I won't say that I'm afraid of snakes. I have a healthy respect for them. They also feel weird whenever I've held them. They're just...I leave them alone. Over there.
Scott, have you ever been in the ocean with more then 15 feet of water under you?
I won't say that I'm afraid of snakes. I have a healthy respect for them. They also feel weird whenever I've held them. They're just...I leave them alone. Over there.
I won't say that I'm afraid of snakes. I have a healthy respect for them. They also feel weird whenever I've held them. They're just...I leave them alone. Over there.
My mother is extremely phobic of snakes. Like, she can't go in the reptile house at the zoo for fear of a heart attack. I'm with you. I respect snakes. Over there. When I was four, I was walking through a corn field at my grandparents' farm in Pennsylvania and came upon a rattler about three feet away. He was agitated. I have dreams to this day that I reach out and try to touch it. Sometimes it works, but most times I die.
I won't say that I'm afraid of snakes. I have a healthy respect for them. They also feel weird whenever I've held them. They're just...I leave them alone. Over there.
My mother is extremely phobic of snakes. Like, she can't go in the reptile house at the zoo for fear of a heart attack. I'm with you. I respect snakes. Over there. When I was four, I was walking through a corn field at my grandparents' farm in Pennsylvania and came upon a rattler about three feet away. He was agitated. I have dreams to this day that I reach out and try to touch it. Sometimes it works, but most times I die.
My mom's favorite place at the zoo is the house of darkness. Sadly, the Bronx Zoo closed the house of darkness.
I dare you Trypophobia types to watch this entire video.
11/10. Three thumbs up. Would watch again. My favorite part was the lizard or frog or whatever the fuck it was firing its babies out of its back. Biology is fucking awesome!
I felt so uncomfortable I had to turn it off. I didn't itch, but I can't look.
I can't watch any mutilation of the hands. Whether it's a cut or an object falling and smashing the hand, I get scared and I can feel it. My hands get this weird feeling in them, when I imagine or see it in movies. I have to wok with my hands for art. If I lost them, I have to die.
My little brother and I just took the Trypophobia test. I got to 1:55, he got to 2:03. Those fingers, man.
Trypophobia is why I'm not going to be a dermatologist. I can cut someone open, reach inside, feel around, pull stuff out, cauterize, sew, excise, debride, the whole deal. But fucking skin diseases and parasites? No. Never ever.
I recalled this thread at school today and, having several minutes to wait while things cooked, I asked a classmate if he had any wacky irrational fears. Without a moment's thought, he said very plainly "My girlfriend getting sudden onset vaginal dentata. Like, while we're doing it."
Ever since I first learned about heart attacks I have been terrified of having one in the middle of the night and being unable to get help. Sometimes my anxiety gets to the point where I almost start having panic attacks (and one time I actually did). It's a vicious cycle, really, since my fear makes my heart beat faster and because my heart is beating faster I become more afraid.
I won't say that I'm afraid of snakes. I have a healthy respect for them. They also feel weird whenever I've held them. They're just...I leave them alone. Over there.
I can't watch any mutilation of the hands. Whether it's a cut or an object falling and smashing the hand, I get scared and I can feel it. My hands get this weird feeling in them, when I imagine or see it in movies. I have to wok with my hands for art. If I lost them, I have to die.
Trypophobia is why I'm not going to be a dermatologist. I can cut someone open, reach inside, feel around, pull stuff out, cauterize, sew, excise, debride, the whole deal. But fucking skin diseases and parasites? No. Never ever.