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  • Try to have sex with her in a really scary way, she'll love that.
    Just make sure you've got a safe word. Bitches love safe words.
  • Bitches love to be scared tenderly.
    Dam straight, I dress up in a mask and everything. Im like "girl Im gonna kill you with my love", and shes 'Ahhh you so scary". Works every time.

    Also the Thing.
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
  • Spot it. I have one chance to hook my casual gamer friends in. Which of the mini games is the best? Which one is the most fun?
    Consider Jungle Speed?
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    Ma'am, you've not met the women I seem to attract. I can tell, because you still live.
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    This girl loves all kinds of scary. She is a horror freak. And what is scary sex? Should I like pretend there is a monster in her vagina and I need to beat it to death with my meat sword?
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    Ma'am, you've not met the women I seem to attract. I can tell, because you still live.
    Wasn't The Thing actually based on your old roommate?
  • edited September 2011
    Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    Hey Gold, I just noticed your picture in "So, what does everyone here look like??? " Did you know that you is a lady???? Come on bring the lady advice! Use the power of the overies that are contained deep within your lady pecs.


    Please understand that I am using scarcasim here. Some brought it to my attention that they did not uderstand that this post was scarcastic. I hopped that saying overies were deep inside "lady pecs" would be clear enough. I guess it wasn't. So again please understand this post is me being scarcastic. Thank you for your time.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    Hey Gold, I just noticed your picture in "So, what does everyone here look like??? " Did you know that you is a lady???? Come on bring the lady advice! Use the power of the overies that are contained deep within your lady pecs.
    I'm just gonna go out and say that you're coming off as really annoying and kind of a dick. Just saying.
  • Don't watch The Thing with a girl that's the wrong kind of scary, that's gross scary. Girls like dumb scary.
    Ma'am, you've not met the women I seem to attract. I can tell, because you still live.
    Wasn't The Thing actually based on your old roommate?
    The Hambeast? Quite possibly. Also, thank christ, I never had anything whatsoever to do with her in that fashion, we were just housemates. I'm absolutely sure I'd rather rip my dick off and throw it in the river, rather than put it anywhere near that.
  • When you said attract, I assumed you meant it in the same way that one would say, "Open wounds attract frenzied sharks." That is, not attracting mates, but rather malevolent creatures who want nothing more than to kill you.
  • When you said attract, I assumed you meant it in the same way that one would say, "Open wounds attract frenzied sharks." That is, not attracting mates, but rather malevolent creatures who want nothing more than to kill you.
    To be absolutely fair, I do think I share some of the blame, there. I mean, if I had the good sense to be able to see the crazy before it tries to shoot me, then I probably wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole. The problem is that I often come up with some stupid justification, like "Hey, you said you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, but as optimistic as you are, mate, that's nowhere near ten feet, so you should be fine with there." And then, Skull Fractures.
  • And then, Skull Fractures.
    Jesus Christ, man. That fucking story.
  • Jesus Christ, man. That fucking story.
    I still have a dent in the back of my head at the point of impact. Jesus christ, that fucking woman.
  • Please understand that I am using scarcasim here. Some brought it to my attention that they did not uderstand that this post was scarcastic. I hopped that saying overies were deep inside "lady pecs" would be clear enough. I guess it wasn't. So again please understand this post is me being scarcastic. Thank you for your time.
    I think I heard Scott say once on the show they ban people for poor spelling and grammar on this board.
  • Please understand that I am using scarcasim here. Some brought it to my attention that they did not uderstand that this post was scarcastic. I hopped that saying overies were deep inside "lady pecs" would be clear enough. I guess it wasn't. So again please understand this post is me being scarcastic. Thank you for your time.
    I think I heard Scott say once on the show they ban people for poor spelling and grammar on this board.
    You are like my favorite new forum member ever. :D
  • edited September 2011
    Should I like pretend there is a monster in her vagina and I need to beat it to death with my meat sword?
    Only if you dress up like a knight first. Bitches love that.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • About half way into the movie lean in, slowly stroke the back of her neck, and a whisper sweetly: "Scream and you're dead."
    And then it's business time. Oh yeah...
  • Please understand that I am using scarcasim here. Some brought it to my attention that they did not uderstand that this post was scarcastic. I hopped that saying overies were deep inside "lady pecs" would be clear enough. I guess it wasn't. So again please understand this post is me being scarcastic. Thank you for your time.
    I think I heard Scott say once on the show they ban people for poor spelling and grammar on this board.
    Again, I was being of the joking. In that post someone had had not understood that I was "being the funny" (or at least trying) and they had "called me out". I then took the opportunity to exacerbate the situation to the point of it being absurd. I think that in the end, the absurdity of it came across. Although I am aware that I am not the best spelling guy and grammar soul. I do try to make up for it by using the spell check, unless I deliberately ignore the spell check for humorous effect.

    And then...
    Should I like pretend there is a monster in her vagina and I need to beat it to death with my meat sword?
    Only if you dress up like a knight first. Bitches love that.
    I gave that bitch a sword  Bitches love swords
  • edited September 2011
    Why is it that moths are so often associated with spreading poisonous dust around? I see it all too often in games, I'm assuming it's a Japan thing.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • Why is it that moths are so often associated with spreading poisonous dust around? I see it all too often in games, I'm assuming it's a Japan thing.
    Those people fans can kill you so it's no surprise.
  • The Japanese have fans made out of people? Shit. Now is it the process of being turned into a fan that kills you or are there fans made out of living people that kill people. Either way I am scared.
  • Spot it. I have one chance to hook my casual gamer friends in. Which of the mini games is the best? Which one is the most fun?
    Consider Jungle Speed?
    Oh, they like JS too, but we have played that a LOT. Double Bomb Spot It should do the trick :)
  • My desktop computer doesn't have a wireless network adapter. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab capable of USB tethering. Could I tether my wifi to my desktop or does it only work with 3G?
  • Or just spend $10 on a wifi dongle.
  • edited September 2011
    I've already ordered two, this is for the meantime.

    Edit: Checked while tethered and it gave me the address of my home network :)
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Thank you SO much Rochelle and Whaleshark for suggesting/explaining Spot It Double Bomb game type. Funny how that's not even one of the modes out of the box. The game was a fucking HOME RUN. 7 player Double Bomb is INSANELY fun :)
  • edited September 2011
    Why is it that moths are so often associated with spreading poisonous dust around? I see it all too often in games, I'm assuming it's a Japan thing.
    Those people fans can kill you so it's no surprise.
    Just how high do you have to be to say something like this.
    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • Sounds like some kind of yokai or video game enemy.
  • Only if you dress up like a knight first. Bitches love that.
    That they do! Put on some plate and mail and the knickers hit the floor.
    And what is scary sex? Should I like pretend there is a monster in her vagina and I need to beat it to death with my meat sword?
    Well if you claim to be the one to free her from its tyranny that can help. Also jumping around the room can help. Hide in the cupboard, make some spooky noises, er if worst comes to worse put a pillow case over her head and say that she is now in Limbo. I like to make sure that the lights are a bit low. Its however you want to go really.
    Why is it that moths are so often associated with spreading poisonous dust around?
    Because moths hate us all.
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