I agree. Play with as many players as the teams can muster. If things work out well we can do it again later.
I agree, to a point - No reason not to have some big organised game, just because some people dropped out. But also no reason why we can't have some preliminary games, and have the picnic proper at a later date, just for laughs - the objective is fun, not all for the sake of the competition ladder, after all.
From the Doodle results so far, Saturday the 30th is as good as any of the other days, so let's go ahead with the original plan.
I wont be there then. Years first and last convention (for me) is at that weekend, so not a chance that I could be there. So good luck to team Seaslug. Burn things in my memory.
Dunno if this is new to anyone, but I've been using the My Steam application for iPhone. It lets you load in server addresses, and allows me to keep an eye on whether the server is hopping or not. I don't get a chance to play all that often, so it's good to know when I should go on.
Alright. Everything works re: the set-up for the scrim. It's in full-on Scrim mode (with the exception of alltalk) right now if you want to make sure about everything.
Ok, tf_ctf_bonus_time is probably set correctly, it's just not replicated to the client, but after capping I didn't see crit effects, so it seems to work. Silly me
So just to re-itterate: if you're just watching, not playing, join the Front Row Crew TV server at that IP address. Otherwise, join the normal FRC server. Both use the same password.
sv_pure is 0 although should be 2?
and tv_enable 1 please
And I'm reasonably certain I changed that ctf bonus timer to 0 in the config file and commented out the 10 one.
Tv started working after a mapchange, thank you