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The Most Depressing Thing You Can Say



  • Penny Arcade will eventually stop being funny, and then die.
  • What happens if I never die :O
  • No matter what you do, you will never be truly prepared to be a parent, and you will fuck something up along the line over which your kids will harbor a kernel of resentment for you.
  • edited May 2011
    No matter what you do, you will never be truly prepared to be a parent, and you will fuck something up along the line over which your kids will harbor a kernel of resentment for you.
    To make matters worse, trying to be a perfect parent and being all hyper prepared and hyper attentive will fuck 'em up even more.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • My family are going to repeat the same mistakes they did with me as a child to my little cousins.
  • My family are going to repeat the same mistakes they did with me as a child to my little cousins.
    We like to think that people learn by experience, but really, experience just reinforces the behaviors that are already there.
  • The Mark of a mature man is a certain scar he bears; the memory of that perfect woman never won, or a once-true love forever lost. No matter how much he may love you, he is only here, because she is not.
  • edited May 2011
    Today the world as we know it will not end. Despite that little part of you that's been waiting for some kind of apocalypse - zombies, nuclear fallout, rapture and so on - it'll all be the same tomorrow. Yes, despite all that, your life will continue in it's dreary way without such a fortuitously chaotic event to shake the monotony. It will march on in a fashion all too familiar to an earth that stays more or less the same until you die and make way for the next generation.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2011
    My life isn't dreary! Thank fuck Jesus didn't (hasn't (won't?)) come back.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Today the world as we know it will not end. Despite that little part of you that's been waiting for some kind of apocalypse - zombies, nuclear fallout, rapture and so on - it'll all be the same tomorrow. Yes, despite all that, your life will continue in it's dreary way without such a fortuitously chaotic event to shake the monotony. It will march on in a fashion all too familiar to an earth that stays more or less the same until you die and make way for the next generation.
    Also, All the idiots who took this rapture business seriously are still here.
  • Also, All the idiots who took this rapture business seriously are still here.
    God dammit, that made me rage.
  • I don't want the world to end, Gunter! I would rather stuff is nice! No nuclear war is good.
  • There's nothing wrong with the world ending. It's not that much different than dying, which is just your personal world ending.
  • There's nothing wrong with the world ending. It's not that much different than dying, which is just your personal world ending.
    There's plenty wrong with dying, while everyone dying is a whole lot worse.
  • Someday will be the last day you spend with the person you love.
  • Nothing interesting happened today. I kinda hoped for mass hysteria.
  • There's plenty wrong with dying
    No there's not. The only 'wrong' part about it is the emotional disturbance for the people that still live after someone has died. Everyone dying at the same time would be the best thing to happen to humanity in regards to the only significant downside of death. Sadness. Nobody would know their loved ones had died. Nobody would thus need to feel sad. The only problem with that though is that life is fun and who the hell would want to do something less fun, like being dead (I'll leave being undead on the table), for the mere gain of not having to feel sad over loved ones dying. That's just stupid.
    while everyone dying is a whole lot worse.
    So the world is at its worst? Everybody dies. Life is just a very prolonged and slow (but with a 100% success rate) way of dying. Life is the number 1 in mortality rates with a 1 in 1 persons dying because of living. Sucks to be you if you truly think that.
  • Life is just a very prolonged and slow (but with a 100% success rate) way of dying.
    Your numbers are off. There are people living who haven't died and we can't be 100% sure that they will (even when it is quite likely). Thus life does not have success rate of 100% of killing people, without some rounding of numbers.
  • Kathy Lee Gifford has millions of dollars.
  • As much as I love getting on my pedestal and proclaiming otherwise, I really am "one of the good ones." Most Christians are idiots and mindless sheep who don't know how to interpret the Bible and look at it as a whole, and instead take individual verses and blow them almost completely out of proportion and with no context.
  • So you agree that it's a book of 2000 year old morality and ethics and funky acid trips?
  • Not exactly, but I take it a bit more with a grain of salt than some people (I.e.: Creation story is more of a metaphor and didn't take 7 days, evolution is okay and fits within everything).
  • Not exactly, but I take it a bit more with a grain of salt than some people (I.e.: Creation story is more of a metaphor and didn't take 7 days, evolution is okay and fits within everything).
    Didn't take 7 days?!! Are you sure?

    Seriously though, how do you manage the "evolution is okay and fits within everything" statement?
  • Not exactly, but I take it a bit more with a grain of salt than some people (I.e.: Creation story is more of a metaphor and didn't take 7 days, evolution is okay and fits within everything).
    Didn't take 7 days?!! Are you sure?

    Seriously though, how do you manage the "evolution is okay and fits within everything" statement?
    Eh. It just does. The Bible says God created sea creatures, then land creatures, right? That actually fits into the evolutionary timeline. He created man last, as Genesis says, so it could be He developed water creatures first and then brought them to land to evolve them into land creatures, and then evolved things into humans, etc.

    And the whole creating man in his image? Totally just means that he created man to rule over animals like he ruled over the universe, not that God looks like us.
  • The Bible says God created sea creatures, then land creatures, right? That actually fits into the evolutionary timeline. He created man last, as Genesis says, so it could be He developed water creatures first and then brought them to land to evolve them into land creatures, and then evolved things into humans, etc.
    Did evolution stop once humans appeared? Is "God created sea creatures, then land creatures", your evolutionary timeline?
  • Here we go again.
  • What about the man is made from dirt? Surely you agree that the primordial soup was anything but dirt.
  • Here we go again.

    This is going to be my new response whenever this argument starts up.
  • Kathy Lee Gifford has millions of dollars.
    That is pretty depressing. You could also say that X has millions of dollars where X is some other stupid celebutard, like "Dane Cook has millions of dollars."
  • edited May 2011
    So the world is at its worst? Everybody dies. Life is just a very prolonged and slow (but with a 100% success rate) way of dying. Life is the number 1 in mortality rates with a 1 in 1 persons dying because of living. Sucks to be you if you truly think that.
    Yeah, dying sucks, and it would be better if we didn't have to do it. However, I never said that living and dying was worse than not living at all - being alive is obviously worthwhile even if you have to die, and there quite clearly are many ways in which the world would be worse. On the other hand, it would clearly be better if you didn't have to die. Also, as Apsup said, one can't claim a 100% success rate on the available evidence.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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