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  • So how does one shoot down the unit cohesion argument?
    I'd say women are far less distracting and detrimental to unit cohesion than being shot at. And let's face it, it's not like women are not already in combat, this is more just a case of the US choosing to acknowledge it. On top of that, we already have examples that show it's bollocks - Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Israel, half of Europe.
  • AmpAmp
    edited January 2013
    Sparta. 'Nuff said?
    No I think you might have to do better that Sparta as its possibly the worst example you could have used. Now if you had gone for Sacred Band then that might have helped you but even then that is clouded in mythos. I would avoid arguing from a classical stand point on this one it does not bode well. Unless its the Amazons I mean they were awesome.
    So how does one shoot down the unit cohesion argument?
    I'd say women are far less distracting and detrimental to unit cohesion than being shot at. And let's face it, it's not like women are not already in combat, this is more just a case of the US choosing to acknowledge it. On top of that, we already have examples that show it's bollocks - Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Israel, half of Europe.
    I know that the UK has female medics and some translators that go out into the field but I'm pretty sure that we don't have any that are active combat troops. That said I did hear that Israel has an all female battalion so that could be interesting and hopefully the progenitors to the Fish Speakers.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited January 2013

    I know that the UK has female medics and some translators that go out into the field but I'm pretty sure that we don't have any that are active combat troops. That said I did hear that Israel has an all female battalion so that could be interesting and hopefully the progenitors to the Fish Speakers.
    Yeah, the UK doesn't allow women to take up roles where their "primary duty is to close with and kill the enemy", apparently. Which means they can serve anywhere they like, except for: Infantry, Household Cavalry, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Marines Commandos, RAF Regiment, Special Air Service and Special Boat Service

    Israel does have some all female battalions, some all male, and some mixed. I'm not aware of the reasoning behind this.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2013
    Here's a good list of countries that allow women in combat roles. See also: Battlestar Galactica, or pretty much any other bit of post-1980s military science fiction.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • So how does one shoot down the unit cohesion argument?
    "Are you really saying men and women can only work together if they're fucking?"
  • edited January 2013
    Are you really saying men and women can only work together if they're fucking?"
    Maybe not fucking, but you at least need a reassuring pat on the but from time to time.

    But more seriously, it's odd because in my branch unless you have one of a very select set of pins on your chest this doesn't effect you. I feel like I'm missing out on a number of very interesting briefs and awareness seminars.
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • edited January 2013
    See also: Battlestar Galactica
    That being said, the fictional universe of BSG (or the newer one anyway) doesn't speak that well of having both men and women in combat, especially if there's Cylons involved.

    Regardless, I'd have to go with Jason here:
    So how does one shoot down the unit cohesion argument?
    "Are you really saying men and women can only work together if they're fucking?"
    The thing about the unit cohesion argument is that it's not even a real argument to begin with.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • That being said, the fictional universe of BSG (or the newer one anyway) doesn't speak that well of having both men and women in combat, especially if there's Cylons involved.
    Fair point, that. Also, I agree with what Jason (and you) said.
  • We (The Netherlands) are getting a king. It's been 123 years since we've had one.
  • I remember a unit cohesion argument in highschool that was presented as, "Every male in this room would protect a woman over a man in a combat situation."

    I kinda took the bait and had an argument that went something like this:

    M: I wouldn't. Tactical priorities first. Whoever has better aim or more ammunition.
    T: Ok, but if all of that was equal.
    M: I save the one with the better tactical position. High ground, low ground, cover, etc.
    T: Ok, but if all of that was equal.
    M: I save the one on the left. I'm right handed. I tend to favor priorities on my left.
    T: Ok, but if all of that was equal.
    M: That all can't be equal. They can't be equally left. They can't occupy the same space. I pick the one with the better position, and if there is no way to discern a better postion, I pick the one on the left. If they were equally to my left, one of them is bound to be more in front of me than the other, I go with the one in front.
  • edited January 2013
    Clearly, by contrast, left-handed people must be banned from combat, since they would make the wrong arbitrary choice.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I think like there are more relevant issues such as lack of privacy, especially out in the field. Are females willing to take a shit in front of their fireteam/squad/platoon while out in the field? Piss in a bottle during a convoy? Co-ed facilities (if there even are any)?

    The other problem is the culture of violence/sexual assault already prevalent in the US military. That seriously needs to be addressed.

    As long as physical standards are not lowered/altered for female applicants, I say more power to those women wiling to put up with the issues such roles present to them.
  • edited January 2013
    I think that there will be issues in the field as mentioned, but living around Marines I'm pretty confident that the kind of women that want to see combat have reconciled with those issues. Or at least basic training will have taught them how to shit int the woods.
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • I sort of shrugged at the news until I heard a compelling argument about the glass ceiling of the military. A lot of women are turned down from higher positions because they lack combat experience. Sounds to me like a serious case of "separate and certainly not equal".
  • edited January 2013
    Post edited by Jason on
  • There is a distinct lack of Albert Cashier in this thread.
    Seriously, talk about some real badass women soldiers before turning to sci-fi.
  • Don't forget Lyudmila Pavlichenko, One of the most successful snipers in history, with over 300 confirmed kills.
  • Don't forget Lyudmila Pavlichenko, One of the most successful snipers in history, with over 300 confirmed kills.
    I only forget her because she had the misfortune of fighting in the most dangerous (as in Most Dangerous Geist) wars in human history. Any other war she would stick out in my mind like a Prussian in no-man's-land, but in WWII she gets lost behind Lt "White Death" Hayha and Vasily "Sniped-with-an-anti-tank-gun" Zaytsev.
  • edited January 2013
    Meanwhile, in Australia...

    Post edited by Banta on
  • Meanwhile, in Australia...
    Australia, stop making creepy things.

    The rest of the world.

  • edited January 2013
    So how does one shoot down the unit cohesion argument?
    I'd say women are far less distracting and detrimental to unit cohesion than being shot at. And let's face it, it's not like women are not already in combat, this is more just a case of the US choosing to acknowledge it. On top of that, we already have examples that show it's bollocks - Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Israel, half of Europe.
    History will probably put that argument with the asserstion that "unit cohesion" would have suffered with mixed race units 60 years ago.

    If you can handle bombs exploding next to your head, you can handle the proximity of tits.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Unit cohesion does suffer with mixed races. Ever been assigned to a unit where one race/ethnicity dominates the kitchen staff? It's not easy when every meal has a heavy ethnic flavor to it and the only other option is something boring like mac-n-cheese.
  • edited January 2013
    If you can handle bombs exploding next to your head, you can handle taquitos.

    In other news, It's illegal to unlock you smart phone in America. What are you doing to yourselves America? It feels good to be able to say that Canada is at least threatening to do something right for once.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Definitely agree with subscriber caps. There is a carrier I would use but if I go over on data they charge me for an extra block of data. I would rather have my data shut off or offer me an option to buy more data.

    As for early termination fees... They should be limited to the prorated amount of the subsidy on the phone. That and if you own your own phone their should be a discount on your bill.
  • Unit cohesion does suffer with mixed races. Ever been assigned to a unit where one race/ethnicity dominates the kitchen staff? It's not easy when every meal has a heavy ethnic flavor to it and the only other option is something boring like mac-n-cheese.
    Really? I've honestly never met a soldier whose opinion on the matter wasn't generally "Hot Food? FUCK YEAH!", as much as they have a bit of a mild grumble about the selection, since bitching is an traditional soldier's pasttime.

    I mean, seriously, have you ever had shit on a shingle? After that, I can't see the troops complaining too seriously about a half-way decent chicken tikka.
  • Look, I can't speak to the mindset of our nation's warriors, because I'm a granola-munchin' pacifist and will hopefully never have to raise arms for my freedoms.

    Now, that disclaimer given, I can say that if my time was mostly spent shitting in the desert and shooting blindly at invisible foes, the least of my personal worries would be the dinner menu. I think I'd probably be pretty amped for a korma after spending my day hoping that air support gets to my location before a round of 30.06 does.
  • I'm not talking about field chow (hot tip: always volunteer to help with chow when in the field. Not only do you get more food but you also get a chance to ride back to base for supply runs and grab a shower while there.) I am talking about chow hall at the barracks.

    While you can eat off base for your meals the chow hall is free food, it's part of your compensation package (or so the yearly statements told me) and it sucks when the food is heavily ethnic and/or regional. For example one chow hall was run by a staff of southern black men. Breakfast was eggs with a choice of grits or hamhocks every day. Lunch always had weird veggies choices like collared greens and okra. I rarely ever ate at the chow hall because of the food selection.

    The best chow halls were the ones for infantry units. Because they were almost always in the field when they did come back to the rear the mess hall tended to have expensive foods like crab and lobster!
  • Wait your food is free!? They take that shit out of my pay check.
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