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  • I've also started to consider growing a beard.
    This. I'm trying to get Jeremy to grow one, but he doesn't think he can with his hair type.
  • This. I'm trying to get Jeremy to grow one, but he doesn't think he can with his hair type.
    Can you talk to Lyddi?

  • Can you talk to Lyddi?

    I can't see you with a beard. The 5 o'clock shadow thing, sure, but I think you look better without.

    Request denied!
  • Can you talk to Lyddi?

    I can't see you with a beard. The 5 o'clock shadow thing, sure, but I think you look better without.

    Request denied!

    (Though in an effort not to be the controlling type, I said if he really wants one he can try it out. Once birds start building nests in it though, its gotta go. :-P)
  • (Though in an effort not to be the controlling type, I said if he really wants one he can try it out. Once birds start building nests in it though, its gotta go. :-P)
    If anything, our cats love rubbing their faces on Jeremy's bearded chin. It's adorable.
  • The 5 o'clock shadow thing, sure, but I think you look better without.
    Not to get all homo on you, but I agree with Ro. Stick with the scruffy look - it suits you. I don't know that your face is shaped well for a beard. You run a strong risk of looking like a hipster douche.
  • In the Lion King, when Simba returns and claims his role as king. Does he keep eating bugs? Or does he now eat meat?
  • I never thought about how that part of the Lion King was basically a moral dodge necessary in a movie where the main character is an apex predator. It never occurred to me before that that whole scene was strategic.
  • The 5 o'clock shadow thing, sure, but I think you look better without.
    Not to get all homo on you, but I agree with Ro. Stick with the scruffy look - it suits you. I don't know that your face is shaped well for a beard. You run a strong risk of looking like a hipster douche.
    Rather than a beard, might I suggest a paper bag?
  • I'm with Andrew on this one. Lyddi, if I may quote the holy prophet Moses, LET MY PEOPLE GROW!

    Seriously, every dude should have a beard at some point, if possible.
  • I tried having a beard but it was too itchy for me. I'll just stick to my scruffy "I need to shave" look.
  • edited September 2011
    I'm with Andrew on this one. Lyddi, if I may quote the holy prophet Moses, LET MY PEOPLE GROW!

    Seriously, every dude should have a beard at some point, if possible.
    I always get stuck at the "this beard-in-progress thing looks like fucking shit" point and end up hating myself for trying to grow a beard. Then, I shave it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2011
    I'm with Andrew on this one. Lyddi, if I may quote the holy prophet Moses, LET MY PEOPLE GROW!

    Seriously, every dude should have a beard at some point, if possible.
    I always get stuck at the "this beard-in-progress thing looks like fucking shit" point and end up hating myself for trying to grow a beard. Then, I shave it.
    I should grab a couple of photos the next time I trim my beard. It's not looking so bad right now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Nothing bad ever came of a beard.
  • I want a beard so badly so I can stroke it dramatically when asked a philosophical question. Stupid genes!
  • That's it. I'm going full beard.
  • That's it. I'm going full beard.
    I'm going to shave down the goatee to start with as to avoid looking sloppy and uneven. I've been told you can get away with two different lengths of hair but not three.
  • Jeremy's hair is odd. He has some patches that are somewhat bald, and others that are thick. I'll have to look up tips on how to grow a proper beard sometime.

    I have no idea what brought it on, but lately I've founded bearded guys way more attractive.
  • I'll have to look up tips on how to grow a proper beard sometime.
    1. Don't shave.
    2. ...
    3. Beard
  • 1. Beard
    2. .....
    3. Prophet
  • 1. Don't shave.
    2. ...
    3. Beard
    Yes, those are the basics. However, the internet says otherwise.
  • Your neckline. Establish it.
  • Does anyone have any idea what this upcoming X-Men Re:Genesis storyline is about? I understand that they are divided and its basically Cyclops vs Wolverine. But why?
  • The scruffy phase is the bane of my beard growing. I would like to grow a mustache to turn my imperial into something more akin to a musketeer beard or a long Van Dyke. My facial hair grows pretty slowly though, so dealing with scruffy is not a pleasant prospect.
  • Days after shave.

    0 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    1 - Minor stubble. A slightly rugged look. Still attractive.
    2 - Rugged stubble. Handsome and gruff
    3 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    4 - Close to rugged again, but still not looking so good.
    5 - Rugged beard
    6 - Powerful beard
    7 - Neck beard...
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  • Weeks/Months after shave.

    0 - Awesome! No stubble! Baby's butt!
    1 - Minor stubble. A slightly rugged look. Still attractive.
    2 - Rugged stubble. Handsome and gruff
    3 - Scruffy. Not great looking.
    4 - Close to rugged again, but still not looking so good.
    5 - Rugged beard
    6 - Powerful beard
    7 - Neck beard...
  • "Which three Pokemon moves best describe you during sex?" -W1S1
  • Does anyone have any idea what this upcoming X-Men Re:Genesis storyline is about? I understand that they are divided and its basically Cyclops vs Wolverine. But why?
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