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  • edited February 2012
    Where the hell did Lackofcheese go? I really miss that guy...
    At the moment? Might be busy with uni, I know that started back up here just recently.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That does help put it into perspective a lot more, so thanks for explaining that it's compulsive/involuntary, because I sincerely didn't understand the appeal. And if you're seriously that bad off? It sounds like something that's stemmed by anxiety and should be an indicator that said person should seek outside help.
    There is no "appeal" to it. We do NOT do it on purpose. I can't imagine someone purposefully wanting to chew their nails into oblivion.

    I've been a nail biter all my life. I don't know I'm doing it until someone points it out or I start feeling pain. It is extremely hard to stop, because again, its NOT on purpose. I have extremely thin brittle nails that always break, even when I don't chew them. I REALLY REALLY want beautiful long healthy nails like everyone else, but I wasn't born lucky in the nail department. I think I have this subconscious thing about my nails not being perfect, so for some reason I start chewing uncontrollably to try to fix a broken nail or messed up cuticle or whatnot, and then all of a sudden my nail is completely fucked. I keep a nail file with me and have nail stuff all over the apartment, but since the biting is subconscious, I don't get to it in time.

    Lately though I've been able to curb it my keeping my nails thickly painted. I think it appeases my subconscious, as well as make my nails thicker so they break less often. Sucks for guys though.
  • edited February 2012
    I relent, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend so much. A moment of extreme frustration exploded and I didn't realize it was a totally subconscious thing people don't think about. It's not something I know anything about really, and I was insensitive.
    I apologize. I was under the sincere impression that there was a conscious thought to I look at my nails -> they bother me -> I'm going to chew on them. It's entirely different if it's subconscious.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • There's not really anything a person can do for a behavior like that when it's coupled with OCD. [...]
    The typical thought process for someone with OCD is something like, "If I don't gnaw my nails constantly, disease will kill everyone and everything I have ever loved." Most medication only lessens the severity of symptoms, so someone wouldn't be chewing every three seconds, but they'd still have to do it. My bets are that that guy has already sought outside help.
    That is not true. There are plenty of exercises you can do to help lessen your compulsions. It's uncomfortable, but many people force themselves to stop by using a distraction, like snapping a rubberband around their wrist, that serves as a reminder that they are doing that irrational thought pattern again. A compulsion is not something that you can't do anything about, but merely a very annoying thought-pattern/behavior combination that is difficult to get out of. I get compulsions a lot, like "if I don't clap my hands twice, BAD LUCK will happen," but then I force myself to not do it, because it is good practice of rational thinking.
  • I guess that depends on where you fall on the Yale-Brown. My friend with OCD has tried that, but can't actively rationalize her rituals away.
  • edited February 2012
    It's a "you win some, you lose some" kind of deal. Sometimes the irrational wins, sometimes the rational wins, the important thing is just keep trying to fight it, or work around it in a way that makes it less of an issue. It takes a lot of patience. I know some people have OCD really badly, and luckily I have it only medium. It's really annoying, but I can fight it and even at its worst I still function normally in daily life. Your friend should not give up practicing the rational thinking patterns.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I'm not saying she has, just that it's still mad difficult for her to do things when the right (or wrong, I suppose) circumstances are present even though she's an incredibly logical person. I've seen her get locked in an activity for fifteen minutes attempting to get things just so before we can go out and do things, even when she is actively voicing the fact that she knows said rituals are ultimately illogical, but they need to be done anyway.
  • Alright, Kids. I need an answer to the following question:

    How should I dress up my airsoft gear? I'm thinking of either getting a SG-1 patch (shoulder, whatever) with some SGC logos, getting a Viper shoulder patch without anything else, or going for an Umbrella Corp reference.

  • Alright, Kids. I need an answer to the following question:

    How should I dress up my airsoft gear? I'm thinking of either getting a SG-1 patch (shoulder, whatever) with some SGC logos, getting a Viper shoulder patch without anything else, or going for an Umbrella Corp reference.

    Cosplay one of these eight choices.

  • Only if I changed all of my animations to be just as stilted, with gun changes being instantaneous.
  • edited February 2012
    Multicam with as much MOLLE gear your money can buy. Don't forget a shemagh.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I've got decent enough camo and gear. I just want a suitably nerdy set of patches. Maybe if I could find whatever patch the Black Mesa guards would wear...
  • Viper patch wouldn't fit. Just grab a BSG patch and be a Colonial Marine.
  • This would probably fit. Also I can't find a Colonial Marine patch that isn't an Aliens reference. And while that would be cool, I'm not prepared to drop the $350 necessary to go full geek.
  • Now THAT would be a reference none of the kids would get.
  • edited February 2012
    This would probably fit. Also I can't find a Colonial Marine patch that isn't an Aliens reference. And while that would be cool, I'm not prepared to drop the $350 necessary to go full geek.
    Thank me later, bro.

    EDIT: You'll also want the Battlestar Galactica BSG-75 patch, to indicate what ship you're from. Also, when I said that the Viper patch wouldn't fit, I meant that because Viper jocks don't usually operate in marine (read: armed infantry) roles, with the notable exception of Starbuck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Ahhh, gotcha. Also, you are now my favorite person.
  • Probably the biggest selection of nerdy patches on the entire Interwebs.
  • edited February 2012
    WUB's is better for what I'm looking for. I just need to make sure they can be velcro backed so that I can swap them out.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • WOB's is better for what I'm looking for. I just need to make sure they can be velcro backed so that I can swap them out.
    Oh, velcro!
  • Dear Forum, please assure me that I am not going insane: I was recently perusing forums looking at FTP cables and how well they shield their pairs when placed next to power cables when someone said "Don't worry about putting UTP cables next to power cables, all that PVC around the power wire and ethernet pairs blocks interference fine.".

    I am correct in thinking PVC is in no way an electromagnetic insulator, right?
  • edited February 2012
    You are correct, PVC won't matter. But unless you're doing something special, you probably won't notice lossage from having power cables near ethernet.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • I wouldn't be as concerned if it wasn't the main vein that the majority of the power cables in the house are heading through. Also, not that expensive to get as it's just the one cable from the modem on the ground floor to the router on the first.
  • edited February 2012
    Is there meat in any of the Harvest Moon games?

    EDIT: Fuck yeah! Reccetear has so many meats!
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited February 2012
    Don't forget the Shepherd's Crossing series.

    Wait, when you say pixel meat, how specifically pixelish is that?

    Abe's Oddysee is a game all about meat.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Don't forget the Shepherd's Crossing series.

    Wait, when you say pixel meat, how specifically pixelish is that?

    Abe's Oddysee is a game all about meat.
    I'll settle for any picture of any meat in a video game.
  • Have you already used Burger Time?
  • Have you already used Burger Time?
    Yes. It only has one burger.
  • I got this for you, Scott.

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