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Pax East 2013



  • Why do you need to figure out who has the greatest winning percentage?
    This is an all around gaming competition. There is only one person who is the winner at the end. If you include a team game, you still need to rank the players individually for that game.
    Not really, because you only need an overall ranking over all games, not every individual game.
    Since there are only likely to be a few MOBA pros, team structure will determine a lot.
    Yes, this is a huge problem.

    That being said, there are some tools that could be used. For one thing, modern MOBAs tend to have ranking systems, so those people who have actually played them will have Elo scores in one or more of those games.
  • Lots of "genres" have to get cut in any round-the-world tournament. Civ V and its ilk have no place, nor do games without distinct individual winners or a means to spectate.

    The primary goal of most any tournament is to determine a champion while entertaining the audience.
  • Front Row Crew Forums Elimination Based Reality Television Show.


    Then we can have this contest between everyone here and face all the challenges (plus mobas, art, music, professional wrestling, firearms, cars, gardening, cosplay, and sportsball).

    The winner is Nine, but that's beside the point.
  • That's actually not a bad idea. We could easily have a tournament between us over the Internets. I'm sure that nobody will cheat. RIGHT?!
  • edited February 2013
    That's actually not a bad idea. We could easily have a tournament between us over the Internets. I'm sure that nobody will cheat. RIGHT?!
    Suggestion: Besides the usual anti-cheat measures, you can require participants to record and submit their play. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good - cheaters in competitive matches have been caught with similar methods. And if you're caught cheating? Not only do you forfeit, you don't get to compete ever again.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'll need to acquire a webcam for the physical competitions.
  • edited February 2013
  • Omeganaut East phone calls are now. If your phone rings with a blocked number, pick it the fuck up. Then tell the PA guys what you think of them.
  • Okay, I just switched my reservation to the Langham, which is across the bridge (walkable) instead of next to the airport (definitely not). It's still not the Westin, but it's much better.
  • I hope they put up the panel schedule before long, because I need a direction to focus my PAX-related potential energy soon or I might explode.
  • My friend Mitch might not be able to afford to get to PAX, and if he can't go I can't either because I won't be able to afford to stay.

    Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
  • I think Ro/Jeremy/me still need a person for our room? I'm not sure since I haven't been paying attention lately >_>
  • No, we are currently full. It's George's friend, Dan. Sorry.
  • So the official name of the panel I will be on is: "The Impact of Video Game Design Techniques on Boardgames" at 10AM on Saturday in the Sphinx Theater. This ought to be... interesting. Was asked close to the panel deadline if I would jump on so I said yes. Now begins the process of studying up so I have more intelligent things to say than the rest of the panelists. This topic is not nearly as straightforward as it sounds.

    I do have one interesting source I'll be mining for information, Cryptozoic is doing an Assassin's Creed board game, with direct involvement of the Ubisoft dev team, so I'm gonna get a chance to do an interview for a future write-up and pick their brains while I'm at it.
  • 2 Fri/Sat/Sun rooms at the Westin opened up.
  • It's just a King Bed only. No good.
  • Out of interest, how far in advance do they announce the dates of PAX? As I'm looking into coming some time in the future (clearly not 2013) but need to know if there is responsible time to book flights around the date. (I live in the UK)
  • edited February 2013
    PAX East's future dates are already in the venue's schedule. PAX East 2014 is 4/11/2014 - 4/13/2014, for example.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • My cousin's indie game company, Rat Dog Games, has a booth at PAX East. Sadly, due to the new baby, I won't be attending PAX this year, but please stop by his booth and say hi. :)
  • Hey Enforcers, your department assignment requests are open. You should go there and do your thing.

    TT = #1
  • Time to Choose.
  • Hey Enforcers, your department assignment requests are open. You should go there and do your thing.

    TT = #1
    Oh you know I did.

  • BTW I thought I posted this earlier (maybe it hit the wrong thread?) but the department tournaments were all posted in the public PAX forums. Console tournaments is holding a Pac-Man CE DX tournament.
  • BTW I thought I posted this earlier (maybe it hit the wrong thread?) but the department tournaments were all posted in the public PAX forums. Console tournaments is holding a Pac-Man CE DX tournament.
    They've had a Pac-Man CE DX tournament for a few years now. I have not been able to participate due to it always conflicting with things, and also taking too long.
  • Most tournaments are a huge time commitment. That is, if it's not something like Tsuro or early Friday or Sunday table top tournaments.
  • Yeah. Netrunner tournaments in the city last from 10am to 4pm. Even then, the people in the finals last until 5 or 6. Why spend all that PAX time on one game when you can just do the FRC Grand Prix instead!
  • Welp, I'm on XA spareboard. I will see you guys approximately never.
  • I went for:

    1. Main Theater
    2. Line Entertainment
    3. JAM Space
    4. Line Management
    5. Satellite Theater

    1 is my wheelhouse of skills. 2 seems super fun, and also is in my wheelhouse of skills. 3 seems ultra chill. 4 is in my wheelhouse of skills. 5 is in my wheelhouse of skills.

  • The ONE YEAR I can not get to PAX and you could potentially be in JAMSpace with me rocking with the band, oi.
  • Sat Theater/Table Top/PC/PC/PC.
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