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Meta Forum Comments



  • Awwww, just clicked "mark all as viewed" accidentally while looking for the search function on the mobile version of this forum. Now I've got to let my ignored threads work up to the thousands of unread posts again.

    Another bad design decision in the mobile version: the "full site" link is directly below the "post comment" button.
  • Don't tell me you've forgot!

    That was a hilarious thread.
    I remember it now. My only contribution was high level trolling, which I remember as a lot of fun.

    "Yeah. You guys should do this test:

    AQ (Aspergers Test)"
  • Remember that thread where I changed all of my opinions from earlier in the thread just to continue trolling and no one even noticed?
  • Remember that thread where I changed all of my opinions from earlier in the thread just to continue trolling and no one even noticed?
    It would never occur to me to care about that, since I typically debate positions rather than people.
  • Remember that thread where I changed all of my opinions from earlier in the thread just to continue trolling and no one even noticed?
    Please don't do this. Things here are bad enough right now.
  • edited October 2012
    I already did. Pretty much everything I said in the Fail of Your Day thread was just me changing opinions back and forth to keep the trolling going. Go back and look through my arguments to check me for consistency.

    At least we know who it's worth arguing with now that we know certain users will keep arguing no matter how much you change your position.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I already did. Pretty much everything I said in the Fail of Your Day thread was just me changing opinions back and forth to keep the trolling going. Go back and look through my arguments to check me for consistency.

    At least we know who it's worth arguing with now that we know certain users will keep arguing no matter how much you change your position.
    Where's an example of someone flipping to an inconsistent position just to keep arguing with you? That'd be the only way this statement makes any sense.
  • The forum has been argue-tastic lately.
  • It's an election year.
  • I already did. Pretty much everything I said in the Fail of Your Day thread was just me changing opinions back and forth to keep the trolling going. Go back and look through my arguments to check me for consistency.

    At least we know who it's worth arguing with now that we know certain users will keep arguing no matter how much you change your position.
    Your doing this has revealed much more about you than about anyone else. Muppet is correct here.

    Personally, I noticed the shift in your view, though I really didn't know what to think of it.
  • Your doing this has revealed much more about you than about anyone else. Muppet is correct here.

    Personally, I noticed the shift in your view, though I really didn't know what to think of it.
    I feel that if it revealed anything about me that was particularly hidden, it revealed that I'm just too sick of all the dumb arguments around here to actually bother trying to put forward an actual case instead of just trolling.

    I suppose I'll just start using the "Mark All Viewed" button a lot more.
  • Instead of trolling you should just take Rym's approach and exude an air of aloofness while posting gifs of popcorn-eating.
  • Alright, I'll do that.
  • edited October 2012
    Instead of trolling you should just take Rym's approach and exude an air of aloofness while posting gifs of popcorn-eating.
    Point is, no matter what you do, you're either a douchebag, an idiot, or both.
    The forum has been argue-tastic lately.
    I've noticed that the forum goes through a cycle every couple months or so. First a couple of controversial topics come up, then they spread into almost every thread on the board, then argument reaches critical mass and every thread is full of discussions of how bad the argument was, then everyone is chill/boring until the next round of controversy comes.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • It's not just on the Forum right now, though. Reddit, Twitter, even in my school -- people are argumentastic. I blame Obama (well, not him specifically, but it was a good line). People get super pissy during the Presidential elections, even though Senatorial and Representative elections are the ones that they more control over.
  • What I don't get is why people are fussing over the fact that there are arguments going on.
  • Because the internet is our usual go-to source of time killing. When it gets all flamewary, those of us who don't like flamewars get very bored and all we can think to do is complain on the internet -- our go-to source of time killing.
  • I just want to say I love you guys for running with that penis size speculation comment. I did in fact laugh out loud.
  • I'll run a dick joke right into the ground. If you know what I mean.
  • Fuck this world.
  • Fuck this world.
  • Fuck Veronica Mars. That show sucked.
  • If you didn't like Veronica Mars, then we can't be friends. We never even used to be friends. A long time ago.
  • I need to work on my trolling, I think. My "I'm voting for Romney" comment, and the one right after, were solid gold - but I tried to do too much with it. Flew too close to the sun.

    Anyone have any advice on the topic of troll improvement?
  • When you feel like your trolling is about to be detected, quickly switch the topic of the argument. That way, if someone is about to point out your insane troll logic, they are quickly distracted by different insanity. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Read through the last several pages of the Fail of Your Day thread to study my form.
  • I'll run a dick joke right into the ground. If you know what I mean.
    My dick touches the ground.
  • I'll run a dick joke right into the ground. If you know what I mean.
    My dick touches the ground.
    You're that short?!
  • I'll run a dick joke right into the ground. If you know what I mean.
    My dick touches the ground.
    You're that short?!
    He's a double amputee.
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