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Pax East 2013



  • Combine the two. All questions and answers must be given in rap form.
    I am pro this.

  • edited March 2013
    I kinda want to see Constantine's panel and I want to heckle the patent law panel, but my schedule is like so:

    Board games
    Board games
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • "Winning the PAX East Game" is up against both Storytime *and* PA Q&A? So if you want to win, you have to skip the panel on winning. How very Zen.

    I am simultaneously attracted to and repelled by "It’s Dangerous to Go Alone - The Take This Panel." It sounds a little like a panel my friend Dan does at ConnectiCon, which I've wanted to get to but is almost always up against one of mine.
  • GroupMe installed and Facebook Connected.
    So does that mean you both want in?

    Also, GroupMe doesn't throw notifications on Android when I get new messages. Is there a way to do a group GTalk or something? Might be preferable for all involved.

  • edited March 2013
    I believe the original reason GroupMe was chosen over something like G+ Messenger Groups is that GroupMe supports text messages for people who don't have smartphones. Do those people still exist (on FRCF)?
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I'm going to avoid the GroupMe just because I don't want to get hit by the roaming charges my provider will hit me with in the States.
  • An agreed-upon twitter hashtag sounds way simpler than GroupMe.
  • At least one member of our group definitely does not have a smartphone, so the SMS solution is best, at least for small-group communications about logistics.
  • An agreed-upon twitter hashtag sounds way simpler than GroupMe.
    Not ideal for those of us who don't want to spam our non-PAXing followers with stuff they don't care about.
  • Badge came in the mail today. I'm so excited I can almost taste it.
    An agreed-upon twitter hashtag sounds way simpler than GroupMe.
    Not ideal for those of us who don't want to spam our non-PAXing followers with stuff they don't care about.
    Why not use both? That way everyone has a way to hear about interesting shit.
  • edited March 2013
    People are generally tweeting stuff already. The GroupMe is more for coordinating with FRCF people, without the noise of twitter and with some semblance of privacy (I wouldn't post the Geekroom number on twitter, but I might send it out to forumites who want to come over and play games, for example).

    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • FYI: I will trade for LoL swag.
  • In two weeks, I'll already be at home packing and taking care of last minute stuff.



  • Too soon Executus! You have awakened me too soon!
  • By fire be purged!

    (Please tell me you're using a WoW reference.)
  • Enjoy it guys I will be rocking at ZENKAIKON MOTHER FUCKERS!

  • Doing a Hotline Miami cosplay. Gonna ride elevators for an hour in the early morning and see what happens.
  • Enjoy it guys I will be rocking at ZENKAIKON MOTHER FUCKERS!
  • Badge came in the mail today. We are doing this. We are making this happen.
  • edited March 2013
    If mine have come today I will be in contact with those I've talked to about badges ASAP to get them out in time.
    Post edited by MATATAT on

    These badges are high-quality and, as Scrym has mentioned in the past, damn near impossible to effectively counterfeit.
  • ohjeez, I am leaving for PAX in almost exactly two weeks. THIS IS HAPPENING YOU GUYS.
  • Doing a Hotline Miami cosplay. Gonna ride elevators for an hour in the early morning and see what happens.
    If I see you when I'm in my early morning groggy state, I might attack you. Just apologizing in advance.

    Also, I really need to play some Android: Netrunner at PAX. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but it sounds like the business.
  • I have officially the laziest cosplay, as I am just going to comb my hair into a swirl and wear black jeans and a Roxy Lalonde t-shirt. I might dig up my old Blu Medic cosplay, who knows.
  • Gonna bring a set of iPod speakers and play this on repeat while I chill in the elevator.

  • That is seriously the best cosplay. Get somebody in a white suit you can beat to death and it'll be golden.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    When should we schedule the inevitable FRCF meetup at PAX? Before the con on Thursday or Friday evening?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I'll still be driving on Thursday so if it is Thursday I shall miss it. Not that any of you shall miss me.
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