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Pax East 2013



  • It is like $2 a person. Very convenient.
  • Silver Line to Trade Center. Can't go wrong.
  • Got me a Friday badge! So flipping excited!
  • It is actually faster and cheaper for me to fly out of PHL then it is to take a bus or
  • Wow, really? What kind of flight deal are you getting? I know trains are ridiculously expensive. If you're trying to shave costs wherever possible, have you considered train to NYC and Bolt Bus from there?
  • Wow, really? What kind of flight deal are you getting? I know trains are ridiculously expensive. If you're trying to shave costs wherever possible, have you considered train to NYC and Bolt Bus from there?
    The Main issue is getting to Boston in a reasonable amount of time (leaving at noon from the office arriving when people are evening gaming). I could train to Boston or train to nyc and then bus but the issue is I be arriving at 10 PM - 12 AM. If I were to drive to PHL, park in a discount car park, and then fly I arrive around 4 PM and be almost the same price as the other way and I get there 6 hours ahead of schedule. The coming back I could give no shits about.
  • ...shit I will be driving up this year, simply put the earliest I can guarantee to arrive would be 5:30ish by car leaving straight from the office. This is all barring taxes and F#$%ING need one more form so I can get them done.
  • I had a dream I was already at PAX East. I arrived on an earlier flight from Jeremy. Forgot my external battery charger and my 3DS. I was already board gaming it up with my peeps, but we had to want on Scott because he was hitting on a girl.
  • I had a dream I was already at PAX East. I arrived on an earlier flight from Jeremy. Forgot my external battery charger and my 3DS. I was already board gaming it up with my peeps, but we had to want on Scott because he was hitting on a girl.
    Yeah, hitting on so many girls. When was the last time I was the one that people had to wait for to play games? It's always me waiting for everyone else.
  • Which was when I realized it was a dream. ( *`ω´)

    But I will say the girl you were bustin' a mack on what choice.
  • Which was when I realized it was a dream. ( *`ω´)

    But I will say the girl you were bustin' a mack on what choice.
    If you see her at PAX, point her out to me.
  • I was planning on skipping the concert this year, but since the drama with JoCo and Glee has exploded in recent days, I'm sure his show is bound to be worth going to again.
  • Gah I can't type in this phone. But, I will keep an eye out.
  • Train tickets bought.
  • I found out last week that an RPG panel we submitted was accepted. I'll be a panelist at PAX East, which should be a lot of fun!

    I'll also be running games at Games on Demand. If you're into indie RPGs, definitely check it out.
  • I will make you run Freemarket again. I just assume that the only way I will ever get to play Freemarket is with okeefe at conventions.
  • edited February 2013
    I am bringing FreeMarket, and I've got two people interested already. I'll add you to the potential player list.

    I'm probably going to make you do character generation, though! It takes longer, but it's more fun for me—more bizarre users that way.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • Oh mans, you're running Freemarket? Is there another slot available?
  • Oh mans, you're running Freemarket? Is there another slot available?
    There was, last PAX East, but you didn't show up.
  • Was this the one on Sunday? I was told that was cancelled.
  • I would also want in, but I doubt I'll have time. And what I really want is an excuse to play Eclipse - maybe Thursday evening?
  • Depending on my luggage restrictions, I might be able to bring Eclipse with me so we can get a private game on in the GeekRoom.
  • I feel like "GeekRoom" at PAX is kind of redundant. Aren't they all geek rooms? :P
  • Yes, but this one is the greatest of all GeekRooms.

    The Westin reserves quite a bit of space for use by PAXers as well, so we can do that. And then we can also get drinks from the ludicrously expensive hotel bar.
  • we can also get drinks

  • edited February 2013
    GeekRoom Omega. The Suite of Sin, The Den of Geek Iniquity.
    we can also get drinks
    Implying I'm not bringing a bottle of Laphroaig for us to sip like proper Glaswegian badmen

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Where can I get this unlimited juice?
  • I would also like to know about this unlimited Jews.
  • I'm down for Eclipse if you throw in the expansion, I haven't had the chance to play it yet. Plus I want to see what I'm missing staying in my crappy hotel.
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