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  • Why are you using large values of two? I used small ones and got 3.
    Because in my world everything is large! Well almost everything...not 42 it is small, and not the answer to everything!
  • Congratulations trogdor42! You got it! Because 2+2=5 when using extremely large values of two!
    You should probably check how your system is handling floating point numbers...
  • Congratulations trogdor42! You got it! Because 2+2=5 when using extremely large values of two!
    You should probably check how your system is handling floating point numbers...
    Possibly, but what fun is math if the answer is always logical and nothing on your computer crashes?
  • edited April 2011
    Congratulations trogdor42! You got it! Because 2+2=5 when using extremely large values of two!
    Why are you using large values of two? I used small ones and got 3.
    What you guys are talking about is so completely alien to me I can't even grasp at what you're talking about. What do you mean by small and large values of 2? Isn't 2 just 2?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Congratulations trogdor42! You got it! Because 2+2=5 when using extremely large values of two!
    Why are you using large values of two? I used small ones and got 3.
    What you guys are talking about is so completely alien to me I can't even grasp at what you're talking about. What do you mean by small and large values of 2? Isn't 2 just 2?
    I forget which processor it was exactly (Early Pentium? I know it was Intel), but anyways, they had an issue where under certain circumstances the processor would count a 2 as a 2.5 or 3. It's been so long I don't quite remember, but unless you specified 2.0 it would occasionally do that and result in a 5 instead of a two. Anywho there is probably a wiki out there about it.

  • To kill the joke:
    If you are rounding a 2 its values can be > 1.5 and < 2.5, and 5 is similarly 4.5-5.5. An extremely large value of 2 would then be a value close but not greater than 2.5. The sum of two such values would be greater than 4.5 thus rounded to 5.
    e.g. 2.49+2.49 = 4.98 ≈ 5 similarly, 1.51 + 1.51 = 3.02 ≈ 3
    Computers depending on how they round or deal with decimal points in may give odd results.
    Also apparently a thing in 1984.
  • Is anyone else here going to Sakura-con?

    My Guess: No.
  • What are some good non-Ticketmaster sites to get tickets for shows?
  • What are some good non-Ticketmaster sites to get tickets for shows?
  • What are some good non-Ticketmaster sites to get tickets for shows?
    TicketFly, TicketWeb.
  • What are some good non-Ticketmaster sites to get tickets for shows?
    Just found out where all the Flaming Lips tickets went.

    They also doubled in price. Fuck netscalping.
  • TicketWeb
    TicketWeb is owned by TicketMaster.
  • If one was to buy things off of Shapeways, what would it be? Could a teenager produce it?
  • edited April 2011
    How soon after a bite should a tetanus shot be administered? The actual cut is so small it took me a minute or two to notice it, but there was blood.

    I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday (Writing as of Sunday morning.).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • How soon after a bite should a tetanus shot be administered? The actual cut is so small it took me a minute or two to notice it, but there was blood.

    I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday (Writing as of Sunday morning.).
    The Internet tells me that if you recently got a preventative shot, you can wait about ~24 hours without too much of a worry. Getting Tetanus isn't extremely likely though, I wouldn't worry too much. (Then again, I'm not even a doctor, so I dunno).
  • How soon after a bite should a tetanus shot be administered? The actual cut is so small it took me a minute or two to notice it, but there was blood.

    I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday (Writing as of Sunday morning.).
    A cut that small usually can just be ignored, just as long as you cleaned it to avoid any bacteria. I get cuts all the time from rusted objects and don't worry about them unless they start to turn colors. (never had that happen) Now a rusty nail through the foot...maybe something you should get checked. :P
  • How soon after a bite should a tetanus shot be administered? The actual cut is so small it took me a minute or two to notice it, but there was blood.

    I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday (Writing as of Sunday morning.).
    What bit you and how deep was it. If it was the bun, I wouldn't worry. I got nipped by bunny a lot in my youth and as long as you have had a booster you should have nothing to worry about. If you haven't had one in 10 years, go get it done when you go to the doctor just because it is good to be up to date, but no, rabbits don't have tetanus in their mouths. The only way you would get tetanus is the same way you would if you got a paper cut and stuff got in the wound. There also has never been a documented rabbit->human rabies infection from what I hear. (Rodents and lagomorphs, while they can contract the virus, are not vectors.)
  • Are sign spinners common on the roadside in other parts of the country? I started noticing them ~4 months ago here.
  • sign spinners
    They are all over here in California, been around for a couple years now.
  • They're not super common here, and most of them suck. But there's one guy who's really good at it (he's been at two places so far).
  • Is it fanfiction if I'm creating my own universe inspired by a work?
  • Not really. After all, Honorverse is just Female Horatio Hornblower IN SPACE.
  • Okay, good. I didn't want to get a thousand words into something just to realize I've been writing a fanfic and liking it.
  • edited April 2011
    What are the best places to get lunch in Seattle? Preferably in the downtown area, near the hotels on John Street.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited April 2011
    What are the best places to get lunch in Seattle? Preferably in the downtown area, near the hotels on John Street.
    For breakfast diner food: The Hurricane Cafe. Also Tuta Bella has really delicious neapolitan pizza. I had a friend that worked there for a while.

    All the other place I really enjoy are a few blocks further south near Westlake Center.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I just gamed a vote to get my friend to sing Garfunkel and Oates's Song Sex with Ducks at an audition. Does this make me a bad person?
  • I just gamed a vote to get my friend to sing Garfunkel and Oates's Song Sex with Ducks at an audition. Does this make me a bad person?
    Yes, but it's totally worth it.
  • Is Gordon Freeman a bad person for not telling Dr Kleiner that Lamar was on-board the rocket and (Depending on whether or not she got back out.) could have been killed?
  • edited April 2011
    Is Gordon Freeman a bad person for not telling Dr Kleiner that Lamar was on-board the rocket and (Depending on whether or not she got back out.) could have been killed?
    Fuck Lamar. The only way it would make Gordon a bad person is if Lamar being on the rocket could have endangered the rocket's very important mission.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Stupid Lamar caused all the trouble in the first place in HL2:E1.
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