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FRC Forums Tekkit Server



  • Oh man rope bridges and zip lines are sort of mandatory for a ravine house now that I know they're possible...
    Well, if you're interested...

  • Oh man rope bridges and zip lines are sort of mandatory for a ravine house now that I know they're possible...
    Well, if you're interested...

    Thanks! Can't view it at work but I'll check it out. If the mod is already in Tekkit but missing features, I guess that means a manual install won't help either (or will cause problems.) *sigh*

  • Oh man rope bridges and zip lines are sort of mandatory for a ravine house now that I know they're possible...
    Well, if you're interested...

    Thanks! Can't view it at work but I'll check it out. If the mod is already in Tekkit but missing features, I guess that means a manual install won't help either (or will cause problems.) *sigh*

    Well, soooorrrta. It's in the package, but it's in the Yog's Box load, rather than the tekkit or Technic load.

  • Oh man rope bridges and zip lines are sort of mandatory for a ravine house now that I know they're possible...
    Well, if you're interested...

    Thanks! Can't view it at work but I'll check it out. If the mod is already in Tekkit but missing features, I guess that means a manual install won't help either (or will cause problems.) *sigh*

    Well, soooorrrta. It's in the package, but it's in the Yog's Box load, rather than the tekkit or Technic load.

    Oh! If I get a chance I'll do some research into adding it manually.

    I'm sort of tempted to do that with Forestry, too, but I'm worried about malicious code payloads from the mod author...

  • edited August 2012
    I have all these HV solar arrays, but they're more or less impossible to build without spawning unless all you do is play Minecraft. One HV array requires over 6k rubber.
    I have totally built 2 hv solar arrays in the past it took a factory running 24/7 for 2 weeks to do but i did it
    my energy condenser has allowed me to forgo these earthly requirements.
    I spent about an hour making an IC2 pump in an attempt to feed a geothermal reactor before realizing that I need a BC pump instead..
    I did this. Oh god. I was so miserable. I tried to move it, and it fell into the lava. And then I gave up, made lava batteries instead. And now I make lava batteries in my condenser, and i don't need pipes everywhere.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • Do you have to manually shuttle the batteries back and forth? I'm trying to build something full auto.
  • I read up on the condenser on the Tekkit Wiki just now. Apparently it has a number of bugs that will cause you to corrupt the whole world file if you do some pretty usual and expected things with it using pipes.
  • All you had to do with the BC pump is attach an electric engine, but I think those were part of the forestry mod.
  • edited August 2012
    I had an IC2 pump, was never going to work. I can run the BC pump with a couple of redstone engines. It doesn't have to be super fast.

    And yeah, Electric engines are gone because they're in forestry.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited August 2012
    Oh! If I get a chance I'll do some research into adding it manually.
    Please don't. There's a reason this stuff is not included in the Tekkit pack, especially if they've had it before and gotten rid of it. You could install a plugin that does the wrong thing or has a weird compatibility issue and corrupt the world file.

    Just saying, normally I'd be gung ho about mods and testing, but in a situation where we're getting a mod pack like this, it's set up to prevent conflicts.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited August 2012
    Tend to agree which is why I'm only looking into it. ;-)

    I felt the same nerves about adding essentials but that turned out OK.

    Forestry was taken out for politics.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Concerning thaumcraft, I don't think I've seen a single vis crystal.
  • Is thaumcraft in Tekkit? Hmm. Maybe its disabled by a griefing mod or something
  • edited August 2012
    It's in Technic, but not Tekkit. The single and multi have different mod loads.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Can't be, VD had a transmuation table and EMC generator.
  • Can't be, VD had a transmuation table and EMC generator.
    That's equivalent exchange, not thaumcraft.
  • I think I accidentally mined into someone's underground lab. So if you happen to find a hole in your wall, don't freak.
  • White list destrucci ?
  • I think I accidentally mined into someone's underground lab. So if you happen to find a hole in your wall, don't freak.
    Probs my old reactor.
  • edited August 2012
    With Om's help, the chicken shack now has greatly increased efficiency and is stocking a ridiculous quantity of automatically prepared fried chicken for all of your hunger needs.

    Just don't look in the basement...
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited August 2012
    With Om's help, the chicken shack now has greatly increased efficiency and is stocking a ridiculous quantity of automatically prepared fried chicken for all of your hunger needs.
    There's a Chik-Fil-A joke to be made here.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Server is down for me.
  • Ditto that, but Breen is still on. Dunno what's up with it.
  • edited August 2012
    Not sure what happened while I was asleep, but looks fine now.

    ANNOUNCEMENT: We are now at 30 whitelisted players for 22 server slots. I'm going to cap the whitelist at 40, so if you're on the fence about playing, get on the list now!

    Also, you can OPTIONALLY donate toward the Tekkit server hosting cost (currently $21/month) by sending via Paypal to Contributing is optional and you can play without contributing as long as you're an FRC member. If donations come in reliably we can upgrade to a beefier hosting package with more RAM and more slots (maybe allowing some guest players in), but whitelisting seems to be slowing and it may not be necessary.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • even with 30 players, the most i've ever seen at any one time is 9.

    as to digging into someone else's mine, if i do that, i'll put a door or something. that keeps my monsters out of their area, or their monsters out of mine. it also says "hello, someone respectful accidentally intersected your mine."
    it is more difficult when your mining is automated...
  • edited August 2012
    even with 30 players, the most i've ever seen at any one time is 9.
    I know but even with 9 the RAM is maxed and lag starts showing up. And all it will take is for Geo to hold an amazing nuke extravaganza to create a new canyon and everybody will try to pile on. ;-) Right now max number of players ever on is 10.

    I think twice as many whitelisted players as slots is a reasonable maximum.

    Post edited by muppet on
  • even with 30 players, the most i've ever seen at any one time is 9.
    I know but even with 9 the RAM is maxed and lag starts showing up. And all it will take is for Geo to hold an amazing nuke extravaganza to create a new canyon and everybody will try to pile on. ;-) Right now max number of players ever on is 10.

    I think twice as many whitelisted players as slots is a reasonable maximum.

    Yeah, about 70 blocks from my place, too. I'm torn between my usual impulse to hide my little workshops, and making it obvious so that nobody nukes my goddamn ravines.

  • Yeah me and Omnu tried to tell them that nukes need to be detonated FAR, FAR from everyone meaning a LOT of walking before you do it. If it becomes a problem I'll disable the item(s).
  • I can't login on my new computer using the same method as before. It says I need Minecraft Forge installed.
  • I can't login on my new computer using the same method as before. It says I need Minecraft Forge installed.
    Try posting on /r/tekkit, they're pretty good about helping. I'm not sure what could be up.

    You're using the launcher, I assume. OH, you need to change the build to 3.1.2 now, we updated.
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