, and honestly if you stop listening part way in then I don't blame you.'
Yet Another Pony Podcast
This is cute:
Ponies as human dudes.