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  • Sometimes it's surprising how much your skills in a certain area start to slip when you no longer regularly have classes reinforcing them.

    But it's ok, I can own you all at roman numeral analysis >_>
  • Overall it's ok that I really don't remember all the shit I did in high school. It's true that pretty much most of the stuff you did learn in high school isn't as relevant when you're older.
  • This is an important lesson. There is an order of operations, and its somewhat important to know it. In my opinion, you should never rely on the order of operations, especially while programming. It doesn't cost you anything to add more parenthesis. They don't cost anything. Always add lots of parenthesis to make the order of operations explicit so questions like these can't appear.
  • This is an important lesson. There is an order of operations, and its somewhat important to know it. In my opinion, you should never rely on the order of operations, especially while programming. It doesn't cost you anything to add more parenthesis. They don't cost anything. Always add lots of parenthesis to make the order of operations explicit so questions like these can't appear.
    Agreed. I use parentheses like crazy (well, within reason) when programming precisely to avoid this sort of confusion. It's even more important when using non-mathematical operators like logical operators and the like whose orders of operations haven't been drummed into you since grade school and may even vary depending on the programming language being used.
  • I got 13.6.
  • A poll popped up on Facebook with a simple math problem, 6÷2(1+2)=?
    Are we assuming base-10?
  • Do colors of outfits really matter that much for newborn babies? I'm just probably being overly critical and want to make sure the parents won't think it's a weird color, but I'm making some hats for a newborn baby boy.


    This would be ok for a baby boy, right? I'm mainly concerned with some of the pinkish parts of the skein because some people really don't like that on boys. The skein is many colors and I could rewind the skein back to where I would be making the hat mostly of the green and blue colors. I dunno. I just want to make sure what I make is awesome. >__>
  • edited April 2011
    Purple is an incredibly manly color, and color/sex associations are stupid. Real men/boys/male babies don't just wear pink, they fucking own it. If and when I have a son of my own, I'm going to dress him in pink all the time so when people go, "Aww cute, what's her name?" I can act offended and go, "Uh, this is my son, and his name is X."

    That looks awesome, BTW. Especially for a hat for a baby boy.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Real men/boys/male babies don't just wear pink, they fucking own it.
    We call it "salmon." This is a very important thing to remember. Salmon is the name of an animal that we catch and eat, often raw.

    There is nothing manlier.
  • Purple is an incredibly manly color, and color/sex associations are stupid. Real men/boys/male babies don't just wear pink, they fucking own it. If and when I have a son of my own, I'm going to dress him in pink all the time so when people go, "Aww cute, what's her name?" I can act offended and go, "Uh, this is my son, and his name is X."

    That looks awesome, BTW. Especially for a hat for a baby boy.
    Heracles discovered purple dye, according to legend, and it has been worn by many fine kings and emperors. A fine colour for a baby boy. Well, To wear. If your baby boy is actually that colour, call a doctor.
  • edited April 2011
    Fact: The color sissy ladies call "pink" was actually created by men rubbing raw animal flesh into cotton, so the lingering stench of their clothing would remind our foes of prowess in killing.
    Heracles discovered purple dye, according to legend, and it has been worn by many fine kings and emperors
    Shit yeah. The Phoenicians rendered a species of snail EXTINCT for manly purple dyes. Kings in the middle ages forbid their subjects to wear purple.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That looks awesome, BTW. Especially for a hat for a baby boy.
    Thanks. =D

    I just get really worried because these parents aren't the kind to be on this forum. They are "normal" people. I also plan on making at least two other awesome hats animal type hats and perhaps a cross-stitch bib.
  • Purple is an incredibly manly color
    Green is better though (Babylon 5 reference here).
  • Well, getting red wunz helps you go fasta.
  • I'm going to dress him in pink all the time so when people go, "Aww cute, what's her name?" I can act offended and go, "He my son! He riv with HONOR!"
  • Heeeeeeeeeeey, does anyone know where Dave of Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentlemen is live-streaming Resident Evil?
  • Right here.
    Thank you kindly.
  • How manly does a woman have to dress to be considered a transvestite?
  • How manly does a woman have to dress to be considered a transvestite?
    I don't think there's a limit.
  • How manly does a woman have to dress to be considered a transvestite?
    I don't think there's a limit.
    If I wear boot-cut jeans and a t-shirt, and a woman wears boot cut jeans and a t-shirt, is she a transvestite?
  • How manly does a woman have to dress to be considered a transvestite?
    I don't think there's a limit.
    If I wear boot-cut jeans and a t-shirt, and a woman wears boot cut jeans and a t-shirt, is she a transvestite?
    No, but if a woman wears a dress, and you wear a dress, you're a transvestite.

    Welcome to sexism.
  • Welcome to sexism.
    "Women are allowed to get angrier than men at double standards" - Elizibeth Lemon.
  • Welcome to sexism.
    "Women are allowed to get angrier than men at double standards" - Elizibeth Lemon.
    I was just making a point, not getting angry...Trust me, I don't have a particular desire to wear a dress.
  • Welcome to sexism.
    "Women are allowed to get angrier than men at double standards" - Elizibeth Lemon.
    I was just making a point, not getting angry...Trust me, I don't have a particular desire to wear a dress.
    I figured. I just like that line, and use it as often as I can.
  • It's not the manner of dress, it's how they identify themselves.
  • Women pretty much need a fake mustache.
  • It's not the manner of dress, it's how they identify themselves.
    I understand this, but I was relaying society's very common methods of judgment, as flawed as they are.
  • edited May 2011
    It's not the manner of dress, it's how they identify themselves.
    Look at Eddie Izzard, he's an executive transvestite (or alternatively, a male tomboy or a male lesbian)
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • What board game should I get for Xbox Live Arcade? I see they have Catan, Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. Should I get one of these? Or does anyone have another suggestion?
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