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Random Questions



  • Why is it that moths are so often associated with spreading poisonous dust around?
    Because moths hate us all.
  • He's the Don of the moths.
  • Anybody know if the Tales from the Trenches is legit or made up? They're definitely interesting to read, but a couple seem a bit far out. Then again, them being far out is the point, and unbelievable doesn't mean untrue. Just the skeptic in me would like to have confirmation.
  • Anybody know if the Tales from the Trenches is legit or made up? They're definitely interesting to read, but a couple seem a bit far out. Then again, them being far out is the point, and unbelievable doesn't mean untrue. Just the skeptic in me would like to have confirmation.
    Hard to say - I'd think much like many other sites with user submitted stories, some will be the truth, some will be a carefully constructed house of lies, with a doormat of lies, doilies of lies, and a high-tea set made of lies on a lie sideboard.
  • Anybody know if the Tales from the Trenches is legit or made up? They're definitely interesting to read, but a couple seem a bit far out. Then again, them being far out is the point, and unbelievable doesn't mean untrue. Just the skeptic in me would like to have confirmation.
    Hard to say - I'd think much like many other sites with user submitted stories, some will be the truth, some will be a carefully constructed house of lies, with a doormat of lies, doilies of lies, and a high-tea set made of lies on a lie sideboard.
    I mostly believe the stories submitted there. There are enough confirmed horror stories of that industry that these other stories may as well be true. Even if a particular story is a lie, there is probably someone out there who had an equivalently bad experience.
  • Anybody know if the Tales from the Trenches is legit or made up? They're definitely interesting to read, but a couple seem a bit far out. Then again, them being far out is the point, and unbelievable doesn't mean untrue. Just the skeptic in me would like to have confirmation.
    Hard to say - I'd think much like many other sites with user submitted stories, some will be the truth, some will be a carefully constructed house of lies, with a doormat of lies, doilies of lies, and a high-tea set made of lies on a lie sideboard.
    I mostly believe the stories submitted there. There are enough confirmed horror stories of that industry that these other stories may as well be true. Even if a particular story is a lie, there is probably someone out there who had an equivalently bad experience.
    Absolutely - Just pointing out that a grain of salt is necessary, as with many user-submitted content sites.
  • The art is a bit odd. But still looks interesting.
  • The art is a bit odd. But still looks interesting.
    It's standard Gabe art. I've only seen one that was Kurtz art so far.
  • I thought it was more Kurtz defiantly feels more of a mix of the two.
  • I thought it was more Kurtz defiantly feels more of a mix of the two.
    Some of the character designs are very Kurtz (the redheaded girl, the boss guy), but the art feels like it's all Gabe to me.

    Not that either's a bad thing; Kurtz's art is pretty rad now-a-days.
  • I'm assuming that Kurtz did the majority of the character design with some input of Gabe, and Gabe does the final strip.
  • Thats sort of my issue, though not a big one, is that they all look a little bit like the PVP cast. I know there are only so many out there and its not such a bit deal it just sort of stands out a bit to me. But that is probably me being derp.
  • I don't read PvP, so any similarities don't bother me.
  • I don't read PvP, so any similarities don't bother me.
    It's better than it used to be.
  • I need some recommendations on bagels, what is the best filling for a sesame seed bagel?
  • Throw some cream cheese and lox on that motherfucker. Add a few capers and call it a day.
  • Throw some cream cheese and lox on that motherfucker. Add a few capers and call it a day.
    I'm actually not a big fan of the capers. A tomato slice and a red raw onion slice is better.
  • I'm actually not a big fan of the capers.
    Get the hell off

    Capers are fucking awesome. I eat those little fuckers by the spoonful.
  • I'm actually not a big fan of the capers.
    Get the hell off

    Capers are fucking awesome. I eat those little fuckers by the spoonful.
    So why are you upset that Scott will not eat the capers? That means more for YOU.
  • Capers suck.
  • edited September 2011
    So why are you upset that Scott will not eat the capers? That means more for YOU.
    But he has a different opinion than me and his opinion is clearly WRONG! I can't let that stand! I have to fight for what I believe!

    EDIT: I should make some puttanesca this week. Love that stuff.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I also dislike capers. Not the mystery kind, the little black food-type things that come in a jar.
  • Happy Birthday Go Nagai!
    I love you! :D
  • Is there a way to use the word "circlejerk" in English class without the teacher getting mad? Because I can't find any other way to describe the shitty article he made us read. Apparently books are objectively better than all other forms of media and they stops wars and shit, and also "reading on a computer" can never be as good as "literary" reading. Nobel laureate or not, this article is awful!
  • edited September 2011
    Is there a way to use the word "circlejerk" in English class without the teacher getting mad? Because I can't find any other way to describe the shitty article he made us read. Apparently books are objectively better than all other forms of media and they stops wars and shit, and also "reading on a computer" can never be as good as "literary" reading. Nobel laureate or not, this article is awful!
    I don't think circlejerk is really the correct term anyway. It's only a circlejerk if there's 2 or more people all agreeing about the same bullshit idea.

    You could try mutual admiration society if you find yourself in a situation where circlejerk is actually accurate, though.

    I still can't figure out the non-swearing way to say "clusterfuck," however.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Is there a way to use the word "circlejerk" in English class without the teacher getting mad? Because I can't find any other way to describe the shitty article he made us read. Apparently books are objectively better than all other forms of media and they stops wars and shit, and also "reading on a computer" can never be as good as "literary" reading. Nobel laureate or not, this article is awful!
    I would use the word "masturbatory" as a descriptor. It's more appropriate in both tone and meaning.
  • Happy Birthday Go Nagai!
    Go Nagai is the man!
  • I still can't figure out the non-swearing way to say "clusterfuck," however.
  • I broke down and remodded my Wii. I have some emulators on there, but can I just download pirated virtual console games with the normal softmod?
  • I'm thinking about shaving off my goatee. Yes, no, maybe??? I've also started to consider growing a beard.
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