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Random Questions



  • What board game should I get for Xbox Live Arcade? I see they have Catan, Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. Should I get one of these? Or does anyone have another suggestion?
    It depends on what you want to do with them. If you want to play it with people in the same room, get Carcassonne (Catan doesn't have local multiplayer). I have both Catan and Carcassonne and they're both pretty fantastic, haven't played Ticket to Ride yet.
  • There's a whole field of academic study developing about exploring the concept of "gender performativity" (i.e. people acting in certain ways that are identified with a gender) and in finding the distinctions between physical sex, gender identification, and sexual preference. The three don't necessarily have to match in certain ways.
  • Carcassonne.
  • If prescients can't see No-Chambers and No-Ships, and Mog-Pharau is the No-God, could the Kwisatz Haderach predict the Second Apocalypse?
  • Women pretty much need a fake mustache.
    I own a set of these:
  • Ok. Now I don't know if I want to know the answer to this but..... In fanfic (the term may apply to other things, but I just saw it there) what does the term lemon mean??
  • Porn basically.
  • Porn basically.
    Just porn? Or a certain kind of porn?
  • Just porn.
  • Lemon means that said fic contains a graphic sex scene.
    Lime means that it is all soft core, fade to black sort of sex.
    Hence my intense amusement when I saw posters for Lime Flavor Bud Light Beer, which splashed the logo BL LIME! all over the subway. (BL, short for Boys Love or Yaoi, plus Lime...basically a phrase one would use to categorize slashfic.)
  • Alright, so persuant to my Fail/booyah of the day thing about my boss thinking my volume of work aint up to par, I've written him an email. I havent sent it yet, so tell me what you think:

    bossmans name,

    After putting some thought into our conversation in 1119 Tuesday afternoon, where you brought to my attention your concerns about the volume of my work being far lower than when I first started working here, I had a realization that could help explain my apparent decrease in performance.

    I started working in the I.S. department on the tail end of April in a semester with a relatively light workload for me. After the semester was over, I worked throughout the summer and this job was really the only thing I was doing other than relaxing at home. The point I'd like to make is that, since you brought up during our meeting that my performance was markedly lower than when I first started, that maybe you are comparing my current performance to a period in time when my energies weren't divided between a heavy course-load and my work here in the office.

    That being said, I know that there is a certain level of performance expected of me and that, since you feel I'm not meeting that level, it's my responsibility to rectify that. However, I feel that there is a lot that I do that goes unnoticed simply because they aren't big important jobs. Things like troubleshooting small problems that crop up in labs, helping faculty in classrooms, or making my occasional rounds through the department offices to see if there are any problems that haven't been reported. Still, those incidentals do take up time that isn't always accounted for. To help uncover those, since you yourself said that you don't like to micromanage, I'd like to do the micromanaging for you. Starting today, I will be keeping a work log of the various tasks that I do as I do them. This log will be complete with timestamps, marking the time the task was started and completed, and Job ID numbers, so that related tasks can be tracked accordingly. At the end of my last shift of each day, I will input that day's work log into a Google Docs spreadsheet that I will share with you and Mark. I'm doing this so that, if at any point you feel that my time here is not being well spent, you can look at the log and see where the time goes and then decided whether or not I am still a valuable asset to this department.

    I really do love my job here, so I hope this system will help to show that I do my best to earn my keep.

    If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me or bring it up in the office.


  • Letter
    Isn't that like putting a sign on your back that says "Fire me if you dare, you stupid prick!" and then dancing around in front of your boss?
    (Just my point of view)
  • Sonic:
    I really think there is (or should be) value in an employee who is willing to address this kind of stuff. It shows you care enough about your job to show them you want to be better for them. An employee who gets scolded like you, and then just sits around like "ok whatever" might not really care so much. Anyway that is my opinion, even though I'm not a real boss, but since I hire/manage my company's interns.

    I would try to reword the letter to sound more formal, though. I don't know your boss, but I would think it would be better to use less casual phrasing.

    Try to have an overall tone less like "You said I wasn't doing enough, I think you're wrong, here's why, and now I'm gonna prove you're wrong by writing everything down"
    And more like "I thought about what you said and you are right, I'm not performing as much etc. etc. It must be because -insert summer explanation-. I value working here and I want to rectify this and show you I am serious, I will now make records for myself since I do many tasks -insert small tasks stuff- that go unnoticed, and I want to keep myself inline. If you would like to see these and if it would be helpful to you, I can send them to you." etc. etc.

    You are very close to the second one (I just used the first one as an extreme example), its just the phrasing that may be off a bit. Basically, employers don't want to hear that they did something wrong (unless they are cool) and would rather hear that you're sorry and want to do better. And also, make sure the record keeping doesn't come off as "I'm going to show you proof since you don't believe me."

    Good luck! I know how scary it is to send emails like that, I've done it before. (And got a raise out of it :D)
  • Letter
    Isn't that like putting a sign on your back that says "Fire me if you dare, you stupid prick!" and then dancing around in front of your boss?
    (Just my point of view)
    Scratch all that apparently (found in another thread) you are looking for a new job. Ignore my comment please and thanks! "P
  • What happens if you bring an RC helicopter into an elevator?
  • What happens if you bring an RC helicopter into an elevator?
    Security gets very, very annoyed.
  • What happens if you bring an RC helicopter into an elevator?
    Security gets very, very annoyed.
    Done in one.
  • Is "jewelry" a racist term?
  • Is "jewelry" a racist term?
    No. The etymology has nothing to do with jews.
  • No. The origin comes from jewel which is was anglicized from the Old French "jouel".
  • No. The origin comes from jewel which is was anglicized from the Old French "jouel".
    You looked it up on Wikipedia just like I did. Good jorb!
  • Let's make it a racist term.
  • You looked it up on Wikipedia just like I did. Good jorb!
  • Let's make it a racist term.
    From now on, male Jewish people are Jews, and female Jewish people are Jewels.
  • Hey guys a friend of mine wants to send some stuff to her close friend (he is practially like a brother) who is stationed right now in Germany. He is in his early 20's and in the Airforce. Now my friend is hard up for ideas on what to send her airforce buddy. I already suggested some comics, candy/cookies that you can not get outside of Amerca, Starbucks single serve instant coffee, itunes gift cards and phone cards. Can any of you guys come up with other things she should send to her friend?
  • I need help picking a hosting service... again. My mother and I would rather not pay $143 next year for JustHost, but I don't know who else to go with. I'm looking at DreamHost and FatCow.

    Now, after doing some basic math in my head, it seems like from those three, JustHost is the best deal it just seems like it's not because it's a huge chunk at once. Or am I missing something?
  • edited May 2011
    I need help picking a hosting service... again. My mother and I would rather not pay $143 next year for JustHost, but I don't know who else to go with. I'm looking at DreamHost and FatCow.

    Now, after doing some basic math in my head, it seems like from those three, JustHost is the best deal it just seems like it's not because it's a huge chunk at once. Or am I missing something?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Let's make it a racist term.
    From now on, male Jewish people are Jews, and female Jewish people are Jewels.
    I thought it was Hebrews and Shebrews...
  • Hey guys a friend of mine wants to send some stuff to her close friend (he is practially like a brother) who is stationed right now in Germany. He is in his early 20's and in the Airforce. Now my friend is hard up for ideas on what to send her airforce buddy. I already suggested some comics, candy/cookies that you can not get outside of Amerca, Starbucks single serve instant coffee, itunes gift cards and phone cards. Can any of you guys come up with other things she should send to her friend?
    So no one can help my friend out with ideas???
  • edited May 2011
    So no one can help my friend out with ideas???
    Sorry, I honestly didn't see that post. What's His MOS, do you know? Anything you can tell us about him at all? If he has an AAFES nearby, she could always send gifts via them, too, or even just gift cards from them. I would suggest porn, but I take it that's already been ruled out.
    Post edited by Churba on
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