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  • So Socialism/Communism and Hedonism?
    Socialism/Communism are economic systems, not political systems.
    Civ V says they're political systems.

    Also, good point.

  • So Socialism/Communism and Hedonism?
    Socialism/Communism are economic systems, not political systems.
    Civ V says they're political systems.

    Also, good point.

    Civ V is wrong. You could have a communist republic. Everyone votes, and the representatives control the economy. You could also have an autocratic capitalism. There is a dictator, but people have economic freedom.

    These combinations don't appear often in history, if at all, because of inherent incompatibilities. Imagine being a dictator of a country. You have complete legislative and executive control. Except somehow you choose in all of your dictating not to dictate much control of the economy, so it remains capitalist. Well, that was nice of you. But now some other people have all the moneys and your power is very much diminished. Perhaps they even run shit now just because they have all the moneys and you have to do as they say, or else.
  • So Socialism/Communism and Hedonism?
    Socialism/Communism are economic systems, not political systems.
    Civ V says they're political systems.
    Uh, no it doesn't. The "Social Policies" trees represent more of a gestalt of political, economic, and social factors in a society.
  • My joke stands corrected. Good job!
  • What I want to know is how can we as a society go back to the days of wearing powder wigs.
  • What I want to know is how can we as a society go back to the days of wearing powder wigs.
    Move to the UK and become a lawyer.
  • How can Rick Santorum be so consistently goddamn awful?
  • How can Rick Santorum be so consistently goddamn awful?
    Most of it is probably genetic predisposition; he's an alpha male growling at Obama and the rest of the progressive world for not instead taking his lead.
  • I don't think people are usually born awful. I think he can help being the way he is, he just chooses not to.
  • I don't think people are usually born awful. I think he can help being the way he is, he just chooses not to.
    Agreed he wasn't born 'awful' but it's a combination of traits born with (assertiveness, self-confident) combined with an environment that turned him into the sanctimonious asshat that he is today.
  • edited March 2012
    Is it a bad thing that most of the time when I start into any discussion on Friday nights I have to explain the same rules of discussion to someone?

    Simple things like,

    "Give everyone the full benefit of the doubt in their argument" and "Be able to discern the difference between a pragmatic and a philisophical statement."

    Am I an asshole for still trying?
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Am I an asshole for still trying?
    No, you're a saint.
  • Do American HDTVs have SCART sockets or just a bunch of composite inputs?
  • Do American HDTVs have SCART sockets or just a bunch of composite inputs?
    The last time I saw a SCART was on a CRT HDTV. We mostly use composite, RCA, and HDMI.
  • edited March 2012
    Do American HDTVs have SCART sockets or just a bunch of composite inputs?
    The last time I saw a SCART was on a CRT HDTV. We mostly use composite, RCA, and HDMI.
    Nearly all American HDTVs have VGA as well.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Can someone explain patriotism to me? Like, why should I give a shit?
  • Can someone explain patriotism to me? Like, why should I give a shit?
    Some misguided belief that you should be proud of some arbitrary place where you were born, or now live. Really you shouldn't give a shit.
  • edited March 2012
    Can someone explain patriotism to me? Like, why should I give a shit?
    Some misguided belief that you should be proud of some arbitrary place where you were born, or now live. Really you shouldn't give a shit.
    Well I know that, I'm really more looking for a devil's advocate position here.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Can someone explain patriotism to me? Like, why should I give a shit?
    Some misguided belief that you should be proud of some arbitrary place where you were born, or now live. Really you shouldn't give a shit.
    Well I know that, I'm really more looking for a devil's advocate position here.
    Devil's advocate? It helps bring people together and unite them. Why not share a beer with your neighbor if the celebration is just living in the same place together?
  • Patriotism is good when its used for defense instead of exclusivity. Garibaldi and Bismarck were great examples of proper patriotism. Imagine if after 9/11, we didn't go to war with "Terror" but rather we went straight to Bin Laden. We used all the operatives in the CIA and FBI we had to spare, found him and killed him in two years. That is good patriotism.
  • I think patriotism is the idea of liking the country where you live and identifying with it, and wanting to protect it in the case of it being attacked. These feelings can be good in moderation. For example, I am very fond of NYC and I like a lot of things about America. This is where many of my friends are, and I have good memories here. However, patriotism can also turn harmful and nationalistic. I think that overall, people should be humans first and worry about national alignment far later. I am not always agreeing with America, and I think my alliances are more toward my personal beliefs and morals than what is on my passport.
  • Does anyone know anything about arrhythmia? Would my insomnia be causing it? Or the other way around? I am going to make a Dr. appointment for Tuesday tomorrow morning. I have had what I think is arrhythmia for awhile, but it seems like this past 2 weeks or so it has gotten worse and the past couple days even more so. I feel no pain, but I will get a crazy strong fast heart beat for about 1.5-2 mins. E.X: I had my netbook on my chest and had it happen a little while ago. My netbook started rocking to the beat of my heart. As for my insomnia... Well I have always had it but the past 2 years or so it has been like this. I sleep 3-4 hours a night. About one night a week (sometimes none but the most was 4 nights) I do not sleep at all. After talking with some friends they convinced me I should go to the Dr. Upon further conversing we believe I really should cut back on my caffeine and other stimulants (natural stuff not drugs). I already stop stimulant ingestion around 5-6pm. I do not fall asleep till about 3-4 in the morning. Well.,,, I guess everyone is going to say go to the doctor. But any other help/advice/personal history would be appreciated.
  • I hear there is this school they send you to, full of cute girls.
  • I hear there is this school they send you to, full of cute girls.
    The water fountains in the hall actually dispense cider.
  • I hear there is this school they send you to, full of cute girls.
    The water fountains in the hall actually dispense cider.
    Water? Like in the toilet?
    But what are you fellas referencing?

  • I hear there is this school they send you to, full of cute girls.
    The water fountains in the hall actually dispense cider.
    Water? Like in the toilet?
    But what are you fellas referencing?

    Don't know about him, but I was referencing Katawara Shujo. Arrhythmia shouldn't cause insomnia as far as I know, but definitely check with your doctor about it. Don't tell him what you think it is, just tell him you've got an irregular heartbeat sometimes, or so it feels to you, and you'd like him to take a look at it.

  • Water? Like in the toilet?
    No, I mean water fountains like the ones you drink from.

    But what are you fellas referencing?
    Don't know about him, but I was referencing Katawara Shujo.
    I wasn't referencing anything. I just thought Churba had a good idea so I ran with it.

  • Water? Like in the toilet?
    No, I mean water fountains like the ones you drink from.
    He was referencing the comedy film Idiocracy.
  • I think patriotism is the idea of liking the country where you live and identifying with it, and wanting to protect it in the case of it being attacked. These feelings can be good in moderation. For example, I am very fond of NYC and I like a lot of things about America. This is where many of my friends are, and I have good memories here. However, patriotism can also turn harmful and nationalistic. I think that overall, people should be humans first and worry about national alignment far later. I am not always agreeing with America, and I think my alliances are more toward my personal beliefs and morals than what is on my passport.
    Or as I like to say (overly simplified, but it makes the point), "Patriotism is rooting for your country in the Olympics. Nationalism is bombing the country that beat yours in the Olympics."
  • Starting to consider taking some sort of travelling job immediately after graduation a la George Clooney in "Up in the Air". I know it's definitely possible for a Computer Science major with IT qualifications. Anyone have an advice/insight into how I should pursue this?
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