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The Most Depressing Thing You Can Say

edited May 2011 in Everything Else
I'm feeling so stupid right now I'm surprised the earth doesn't open up and swallow me whole due entirely to my own stupidity. I'm also feeling fat.

I have a hernia and I'm going to have an operation to fix it next week. I'll have to have a general anaesthetic. Whenever you have a general, there's a chance, however slight, that you won't wake up. The only reason I can think of right now to not wish that I don't wake up is that I want to see the Captain America movie later this summer.


  • The only reason I can think of right now to not wish that I don't wake up is that I want to see the Captain America movie later this summer.
    You also need to come here for us to rip on you. That's important.
  • That is not dead which can eternal lie, for with strange eons, even death may die.
  • Satoshi Kon is dead.
  • The only reason I can think of right now to not wish that I don't wake up is that I want to see the Captain America movie later this summer.
    You also need to come here for us to rip on you. That's important.
    This forum is a reason to live? That really is depressing.
  • Most depressing thing I can say?

    I don't like myself enough to be happy. I de-value most of my achievements and accomplishments, purposefully belittling myself because I don't think I've done anything to deserve confidence. My happiness is entirely based on external things that I have no control over.
  • Rick Scott is governor of Florida.
  • I'm not entirely sure that love exists. If it does, I guess it's just not for me.
  • I feel like I'm not allowed to be happy for long. I've been enjoying making the comics for my website, and as soon as I'm like "Fuck yeah, comics," I get ball problems. While not terrible, or a be-all end-all of my world, it really brought me down. Not to mention any time I've gone after a girl who made me happy since The Ex, I've been shot down, only to find they go out with a person who is almost exactly like me. Then I'm left thinking "why not me? What does that person have that I don't?" along with "Why try to be happy? All that happens is I get hurt more and more and more."

    Not depressing half: Then I pick myself up and try harder. One of these days a girl will think "That Josh kid is pretty worthwhile as a person, and I could totally see myself being with him." I'll post comics, and some day a reviewer will say "That kid really has a passion for comics and has really interesting, new ideas." Fuck that depression, some day I'll be happy for longer than a month at a time.
  • You'll all die and be forgotten.
  • I have moments where, out of nowhere, I feel completely alone among a circle of friends, and have a strong desire to either hurt everyone or kill myself. It's like this song but without the drinking.

    For the rest of my life there is a constant underlying feeling of anxiety, and the occasional moment of blissful calm that passes as fast as it appears.
  • Does this forum really need more depressing things?
  • No, but it can help to get it out of your system.
  • I apologize for being born.
  • Bread makes you fat.
  • No new ponies for the entire summer.
  • No new ponies for the entire summer.
  • I've chosen carbon monoxide as my preferred method. If I do it.
  • I've chosen carbon monoxide as my preferred method. If I do it.
    OK...that's just morbid. Fuck this thread and fuck you Joe for making it. >_
  • Some people die virgins. My deepest fear is that I will be among them.
  • I've chosen carbon monoxide as my preferred method. If I do it.
    OK...that's just morbid. Fuck this thread and fuck you Joe for making it. >_<</p>
    Seriously, I'm just really sad now. I propose changing this thread to something completely different.
  • So... who likes tacos?
  • I'm pregnant.
  • I'm pregnant.
    That's not objectively depressing.
  • I was half-joking when I posted, but I don't think there were any established guidelines for whom the audience is.

    It is EXTREMELY depressing to me if it were true. It's quite possibly one of my biggest fears.
  • We all live in an era where our impossible excesses will annihilate the planet. Our names will dissolve into dust and we will all be forgotten, and our only achievement will be the creation of a black ball of corpses hurtling through space, reminding other races of what happens when one's appetites exceed one's resources.
  • If you've ever had to put a pet to sleep and you weren't in the room when it happened, they died hoping in vain to see you again. This is the source of one of the biggest regrets of my life.
  • Life sucks but at least you'll die.
  • I would wager that for an overwhelming majority of the human race, a pet dying, vainly hoping to see you again, will resonate emotionally far more than the possible extinction of the human race, including you and everyone you love.
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